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Displaying posts with tag: Linux (reset)
Apache on Fedora 30

There was an option during the Fedora 30 Workstation installation to add the Apache Web Server, but you need to set it to start automatically. Unfortunately, there was no option to install PHP, which I thought odd because of how many web developers learn the trade first on PHP with a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python) stack. You see how to fix that shortcoming in this post and how to install and test PHP, mysqli, and pdo to support MySQL 8.

Before you do that make sure you install MySQL 8. You can find my prior blog post on that here.

You set Apache to start automatically, on the next boot of the operating system, with the following command:

chkconfig httpd on

It creates a symbolic link:

Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → …
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Text processing experiments for finding the MySQL configuration files

When it comes to configuring MySQL, a fundamental step is to find out which configuration files the MySQL server reads.

The operation itself is simple, however, if we want to script the operation, using text processing in a sharp way, it’s not immediate what the best solution is.

In this post I’ll explore the process of looking for a satisfying solution, going through grep, perl, and awk.


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errno: 24 - Too many open files

errno: 24 - Too many open files
You might see this error inside MySQL's error log file or during mysql_upgrade operation.

Can't open file: ‘./db/table.frm' (errno: 24 - Too many open files)
To solve this issue, you will need to change the open files limit at system and db service level.

--> To check and change this limit at the system level, we use ulimit client tool to set it dynamically.

* Check current system open file limit.
root@test:~# ulimit -a core file size          (blocks, -c) 0 data seg …

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Thumb rule to choose Percona-Server ssl Linux-Generic package

Thumb rule to choose Percona-Server ssl Linux-Generic package

Here below are my thumb rules to choose which ssl linux-generic package, you should download for your system.

Like here we can see if we need to download Percona-Server Linux-Generic package then We can see here we have couple of packages available with different ssl(100/101/102) versions.

Here you should choose below package based on your operating system.

Debian …

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dim_STAT : Collect MySQL & System stats @Linux locally

Generally you have much bigger benefit with dim_STAT when you're collecting and analyzing your data live (online). However, there maybe still many situations when this is simply not possible (due security restrictions, wide remote distance, or simply externally inaccessible hosts, etc.) -- for such cases dim_STAT has special tool EasySTAT allowing you to collect all the needed stats locally on the given machine, and then later to upload them to your dim_STAT server for post-analyze. To simplify overall setup, EasySTAT is integrated into STAT-service of dim_STAT and can be directly involved from there, also following the same rules for MySQL access and so on (e.g. if your STAT-service is already operational, then your EasySTAT will be too ;-))

The following article is explaining how to deploy and start EasySTAT

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MySQL 5.7 Binary install on Linux

In Generic binary Installation method, we are extracting compressed tar files of MySQL and later we can do customization for MySQL setup as per our requirement. Like having different data directory, log directory etc.

MySQL Generic Binaries can be used to install MySQL on Unix/Linux platforms.

MySQL Installation has a dependency on the libaio library. Make sure that is there on a server before mysql install.

  • Create a mysql user and group, which we will use as a service account for the mysql server.

shell> groupadd mysql

shell> useradd -r -g mysql -s /bin/false mysql

  • Extract MySQL binaries TAR to mysql base directory for example in /mysql dir

  • Create require directories and set appropriate permissions.

shell> cd mysql

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Configuring efficient MySQL Logrotate

I am a Junior DBA at Mydbops. This is my first blog professionally, I would like to brief my encounter with Log-rotate in first few weeks of my work,  Hope it will help other beginners as well. This Blog will cover the following sections.

  • Introduction to Log-rotate

  • Issues Faced

  • Solutions (Fix for the above issues)

  • Best practices

    • How to configure the Log-rotate

    • Operation of Log-rotate

    • Files responsible for the Log_rotate utility.

1.0. Introduction to Log-rotate:

  • Log-rotate is a utility and …

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Modifying List of Collected Metrics on PMM Linux Exporter

Do you need to modify the metrics collected from Linux by Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)? In this blog post we will see how to enable, disable, and update collected metrics on PMM’s linux:metrics exporter. 

We will assume that the PMM client packages are installed, and they are configured already.

Using a custom list of metrics

Let’s now suppose we are not yet collecting any metrics on our desired client server, and we want to enable only the following: diskstats, meminfo, netdev and vmstat. We can use the following …

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Docker Guide: Deploying Ghost Blog with MySQL and Traefik with Docker

In this tutorial, we will show step-by-step how to install and configure Ghost as a Docker container. We will install and configure Ghost under the latest Docker CE version, use the MySQL as a database and use the Traefik as a Reverse Proxy.

How To design a better Ansible Role for MySQL Environment ?

In our earlier stage of Ansible, we just wrote simple playbook and ad-hoc command with very long ansible hosts file. When we plan to use Ansible extensively in our daily production use case, we understand that simple playbooks don’t help to scale up to our expectation.

Even though we had options for separate variables, handlers and template files according to our requirements, this un-organized way didn’t help. It looked very messy and made me unhappy when I saw the code too.  That’s the place we decided to use Ansible Role.

My understanding of Ansible Roles?

The role is the primary mechanism for breaking a playbook into multiple files, we can simply refer to the Python Package. Roles help to group multiple tasks, Jinja2 template file, variable file and handlers into a clean directory structure. This will help us to reduce the syntax error while developing and also …

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