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Displaying posts with tag: aws (reset)
Supercharge your Reporting: Aurora Autoscaling and Custom Endpoints

Whenever we talk about the scalability of databases its end up with a lot of discussions and effort to implement. Some of you may even argue that it is a bad idea to auto scale the transactional databases. But the pace of innovation in databases — particularly on a world with public cloud, is breathtaking. AWS Aurora is a game changer database engine in DBaaS for Open Source Databases. It provides performance, reliability, availability, and Scalability. With Aurora features like custom endpoints and loadbalancing across replicas, on can explore some interesting use cases. In this post, we will discuss how we solved a customer’s problem by using scalability features of Aurora. We will focus on provisioned Aurora on AWS, not Aurora Serverless.

We have a customer who was doing all the reporting and massive read …

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Create Aurora Read Replica With AWS CLI/Lambda Python

Today I was working for a scaleable solution in Aurora. Im going to publish that blog post soon in Searce Blog. As a part of this solution, I want to create Aurora read replicas programmatically. So we have done the create aurora read replica with AWS CLI and Lambda with Python. If you refer the …

The post Create Aurora Read Replica With AWS CLI/Lambda Python appeared first on SQLgossip.

Create Aurora Read Replica With AWS CLI/Lambda Python

Today I was working for a scaleable solution in Aurora. Im going to publish that blog post soon in Searce Blog. As a part of this solution, I want to create Aurora read replicas programmatically. So we have done the create aurora read replica with AWS CLI and Lambda with Python. If you refer the AWS Doc, they mentioned there is no separate module for creating Aurora Read replica in boto3 or cli. Instead we can use create-db-instance. Many people may confused with this term. This blog will help them to create aurora read replicas using AWS CLI and Lambda.

Required Permission:

If you are running this code via lambda then you can use the below policy.

  • Lambda - Create a new role for lambda and attach inline policy
  • EC2 Role - Create a new …
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Will IO Size Affect your RDS Performance?​

During our recent consulting with one of our client, We came across an interesting issue on RDS. The baseline is that “Low IO size on your RDS instance can affect your DB performance”.  Yes, It’s IO size, Not IOPS.

We had our production systems running on RDS MySQL with a single master, 3 replicas. All instances are of same type db.m4.4xlarge with same parameter group configuration and the disk size is 1.5 TB. According to the AWS user guide, each of these instances can support up to 4500 (sustained IOPS) guaranteed IOPS.

Find below the Write IOPS graph for all the instances.

It’s understood that Write IOPS / pattern on Master can vary when compared with Slave, due to a lot of factors like binlog row format, log writing etc. But it has to be almost similar for all the slaves given that it …

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AWS Aurora MySQL – HA, DR, and Durability Explained in Simple Terms

It’s a few weeks after AWS re:Invent 2018 and my head is still spinning from all of the information released at this year’s conference. This year I was able to enjoy a few sessions focused on Aurora deep dives. In fact, I walked away from the conference realizing that my own understanding of High Availability (HA), Disaster Recovery (DR), and Durability in Aurora had been off for quite a while. Consequently, I decided to put this blog out there, both to collect the ideas in one place for myself, and to share them in general. Unlike some of our previous blogs, I’m not focused on analyzing Aurora performance or examining the architecture behind Aurora. Instead, I want to focus on how HA, DR, and Durability are defined and implemented within the Aurora ecosystem.  We’ll get just deep enough into the weeds to be able to examine these capabilities alone.

Aurora MySQL – What is it?

We’ll start with a simplified …

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Amazon RDS Aurora MySQL – Differences Among Editions

Amazon Aurora with MySQL Compatibility comes in three editions which, at the time of writing, have quite a few differences around the features that they support.  Make sure you don’t assume the newer Aurora 2.x supports everything in Aurora 1.x. On the contrary, right now Aurora 1.x (MySQL 5.6 based) supports most Aurora features.  The serverless option was launched for this version, and it’s not based on the latest MySQL 5.7.  However, the serverless option, too, has its own set of limitations

I found a concise comparison of what is available in which Amazon Aurora edition hard to come by so I’ve created one.  The table was compiled based mostly on documentation research, so if you spot some mistakes please let me know and I’ll make a correction.

Please keep in mind, this is expected to …

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ProxySQL Series:​ Amazon Aurora (RDS) Read-Write Split.

In this blog we are going to see how to implement Proxysql for Amazon Aurora RDS, this would be next in series of ProxySQL blogs. Below is the list of our previous blogs on ProxySQL which provides deeper insights based on different use cases and different architecture.

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Percona Database Performance Blog 2018 Year in Review: Top Blog Posts

Let’s look at some of the most popular Percona Database Performance Blog posts in 2018.

The closing of a year lends itself to looking back. And making lists. With the Percona Database Performance Blog, Percona staff and leadership work hard to provide the open source community with insights, technical support, predictions and metrics around multiple open source database software technologies. We’ve had nearly 4 million visits to the blog in 2018: thank you! We look forward to providing you with even better articles, news and information in 2019.

As 2018 moves into 2019, let’s take a quick look back at some of the most popular posts on the blog this year.

Top 10 Most Read

These posts had the most number of views (working down from the highest):

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AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS) – Can We Get It Truly Elastic?

At AWS Re:Invent 2018 there were many great announcements of AWS New Services and New Features, but one basic feature that I’ve been waiting for years to be released is still nowhere to be  found.

AWS Elastic Block Storage (EBS) is great and it’s got better through the years, adding different storage types and features like Provisioned IOPS. However, it still has the most basic inconvenient requirement – I have to decide in advance how much space I need to allocate, and pay for all of that allocated space whether I use it or not.

It would be so much better if AWS would allow true consumption model pricing with EBS, where you pay for the storage used, not the storage allocated. This is already the case for S3, …

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Migrate MySQL data to RDS/Aurora Using Xtrabackup

In this blog, I will provide a step by step procedure to migrate from on-premise MySQL to Amazon RDS/Aurora using Percona-xtrabackup

Both RDS and Aurora is a DBAAS provided by Amazon. To know more on DBAAS you can view our presentation here.

When you are having a database in size of few GB, it would be very convenient to take a logical backup using a logical backup tool such as Mysqldump or Mydumper and restore it Amazon RDS/Aurora easily. But this is not the case when you are having a data size of a few hundred GB or TB, Where the logical backup and restore is very painful and time-consuming. To overcome this we can use …

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