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Displaying posts with tag: devops (reset)
Setting Up Databases in your Development Environment

Setting up databases in development environments can be challenging.

Normally, what I usually see is some automated process for setting up empty databases with up-to-date data structures. This is helpful for integration testing, but is tricky for actual development as well as performance testing. 
For example:

  • It is difficult to conceptually get your head around writing a query when you cannot see any data in your tables
  • You cannot possibly know if your query is slow before you deploying it to production without running it against 'some' data.

Relevant Post: How to Not be the One that Deploys that Slow Query to Production
In addition, there can be a strict requirement to not let sensitive customer data be available outside certain secure environments and …

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“Look: I/O thread is waiting for disk space!”

MySQL 8.0.1 introduced a work with replication threads mutexes in order to improve performance. In MySQL 8.0.2 the same work was extended, focusing in usability, and revamped how replication deals with disk-full conditions, improving the responsiveness of both monitoring commands and administrative commands such as KILL, as well as making status messages much more precise and helpful.…

Docker, MySQL and Experience in Containers

Recently I posted a blog on my time attending a DevOps event in Toronto.  In that blog I had intended to focus on the conference and highlight some of the topics that stood out for me.  In this blog though, I wanted to share what others were doing with containers like Docker, and particularly and… Read More »

DevOpsDays Toronto: Community, Collaboration and Supporting the change in IT

I recently attended DevOpsDays Toronto 2017, my first proper DevOpsDaysTO event.  I had the pleasure of attending and being able to immerse myself in this openly collaborative and supportive culture of IT professionals.  The variety of considerations expressed for delivering software features in a rapidly, frequently and reliable release focused manner was really intriguing….but not without its own complexities.… Read More »

A roughneck walk down database alley

via GIPHY I was just responding to some Disqus comments on a recent blog post. Admittedly it had a provocative title Will SQL databases just die already. What do you think? Join 34,000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. A reader pointed out that some No-SQL databases do support joins. Huh? My face … Continue reading A roughneck walk down database alley →

MySQL InnoDB Cluster: Automated Installation with Puppet

We saw yesterday that the new MySQL Shell was out and how we could create a MySQL InnoDB Cluster manually using the Shell.

Today, I would like to show you how easy it is to create recipes to automate all the process. I have created a Puppet module that can be used as Proof-of-concept (You might need more features to use it in production, feel free to fork it).

The module can be found on this github repo.

When using Puppet, I really like to put all configuration in hiera.


We have 3 GNU/Linux servers: mysql1, mysql2 and mysql3.

We won’t install anything related to MySQL manually, everything will be handled by Puppet.

Nodes definition …

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Monitoring MySQL Health and Performance with Netsil

MySQL continues to be one of the most popular databases used in cloud-native applications. In fact, MySQL is so popular that other cloud databases such as AWS Aurora maintain wire protocol compatibility with MySQL. For SREs and DevOps engineers running MySQL database in production, it is crucial to understand how to monitor MySQL. MySQL poor health can lead to cascading effects on other application components. For example, slow queries can impact page load times for an application, or missing indexes can result in high-latency and application time-outs. By effectively monitoring the performance of databases and query executions, SREs and DevOps can identify if there are bottlenecks in the database tier which affect the overall application performance. With this appreciation for the importance of MySQL monitoring, let us quickly survey what techniques are commonly used for MySQL monitoring and then discuss …

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Scale With MaxScale – Part 2

In this post, We’re going share the details about Operation and Administration part of the MaxScale. To view Installation and Configuration of MaxScale checkout our previous blog.

Before going through this week’s topic, I would highlight some recent change at MaxScale has went through.

From Version 2.0, MaxScale license changed from GPLv2 to MariaDB BSL.

MariaDB BSL enforces usage limitation for free use, require licensing for the unlimited access.

" Usage Limitation: Usage of the software is free when your application uses …
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Vagrant environment to test MySQL Group Replication 0.8

Vadim Tkachenko recently released  Docker images for Group Replication (thank you for that ).

As not everybody is already using Docker or just because having multiple choices is also nice (this is an OpenSource world isn’t it ?), I decided to share a Vagrant environment that you can use to evaluate Group Replication.

This environment provides also a module that can be used to deploy GR on any other environment managed by Puppet.

The repository is available on my github account: mysqlGR-vagrant

This is a quick demo on how to use it:

Tadam ! You have a MySQL Group of 3 members ready to use !

MySQL with Docker – Performance characteristics

Docker presents new levels of portability and ease of use when it comes to deploying systems. We have for some time now released Dockerfiles and scripts for MySQL products, and are not surprised by it steadily gaining traction in the development community.…

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