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Medium Cross-post – CodeIgniter 4 CRUD: Update

In some applications, data may never change. Yet, in others, data changes numerous times in its lifecycle. In SQL the UPDATE command changes existing rows of data. CodeIgniter 4 Models have 2 methods available for update operations: update() and save(). Continue reading and learn more about update()


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CodeIgniter 4 CRUD Series with MySQL

This post is a re-share of an article I originally published on my Medium account and is part 3 in the CodeIgniter 4 CRUD with MySQL series. Be sure and …

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Medium Cross-post – CodeIgniter 4 CRUD: Read

Storing data is but one part of many in application development. Once data is stored, interested parties will likely want to see it. This is the Read aspect of CRUD – reading (or viewing) the data. Continue reading and see examples using CodeIgniter 4 built-in Model methods…


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In part 1 of this series, CodeIgniter 4 CRUD with MySQL: Create, I used the Model insert() method to store new rows of data. Now that the data is present in the table, we want to see that data.

There are 2 built-in Model …

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Medium Cross-post: CodeIgniter 4 CRUD – Create

I’m studying and beginning to use CodeIgniter 4 in ‘real-world‘ projects and want to share what I learn, as I pick up on concepts of the framework. I’m posting a series of CRUD-related posts over on Medium and resharing them here for any readers who are interested…

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Galera Manager deploying on AWS with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and MySQL 8

Since we just released Galera Manager, it seemed like a good idea to do a deployment on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and MySQL 8.

We start by launching an EC2 instance and choosing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (HVM) and most importantly, we only choose the 64-bit (x86) architecture as we do not support ARM just yet. We choose a t2.micro instance for Galera Manager since this is just a test instance, but it is well worth knowing that 10GB which is the default EBS size may be a little small if you plan on using this for sometime.

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Codership Releases Galera Manager to easily deploy and manage Galera Clusters on premise and in Amazon Web Services

Codership, the leading MySQL High Availability clustering solutions company behind Galera Cluster, is pleased to announce the general availability of Galera Manager, a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) tool to easily deploy and manage your Galera Clusters. With today’s release, you can now create fully managed clusters in Amazon Web Services, you can also deploy clusters on user provided hosts (on premise or in the cloud) and you can also fully monitor your existing clusters.

We now have the concept of a managed node (your typical MySQL instance) and managed host (your typical Linux instance) which you use to deploy Galera Cluster in Amazon EC2, a managed node and a monitored host for user provided hosts (on premise or …

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Galera Cluster for MySQL training in September

Codership, the developers of Galera Cluster for MySQL, provides training sessions in September 2021 for EMEA and USA timezone.

The Advanced Database Administrator with Galera Cluster training course teaches you how to install and configure in real-time a Galera Cluster for your application use cases. You will participate in interactive hands-on labs. Our expert instructor will teach you how to design and maintain your Galera Cluster for MySQL high availability and scalability. If you are a DBA or been given a Galera Cluster to manage, this is the course for you, as you’ll learn how to run your Galera Cluster in an optimal fashion, from setup, performance tuning, monitoring, as well as backups and more.

For more information, please read the full CONTENT BRAKEDOWN  course.

Course Dates



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Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7.34 and 8.0.25 released

Codership is pleased to announce a new Generally Available (GA) release of the multi-master Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7 and 8.0, consisting of MySQL-wsrep 5.7.34 (release notes, download) and MySQL-wsrep 8.0.25 (release notes, download) with Galera replication library 3.34 (release notes, download) implementing wsrep API version 25 …

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Disaster Recovery with Galera Cluster 2021 Edition webinar wrap-up

We might have had one of our largest, most well attended webinars in recent times, for both EMEA and North American timezones, and we thank you for attending. We had many good questions, and we realise that this is a popular topic, so expect to get more blog posts around this. It also helps us drive the development of Galera Manager further, to know what you want (a new release, is just around the corner).

The video recording  of the webinar is available and we encourage you to take a gander.

We did demo a 9-node Galera Cluster running across San Francisco, London and Singapore, and also discussed latency for local nodes, a local Galera Cluster, as well as what penalty you …

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Using the audit log plugin within your Galera Cluster

Codership first released a version of MySQL 5.7 with the audit log plugin back when Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.7.30 was released back in June 2020. More recently, we also added the audit log plugin to Galera Cluster for MySQL 5.6.51 in April 2021, but I guess the most important was that we also started including it in Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0.21 too. We also started supporting it across various distributions, including Debian. For today’s exercise, we will use Galera Cluster for MySQL 8.0.23 on CentOS 7 (compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7). …

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Disaster Recovery with Galera Cluster 2021 Edition Webinar

We talk a lot about Galera Cluster for MySQL being great for High Availability, but what about Disaster Recovery (DR)? Database outages may occur when you lose a data centre due to power outages or natural disaster, so why not plan appropriately in advance?

In this webinar, we will discuss the business considerations including achieving the highest possible uptime, focus on business impact, risk mitigation, and disaster recovery itself. What scenarios are right for you: fully synchronous replication across various data centres? A mix of synchronous and asynchronous to an offsite location?

We will discuss Galera Cluster, mixed setups, the use of proxies, and also evaluate some third party solutions. We will debunk claims about how Galera Cluster might not work across data centers, tell you how to successfully do this across data centres, with performance tuning settings for all the segments. Galera 4 has also been released, making …

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