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Displaying posts with tag: Percona Toolkit (reset)
Integrating pt-online-schema-change with a Scripted Deployment

Recently, I helped a client that was having issues with deployments causing locking in their production databases.  At a high level, the two key components used in the environment were:

  • Capistrano (scripted deployments) [website]
  • Liquibase (database version control) [website]

At a high level, they currently used a CLI call to Liquibase as a sub-task within a larger deployment task.  The goal of this engagement was to modify that sub-task to run Liquibase in a non-blocking fashion as opposed to the default that just runs native ALTERS against the database.

As I wasn’t very familiar with Liquibase, I took this opportunity to learn more about it and it seems like a very valuable tool.  Essentially, it does the following:

  • Adds two version control tables to …
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Quick link to Percona Toolkit bugs

In this post I wanted to highlight<tool>

 , for example:  This only works for Percona Toolkit.  We often advise people to check a tool’s current bugs, but we don’t always say how.

The official link for Percona Toolkit bugs on Launchpad is, but then you still have search from there.  So this quick link is a lot easier if, for example, pt-stalk fails to parse df with NFS

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How to reclaim space in InnoDB when innodb_file_per_table is ON

When innodb_file_per_table is OFF and all data is going to be stored in ibdata files. If you drop some tables of delete some data then there is no any other way to reclaim that unused disk space except dump/reload method.

When Innodb_file_per_table is ON, each table stores data and indexes in it’s own tablespace file. However, the shared tablespace-ibdata1 can still grow and you can check more information here about why it grows and what are the solutions.

Following the recent blog post from Miguel Angel Nieto titled “ …

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How InnoDB promotes UNIQUE constraints

The other day I was running pt-duplicate-key-checker on behalf of a customer and noticed some peculiar recommendations on an InnoDB table with an odd structure (no PRIMARY key, but multiple UNIQUE constraints). This got me thinking about how InnoDB promotes UNIQUE constraints to the role of PRIMARY KEYs. The documentation is pretty clear:

When you define a PRIMARY KEY on your table, InnoDB uses it as the clustered index. Define a primary key for each table that you create. If there is no logical unique and non-null column or set of columns, add a new auto-increment column, whose values are filled in automatically.

If you do not define a PRIMARY KEY for your table, MySQL locates the first UNIQUE index where all the key …

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Want to archive tables? Use Percona Toolkit’s pt-archiver

Percona Toolkit’s pt-archiver is one of the best utilities to archive the records from large tables to another tables or files. One interesting thing is that pt-archiver is a read-write tool. It deletes data from the source by default, so after archiving you don’t need to delete it separately.

As it is done by default, you should take care before actually running it on then production server. You can test your archiving jobs with the – dry-run  OR you can use the –no-delete option if you’re not sure about. The purpose of this script is mainly to archive old data from the table without impacting OLTP queries and insert the data into …

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The top 5 proactive measures to minimize MySQL downtime

I’m happy to announce that the recording for my recent webinar “5 Proactive Measures to Minimize MySQL Downtime” is now available, along with the slides. They can both be found here.

My webinar focused on the top 5 operational measures that prevent or reduce downtime — along with the related business impact in a significant number of customer emergency scenarios.

As a senior consultant on Percona’s 24×7 Emergency Consulting team, I’ve helped resolve a …

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Your troubles are over, pt-heartbeat 2.1

Poor pt-heartbeat 2.1: it was perfectly fine through Percona Toolkit 2.1.7, but it’s had a rough life since. Its troubles are finally over as of Percona Toolkit 2.1.10. At a conference recently, a user joked to me that “Percona Toolkit is awesome, but you really broke pt-heartbeat.” It’s true, and if you haven’t heard or experienced the story, here it is for the record.

Since the dawn of time, pt-heartbeat had computed slave lag like:

t1=time (Perl) --> replicate --> t2=time (Perl); lag = t2 - t1

Surprisingly, that worked for many years despite what should have been an obvious problem: different time zones: t1 could be in PST …

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Percona Toolkit 2.1.10 is now available

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Toolkit 2.1.10 on July 18th, 2013 (Downloads are available here).

Bugs Fixed:

  • Unfortunately, the relatively new --utc option for pt-heart was still broken because “MySQL interprets date as a value in the current time zone and converts it to an internal value in UTC.” Now the tool works correctly with --utc by specifying “SET time_zone='+0:00'“, and older versions of the tool can be made to work by specifying --set-vars "time_zone='+0:00'". Bug fixed …
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Percona Toolkit 2.2.4 is now available

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Toolkit 2.2.4 on July 17th, 2013 (Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories).

New Features:

  • pt-query-digest --output json includes query examples as of v2.2.3. Some people might not want this because it exposes real data. New option, --output json-anon, has been implemented. This option will provide the same data without query examples. It’s …
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Percona Toolkit 2.2.3 released; bug fixes include pt-online-schema-change

Among all of the excellent events going on like YAPCVelocity, and Percona MySQL University, we recently released Percona Toolkit 2.2.3. It’s a small update that includes the following:

  • pt-online-schema-change did not handle the failure of the DROP TRIGGER statements correctly
  • Created pt-agent
  • pt-query-digest –output json now includes more data

The pt-online-schema-change issue had a high importance. The bug fix is bug …

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