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Displaying posts with tag: Open Source (reset)
What to expect at ProxySQL Technology Day in Ghent

On October 3rd ProxySQL will have it’s very first technology day. They have chosen the lovely city of Ghent, Belgium, my home town, as the place to be. For those attending Percona Live Europe in Amsterdam, this is a great opportunity to extend your stay for a bit and take a two-hour train ride from the Percona Live venue at Amsterdam airport to Ghent where you can get some additional ProxySQL-specific content.

The ProxySQL team has selected a few experienced speakers to come and talk about their product. Vlad Fedorkov from ProxySQL LLC will have two sessions. The first one will be about High Performance MySQL and the second one will be about traffic management and performance troubleshooting. Oracle’s MySQL Community Manager, Frederic Descamps, will talk about using ProxySQL with InnoDB Cluster (Group Replication) and Percona’s Marco Tusa …

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MySQL-Router 8.0.17 Linux integration and Group Replication metadata refresh

The MySQL Router is evolving quickly, seemingly following fast in areas that matter for InnoDB Cluster. For instance, this blog post from Jan Kneschke in MySQL-Router 8.0.16 an http webserver was added to support monitoring and management of the router instance.  The webserver stages the way for those things at least, which is great next… Read More »

MySQL-Router 8.0.17 Linux integration and Group Replication metadata refresh

The MySQL Router is evolving quickly, seemingly following fast in areas that matter for InnoDB Cluster. Updated May 20, 2020: added MySQL account for router, added list-router output at the end For instance, this blog post from Jan Kneschke in MySQL-Router 8.0.16 an http webserver was added to support monitoring and management of the router… Read More »

Using linux-fincore to Check Linux Page Cache Usage

In this short blog post, we will check how to use linux-fincore to check which files are in the in-memory Linux page cache. To have an introductory read about the Linux page cache check here and here.

In summary, whenever you read from or write to a file (unless you are using Direct_IO to bypass the functionality), the result is cached in memory, so that subsequent requests can be served from it, instead of the orders of magnitude-slower disk subsystem (it can also be used to cache writes, before flushing them to disk). This is done as far as there is memory that is not being used by any process; whenever there is a shortage of otherwise free memory, the kernel will choose to first evict the page cache …

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Upcoming Mydbops Database Meetup -4 (03-08-2019)

Mydbops continues with its commitment to the open source community comprising of Database Administrators. After the successful conduct of three meet-ups in the past, we are now stepping ahead on to the 4th edition of Mydbops Database meet-up.

First time, we are going to the new venue, thanks to the kind people of Zenefits Technologies India Pvt.Ltd., It is a real pleasure to be hosted by the like-minded organisation in the city of Bangalore, scheduled on Saturday, 3rd of August, 2019 at Zenefits Office.

In the past three editions, the focus was on the latest and hands-on topics by the selected speakers from the DBA World. This focus gets sharper this time as well. The topics for the 4 th Mydbops Database Meetup are:

InnoDB scalability improvements in MySQL 8.0Mr. Karthik P R, Founder / CEO of Mydbops, a MIT Masters …

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How to fix error when MySQL client fails to load SQL file with Blob data

In one of my latest database restore jobs, I was helping a MySQL client with issues related to mysqlbinlog and I wanted to share it here. In case you didn’t know, MySQL is a simple SQL shell with input line editing capabilities, while mysqlbinlog is a utility for processing binary logs a MySQL server. In this case, the server was MariaDB, but the utilities are the same. The database version was 10.1.38-MariaDB.

So, why use mysqlbinlog?

There are many reasons for using mysqlbinlog to process binary log files, but in this case, it was used for point-in-time recovery.

Let’s say you have an erroneous transaction that you run at 3:05 p.m. and your last full backup was run at 12 p.m. To be able to restore your database up to 3:05 p.m., you will need to restore the full backup that you took at 12 p.m. and then apply the events from your binary logs up to the time before you ran the erroneous transaction. This procedure is …

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Blog from the Top — The Changing Landscape of Open Source (MySQL) and Money

This is the first in a series of blog articles in which I will discuss the changing landscape of open source and money. Or, more specifically, open source databases and money. And even more specifically MySQL and its all variants (AWS Aurora, MariaDB, Percona Server, RDS/MySQL) and money. But before going too deep into what is changing, let’s review all the traditional business models in and around the MySQL marketplace.

In general, these are the following types of companies in the MySQL commercial ecosystem, sorted by total annual revenue and addressable market size:

  • Developers who do not aim to monetize the open source code, just provide value to others and hope to get development and other contributions in return. This is the purest form of open source. For example, all …
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How to Autoscale ProxySQL in the cloud

ProxySQL is a great tool. It’s one of the most recommended technologies in our Open Source Database practice.

Many of our clients are running it or are migrating towards it, but we’ve seen that it is pretty CPU-intensive. We’ve also seen strange behavior in the connection handling when reaching the CPU saturation point.

At this point, we noticed that the frontend_connections counter in the stats_mysql_users table was not decreasing even after the connections were no longer present at the network level. This counter is used to check the max_connections value in the mysql_users configuration table, causing frontend connections to receive a “Too many connections” error. So we determined that the key element here is to scale it properly. Obviously, all the major cloud providers can help us here as they all have features like auto-scaling groups.

Jervin Real of Percona has recently …

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Exposing MyRocks Internals Via System Variables: Part 7, Use Case Considerations

(In the previous post, Part 6, we covered Replication.)

In this final blog post, we conclude our series of exploring MyRocks by taking a look at use case considerations. After all, having knowledge of how an engine works is really only applicable if you feel like you’re in a good position to use it.

Advantages of MyRocks

Let’s start by talking about some of the advantages of MyRocks.


MyRocks will typically do a good job of reducing the physical footprint of your data. As I mentioned in my previous post in this series about compression, you have the ability to configure compression down to the individual compaction layers for each column family. You also get the advantage of the fact that data isn’t updated once it’s written to disk. Compaction, which was …

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Exposing MyRocks internals Via system variables: Part 6, Replication

(In the previous post, Part 5, we covered Data Reads.)

In this blog post, we continue our series of exploring MyRocks mechanics by looking at the configurable server variables and column family options. In our last post, I explained at a high level how reads occur in MyRocks, concluding the arc of covering how data moves into and out of MyRocks. In this post, we’re going to explore replication with MyRocks, more specifically read-free replication.

Some of you may already be familiar with the concepts of read-free replication as it was a key feature of the TokuDB engine, which leveraged fractal tree indexing. TokuDB was similar to MyRocks in the sense that it had a pseudo log-based storage …

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