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Displaying posts with tag: tuning (reset)
A quick rundown of per-thread buffers

I saw something interesting today when helping out someone on the #mysql IRC channel. It was a cnf file that was designed to destroy a server. Before I get into the why-not, here are the goods:

read_buffer = 128M
join_buffer = 128M
key_buffer = 512M
max_allowed_packet = 200M
thread_stack = 192K
thread_concurrency = 8
thread_cache_size = 64
query_cache_limit = 256M
query_cache_size = 256M
table_cache = 8192
query_cache_type = 1
sort_buffer = 128M
record_buffer = 128M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M
thread_cache = 64
max_user_connections = 500
wait_timeout = 200
max_connections = 4096
tmp_table_size = 1000M
max_heap_table_size = 1000M

Now, you may ask why these settings are bad. I will tell you. First, an equation for calculating per-thread …

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What Exactly is Swappiness?

This is an issue that keeps rearing its ugly head over and over again, and since it greatly affects performance, it is most important that DBAs of any DMBS running on Linux come to grips with it. So I decided to do some research and try different settings on my notebook. Here are my findings.

What can you find on the web?

A Wikipedia search for the word swappiness will come up empty (any volunteers out there want to write an article?). A Google search will show some pretty old material—the best article I found is from 2004: Linux: Tuning Swappiness. This article includes a detailed discussion with some interesting remarks by Andrew Morton, a Linux kernel maintainer.

So, what is swappiness?

Towards the end of the email thread quoted in the article, you’ll find this definition (sort of):

> I’ve read the source for where …

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A Brief Introduction to MySQL Performance Tuning

Here are some common performance tuning concepts that I frequently run into. Please note that this really is only a basic introduction to performance tuning. For more in-depth tuning, it strongly depends on your systems, data and usage. Server Variables For tuning InnoDB performance, your primary variable is innodb_buffer_pool_size. This is the chunk of memory that InnoDB uses for caching data,

OMG!! storedconfigs killed my database!

When I wrote my previous post titled all about storedconfigs, I was pretty confident I explained everything I could about storedconfigs… I was wrong of course

A couple of days ago, I was helping some USG admins who were facing an interesting issue. Interesting for me, but I don’t think they’d share my views on this, as their servers were melting down under the database load.

But first let me explain the issue.

The issue

The thing is that when a client checks in to get its configuration, the puppetmaster compiles its configuration to a digestible format and returns it. This operation is the process of transforming the AST built by parsing the …

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Plug In for Performance and Scalability

Why should you care about the latest “early adopter” release of the InnoDB Plugin, version 1.0.3?   One word: performance! The release introduces these features:

  • Enhanced concurrency & scalability: the “Google SMP patch” using atomic instructions for mutexing
  • More efficient memory allocation: ability to use more scalable platform memory allocator
  • Improved out-of-the-box scalability: unlimited concurrent thread execution by default
  • Dynamic tuning: at run-time, enable or disable insert buffering and adaptive hash indexing

These new performance features can yield up to twice the throughput or more, depending on your workload, platform and other tuning considerations. In another post, we explore some details about these changes, but first, what do these enhancements mean for performance and scalability?

In brief, we’ve …

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How much memory can MySQL use in the worst case?

I vaguely recall a couple of blog posts recently asking something like "what's the formula to compute mysqld's worst-case maximum memory usage?" Various formulas are in wide use, but none of them is fully correct. Here's why: you can't write an equation for it.

The most popular equation, of course, is the one in the error log after a crash: "It is possible that mysqld could use up to key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections". This was never true -- not even when ISAM and friends were the only storage engines, which was before most of us remember. And at a minimum, most servers these days need to consider the added memory for InnoDB: specifically, the buffer pool. (There's also an innodb_additional_mem_pool_size but it's typically set pretty small, like 20M).

But even that's not enough. Staying with InnoDB, we also need to count the data dictionary. This can take many gigabytes on servers with a lot …

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Profiling MySQL stored routines

These days I'm working with a customer who has an application based entirely on stored routines on MySQL side. Even though I haven't worked much with stored procedures, I though it's going to be a piece of cake. In the end - it was, but there's a catch.

My initial idea was - I'll just analyze queries in the slow query log generated by our mysql build running with long_query_time=0, get the slowest ones and work on them. It wasn't really all the way I expected..

For a showcase I have created a function "whatstheweatherlike". Let's call it and see what shows up in the slow query log:


  1. mysql> SELECT whatstheweatherlike(5);
  2. +----------------------------------------------------------+
  3. | …
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Goal driven performance optimization

When your goal is to optimize application performance it is very important to understand what goal do you really have. If you do not have a good understanding of the goal your performance optimization effort may well still bring its results but you may waste a lot of time before you reach same results as you would reach much sooner with focused approach.

The time is critical for many performance optimization tasks not only because of labor associated expenses but also because of the suffering - slow web site means your marketing budget is wasted, customer not completing purchases, users are leaving to competitors, all of this making the time truly critical matter.

So what can be the goal ? Generally I see there are 2 types of goals seen in practice. One is capacity goal this is when the system is generally overloaded so everything is slow, when you're just looking to see how you can get most out of your existing …

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How Percona does a MySQL Performance Audit

Our customers or prospective customers often ask us how we do a performance audit (it's our most popular service). I thought I should write a blog post that will both answer their question, so I can just reply "read all about it at this URL" and share our methodology with readers a little bit. This fits well with our philosophy of openness. It also shocks people sometimes -- "you're giving away the golden goose!" Not really. What you hire us for is our experience, not a recipe that anyone can follow.

A full performance audit is far more extensive than this article can cover, and might wander into Apache, networking config, caching layers, etc. Wherever the problem is, we'll track it down. I won't talk about that. That's not because I want to keep secrets from you. To the contrary, I'd love to share it all with you. But that's a huge job; it will take …

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How to calculate a good InnoDB log file size

Peter wrote a post a while ago about choosing a good InnoDB log file size.  Not to pick on Peter, but the post actually kind of talks about a lot of things and then doesn't tell you how to choose a good log file size!  So I thought I'd clarify it a little.

The basic point is that your log file needs to be big enough to let InnoDB optimize its I/O, but not so big that recovery takes a long time.  That much Peter covered really well.  But how do you choose that size? I'll show you a rule of thumb that works pretty well.

In most cases, when people give you a formula for choosing a configuration setting, you should look at it with skepticism.  But in this case you can calculate a reasonable value, believe it or not.  Run these queries at your server's peak usage time:

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