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Displaying posts with tag: json (reset)
MySQL 5.7 Introduces a JSON Data Type

There's a new JSON data type available in MySQL 5.7 that I've been playing with. I wanted to share some examples of when it's useful to have JSON data in your MySQL database and how to work with the new data types (not least so I can refer back to them later!)

MySQL isn't the first database to offer JSON storage; the document databases (such as MongoDB, CouchDB) work on a JSON or JSON-ish basis by design, and other platforms including PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQL Server also have varying degress of JSON support. With such wide adoption as MySQL has, the JSON features are now reaching a new tribe of developers.

Why JSON Is Awesome

Traditional database structures have us design table-shaped ways of storing all our data. As long as all your records (or "rows") are the same shape and have the same sorts of data in approximately the same quantities, this works brilliantly well. There are some common problems that aren't a good …

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Digging Down into JSON data with the MySQL Functions -- A Question from Peter Zaitsev -- Follow Up

Last time this blog covered digging into a JSON document in a MySQL 5.7 table. The goal was to pull certain records matching a particular criteria. Both Peter Zaitsev and Morgan Tocker get my thanks for their kind comments. My example was a little contrived in that an application would be used to fine tune seeking for a particular key value pair. I was trying to pull single records which is kind of silly when it is much easier to use PHP to parse the data. What follows below is a sample PHP script to grab out the matching records and then feed the results, the JSON document, into an array.

$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "hidave", "test");

/* check connection */
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n", …
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Upgrading JSON data stored in TEXT columns

One of the more frequently asked questions with MySQL 5.7 is “How can I upgrade my JSON data from using TEXT in an earlier version of MySQL to use the native JSON data type?”. Today I wanted to show an example of how to do so, using sample data from SF OpenData.…

Re: JSON document fast lookup with MySQL 5.7

This is a response to the JSON document fast lookup with MySQL 5.7 article by Frederic Descamp.

It is very easy to also use MySQL Workbench and the new GeoJSON support to actually show the features.

My query:
SELECT ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(feature->"$.geometry",2) AS feature 
FROM test_features WHERE street='BEACH' ;

The result:

Indexing JSON documents via Virtual Columns

In a previous post I took the new JSON datatype and functions for a test drive, using sample data provided by SF OpenData. Today I will extend that example to include indexing.

Introducing Generated Columns

MySQL 5.7 introduces a new feature called generated columns.…

JSON document fast lookup with MySQL 5.7

In this blog post, we’ll discuss JSON document fast lookup with MySQL 5.7.

Recently I attended Morgan Tocker’s talk on MySQL 5.7 and JSON at FOSDEM, and I found it awesome.

I learned some great information from the talk. Let me share one of them here: a very useful trick if you plan to store JSON documents in your MySQL database and want to retrieve the documents from some attribute’s values. So let’s look at how to do JSON document fast lookup with MySQL 5.7!

In this short example, I show you how we can speed up this type of search using JSON functions and virtual columns.

This our test table:

Table: test_features
Create Table: CREATE TABLE …
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Taking the new MySQL 5.7 JSON features for a test drive

MySQL 5.7 introduces both a new native JSON datatype, and a set of SQL functions to be able to manipulate and search data in a very natural way on the server-side. Today I wanted to show a simple of example of these features in action using sample data from SF OpenData.…

Loading JSON into MariaDB or even MySQL - mysqljsonimport 2.0 is available

It was a long time since I updated mysqljsonimport or mysqljsonexport and I had a few things I wanted to do with them. This release is significant enough for me to bump it up to 2.0, and the same is in the works for mysqljsonexport. The one big thing that is now implemented is reasonably advanced support for MariaDB Dynamic Columns, and it is actually pretty flexible, allowing you to load a nested JSON object into a MariaDB Dynamic Column. But don't worry, it will still link and run with MySQL if that is what you want to do (but then you will not have the dynamic column features, for obvious reasons),

Download from Sourceforge as usual (yes, I know I am oldfashioned and that I should have put it on github). Also as usual is the documentation in pdf format that is also downloadable separately.

/Karlsson …

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MariaDB and Native JSON support ?

A question raised by my previous post is : What about MariaDB and native JSON support ? In my previous post I mentioned the possibility to use the MariaDB CONNECT storage Engine to store and access JSON content in normal text field. Of course having a native JSON datatype brings more value. It introduces JSON ...continue reading "MariaDB and Native JSON support ?"

MMUG15: MySQL 5.7 & JSON

English: The Madrid MySQL Users Group is pleased to announce its next meeting on February 10th 2016 at 7pm at the offices of Tuenti in Gran Via, Madrid.  Morgan Tocker of Oracle will be visiting to give a talk on MySQL 5.7 and JSON as part of a European tour.  This will give you an an … Continue reading MMUG15: MySQL 5.7 & JSON

The post MMUG15: MySQL 5.7 & JSON first appeared on Simon J Mudd's Blog.

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