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Displaying posts with tag: announcement (reset)
First of New NSF Big Data Grants Go to Tokutek Founders

The core technology behind Tokutek is based on the academic research by our founders: Michael Bender, Bradley Kuszmaul and Martin Farach-Colton.  They are all still in academia, in addition to their work at Tokutek.

Back in March, the White House kicked off a new Initiative for Big Data.  Last week, the National Science Foundation announced the first interagency grants for this.  Eight awards were given, and our own Michael Bender and Martin Farach-Colton, along with Robert Johnson of Stony Brook University, received one of them.

Through their academic work, they hope to extend our …

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Announcing TokuDB v6.5: Optimized for Flash

We are excited to announce TokuDB® v6.5, the latest version of Tokutek’s flagship storage engine for MySQL and MariaDB.

This version offers optimization for Flash as well as more hot schema change operations for improved agility.

We’ll be posting more details about the new features and performance, so here’s an overview of what’s in store.

TokuDB v6.5 continues the great Toku-tradition of fast insertions. On flash drives, we show an order-of-magnitude (9x) faster insertion rate than InnoDB. TokuDB’s standard compression works just as well on flash and helps you get the most out of your storage system. And TokuDB reduces wear …
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Tokutek CEO Named Innovation All Star

On Friday our CEO John Partridge was named a “Tech Luminary” in the 17th annual Innovation All Stars award, which is given jointly by Mass High Tech (MHT) and the Boston Business Journal (BBJ). As noted in MHT by the editor, Chris McIntosh, the Luminary designations “reflect deep accomplishment in various technology-related industries.”

For more than 20 years, Tokutek CEO John Partridge has worked with startups in both the Boston area and in Silicon Valley. He joined Tokutek from StreamBase Systems which John co-founded with database pioneer Dr. Michael Stonebraker. He started his career as a software developer …

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MariaDB Galera Cluster Alpha immediately available

Today we’re pleased to announce the availability of MariaDB Galera Cluster!

With this release, we’re addressing the numerous requests we’ve received over the past few months for a MariaDB-based Galera Cluster. MariaDB, the more reliable, performant, feature-complete & backwards compatible MySQL database becomes even more attractive by making it available for Galera Cluster.

What is it?

  • A straight merge of MariaDB 5.5.25 with Galera Cluster by Codership
  • An alpha release which should not be used in production environments
  • Using the Galera replication methodology, users get:
    • Synchronous, multi-master replication with guaranteed data consistency
    • This solution provides both read & write scalability

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Webinar: Understanding Indexing

Three rules on making indexes around queries to provide good performance

Application performance often depends on how fast a query can respond and query performance almost always depends on good indexing. So one of the quickest and least expensive ways to increase application performance is to optimize the indexes. This talk presents three simple and effective rules on how to construct indexes around queries that result in good performance.

Time: 2PM EDT / 11AM PDT

This webinar is a general discussion applicable to all databases using indexes and is not specific to any particular MySQL® storage engine (e.g., InnoDB, TokuDB®, etc.). The rules are explained using a simple model that does NOT rely on understanding B-trees, Fractal Tree® indexing, …

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Announcing TokuDB v6.1

TokuDB v6.1 is now generally available and can be downloaded here.

New features include:

  • Added support for MariaDB 5.5 (5.5.25)
    • The TokuDB storage engine is now available with all the additional functionality of MariaDB 5.5.
  • Added HCAD support to our MySQL 5.5 version (5.5.24)
    • Hot column addition/deletion was present in TokuDB v6.0 for MySQL 5.1 and MariaDB 5.2, but not in MySQL 5.5.  This feature is now present in all MySQL and MariaDB versions of TokuDB.
  • Improved in-memory point query performance via lock/latch refinement
    • TokuDB has always been a great performer on range scans and workloads where the size of the working data set is significantly larger than RAM.  TokuDB v6.0 improved the …
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Consolidating MariaDB project tools

It is not a secret that we’ve been kicking the tires and playing with JIRA for project management. After using it since the beginning of the year most of us like the feel of it and we’ve decided that it makes sense to start using it more.

As you know, the MariaDB project has many fragmented resources. We report bugs in Launchpad. We store our plans in worklog. We’ve never used the Launchpad Blueprint feature for this very reason. We don’t use Launchpad Answers because we have the Knowledgebase.

With this move to hosted JIRA (yes, this is an important link: …

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Monty Program & SkySQL: a statement on the serious security vulnerability that was found in MariaDB and MySQL

Over the past few days extensive conversations around a new security vulnerability in MariaDB and MySQL have taken place.

It all started as a chain reaction when Monty Program publicly disclosed information about the flaw they had found and about how to make sure your MariaDB and MySQL installations can be fixed. The initial information got assigned the security vulnerabitlity identifier CVE-2012-2122 and the contents can be seen e.g. here

The bug was found two months ago on April 4th.

Before disclosing the information publicly, given the seriousness of this bug and considering the millions of MySQL and MariaDB installations deployed worldwide, Monty Program informed the biggest distributors of MySQL and MariaDB as a precaution.

On April 6th, Monty Program informed Oracle about it in bug report …

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MariaDB 5.5.24 released

If you’re not on the announce mailing list (low traffic) or following us on Facebook, you’ve missed the announcement of MariaDB 5.5.24 (release notes, changelog). Highlights include:

  • Includes all changes up to MariaDB 5.3.7 and MySQL 5.5.24
  • We’re providing RPM packages for RHEL/CentOS 5 & 6, as well as a YUM repository
  • Ubuntu 12.04 has been released, so we have “Precise” packages
  • There are now BSD 9 and Mac OS X 10.5 binaries as well

Many new ways to get …

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Webinar: TokuDB v6 Replication Performance

TokuDB® is a proven solution that scales MySQL® and MariaDB® from GBs to TBs with unmatched insert and query speed, compression, and online schema flexibility.

Tokutek’s recently launched TokuDB v6 delivers all of these features and more, with the introduction of high performance replication for MySQL and MariaDB. TokuDB v6 eliminates the common and persistent problem of “slave lag” in which a replication server is unable to keep up with the query load borne by the master server. TokuDB v6 solves this by offering high ingestion rates at the slave.

Time: 2PM EDT / 11AM PDT


TokuDB v6 delivers

  • Replication Performance — High ingestion rates at the slave deliver read scalability and improved disaster …
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