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Displaying posts with tag: Live ! (reset)
Enjoy a fantastic price for Percona Live London before August 4!

I attended Percona Live London since the creation of the event, and every year, I left with the same feeling, a great satisfaction.
This year again PLUK will be the place to be for MySQL lovers in Europe and I hope to meet you there.

Let me explain why you should go to PLUK2013?

  • Because MySQL is primarily a community
  • And you are this community
  • This is an easy way to meet other members of this community
  • You can meet talented people behind the blogs you read every days
  • And speakers from some of the most innovative companies with MySQL
  • This is the largest MySQL event in Europe
  • London is really a fantastic city even in November (there is no season for beer)
  • You can save a lot of money until August 4

Register now and enjoy …

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MySQL Conference and Expo 2013 feelings (#perconalive)

I wasn’t at the MySQL Conference this year but it was very nice to follow this event from Paris.
Of course I didn’t feel the general atmosphere by visiting booths or met fabulous people.
But it was a great opportunity to offer you a live post about the conference with an external point of view.

Twitter, RSS feeds (yes Google, I still use RSS), Planet MySQL and infiltrators were my best friends during this crazy week.

I would like to summarize the major announcements and events occurs during this tenth edition.

Oracle at Percona Live!

Yes, Oracle was at Percona Live 2013 and it was for the best.
I invite you to watch this keynote from …

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Percona Live : MySQL Conference and Expo 2013 (Slides, tweets and more…)

MySQL Conference & Expo






This year again, the MySQL Conference and Expo, hosted by Percona, smells like a wonderful event.
I haven’t the chance to attend this event but I would like to share with you the soul of this one.
I’ll try to share latest news, tweets and slides from the event in this live post.

Stay tuned and come back!

Breaking news!

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An incomplete list of what your developers would like to know before migrating to MySQL 5.5

A few years ago, I asked to check with me in the long (very long) change history of MySQL 5.5 documentation what are the changes in relation to the SQL syntax.
Chris Calender helped me to retrieve a list of the main changes, thanks again Chris.

Today, I would like to share this list with you.
It is simply a curated transcript of what you might find in the documentation but I’m sure it can help some of you.

INTO clause in nested SELECT statements

Previously, the parser accepted an INTO clause in nested SELECT statements, which is invalid because such statements must return their results to the outer context. As of MySQL 5.5.3, this syntax is no longer permitted and statements that use it must be changed.

Table aliases in DELETE statements

In MySQL 5.5.3, several changes …

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An incomplete guide to linux system configuration for MySQL

As a former Oracle DBA, I know how the system and the database are linked.
The first one who told me that the installation of Oracle has never been a problem is a liar!
Yes, your database and your system are the best of friends, you must respect that.

I’d make a list of linux system settings to configure a MySQL databases server and share my sources with you.
In return, I would like you to share your sources with the community by publishing your tips in the comments.



  • This parameter allows to specify how the kernel must manage the memory swap
  • Default value : 60 (Range 0 to 100)
  • Value to set : 0 (it will swap only to avoid an out of memory condition)
  • How to set a new non-persistent value :  sysctl -w vm.swappiness=0
  • How to store a new persistent value : add …
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FOSDEM 2013, another nice open source event in Europe!
FOSDEM is a free event that offers open source communities a place to meet, 
share ideas and collaborate.
It is renowned for being highly developer-oriented 
and brings together 5000+ geeks from all over the world.

This year again, be sure that FOSDEM will be the place to be in February!

Do you have any doubts? Really ? Dude, repeat after me :

  1. Free event
  2. During a week-end
  3. Beer
  4. 5000+ open source geeks
  5. Beer
  6. MySQL and Friends devroom
  7. NoSQL devroom
  8. No registration needed (open source man!)

Ok, that sounds good?

Well, here are the informations to attend this terrific event :

  • How to register? : Are you kidding me?
  • When : 2 & 3 February 2013 (Hurry up guys!)
  • Where : Brussels (beers!!!)
  • Website …
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[Plus] readers choice 2012 : It’s time to nominate!

2012 was again a great year for MySQL and for the community.
Many events, tools, features were released this year and more to come next year.

So, it’s time to tell us what services and tools you used this year in these different categories :

  • MySQL Monitoring tools
  • MySQL GUI tools
  • Other MySQL tools
  • MySQL Blogs
  • MySQL backup tools
  • Operating systems for MySQL databases
  • Replication tools
  • MySQL Distributions
  • NoSQL Distributions
  • MySQL events


Send an email at or write a comment with your nominees before the end of this year.
The vote will begin in early next year, stay tuned…

Please, …

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PLUK 2012 slides are available on [Plus]

Percona Live London 2012 was again a great event.
You can find some of the slides on [Plus], enjoy! :

If you would like to add your slides, post a comment with the link.

Upcoming MySQL events that you should not miss !

There will be at least 3 MySQL events that you shouldn’t miss by the end of the year :

I suggest you to register right now to gain a super saver registration discounts.
And it is also time to book your hotel/flight to take advantage of cheaper rates.

I don’t want to (re)write a detailled post about these great conferences, see my last post about Percona Live London 2011 :  …

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Slides from MySQL Conference 2012 (Aka Percona Live)

Hi everybody,

I’m sure you’re all listening about what is happening at the MySQL annual conference (no ? really ?)
So, you can find bellow all the slides from the MySQL Conference & Expo 2012 :

Source :

Find some videos  :

Related Posts :

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