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Displaying posts with tag: Live ! (reset)
Probably the best European conference on MySQL is coming this fall

The full schedule for Percona Live London 2014 was revealed earlier this month.
Congratulation to all selected speakers and a big thanks to those who submitted a talk.

I have many reasons to believe that this conference will be a very good year.
Let me explain why

A community event made by community members

If you didn’t know who selected the talks for the conference, have a look to the conference committee page.
This committee is a perfect mixed between community members and evangelists.
As chairman of this conference, I can say that these guys made an amazing job to rate and comment this huge amount of  submitted talks.

I particularly want to point out that despite the commitment of some …

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Wake up European DBA, call for papers for Percona Live London 2014 is open!

Call for papers for Percona Live London 2014 is open. For the fourth consecutive year, PLUK is going to be one of the best community event in Europe.
I have the honour of being conference committee chairman and the hard task to reviewing the talks with my colleagues of the committee.

First, let me introduce the committee members:

  • Art van Scheppingen (Spil Games)
  • Nicolai Plum (
  • Luis Motta Campos (Ebay Classifieds Group)
  • Colin Charles (MariaDB)
  • David Busby (Percona)
  • Morgan Tocker (Oracle)
  • Cédric PEINTRE (Dailymotion)

Amazing, isn’t it?! I think we couldn’t have a better committee for a community event.
I’m very glad to take part in the adventure with you guys!

And if you wonder what the committee does, …

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FOSDEM slides ok, but where are your slides from PLUK?

As usual, you can find the slides from PLUK 2013 and FOSDEM 2014 on [Plus].
You have just to access to the slides page and free up some time to discover and read all the referenced content.

Remember the programs of these fantastic events :

Now, I’ve just discovered that many slides are missing for PLUK 2013 on the perconalive website.

For latecomers, it’s still time to upload your slides from your dedicated speaker page.
Please, do it quickly, the …

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How do you want to get [Plus] in 2014!

2013 was and we wish you a happy new year 2014!
Last year was amazing and we are looking forward to live 2014.

I’m honored to take part of two amazing events in 2014, the FOSDEM and PLMCE.
By my lowly contribution as committee member of these two events, I wanted to promote open source in general and MySQL in particular.
And the schedule of these events tells me that we won the bet!
(PLMCE schedule will be published next week)

MySQL raises interest more and again in 2014 and is still in the heart of major architectures ;-)
We are proud to promote community events, community projects and open source initiatives for many years!

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Percona Live London 2013 : My Chairman point of view!

I would like to write a short and dislocated post on my condition of Chairman of the PLUK this year. When I accepted this mission, I had no clue what was going to be my job and I have no regret about this decision.
Because it was a fantastic experience and a wonderful conference.

So, I would like to thanks Kortney and Percona again for trusting me.
My committee fellows, David, Todd, Kenny, Ben and Ivan for their involvement.
All those of you who have submitted talks and tutorials for their high level and quality.
And of course all the attendees, we have cooked up this conference for you, thank you for being there.

I jumped into this adventure with my beliefs and I wanted to do it as honestly as possible and as humbly as possible.
I attended all the last PLUK conferences and I quickly knew what I wanted for this new event.

My priority was to have …

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[UPDATED] Meet the community on the sidelines of Percona Live London

Percona Live London starts in less than a week.
And there way to be excited by the quality of the event.

If you didn’t register yet, you must consider to be in :

It will be the opportunity to meet the community during and after the event.

This year, on the sidelines of the conference, you shouldn’t missed these funky happenings :

  • The welcoming reception takes place on November 11 from 5pm to 7pm
    • Where? : In the exhibit hall of the conference
    • What? : Free drinks & hor d’oeuvres! …
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#ForMyFrenchFollowers Did you know DBHangOpsFr?

[ This is a quick post for my french followers about DBHangOpsFr ]

I’m sure you heard about DBHangOps, the famous virtual DBA meeting launched by Geoffrey Anderson from
But did you know that some talented and passionate frenchies have launched DBHangOpsFr a few month ago?

DBHangOpsFr is THE virtual french DBA meeting you would love to attend.
I invite you to visit this page for more details :

The next session will take place in November, follow me on twitter, looking for …

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[Plus] and beyond…

I just would like to invite you to discover [Plus]!
Because there is a lot of work behind this blog and it would be a shame not to enjoy it.

I’ve already explained why I do what I do and it’s not the same topic that I want to offer now.
I just would like to give you a chance to explore all the sides of [Plus]

Don’t misunderstand, I don’t worry about me, I do it for you!

What about the social streams?

You can follow [Plus] through 2 twitter accounts : &
The first one is my personal twitter account. The second is exactly the same but without the retweets.

Both of these twitter …

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Schedule for Percona Live London 2013 is up, enjoy the early bird price before September 21th!

Oh yes, the nights were short last week!
The committee and myself have worked tirelessly to provide this wonderful schedule.

Now, you have no excuse not to register :

First, I would like to thanks David, Ivan, Todd, Kenny and Ben for their fantastic work!
There were tears, blood, passion and much respect ;-)
And of course a lot of fun!

Secondly, I would like to thanks all of you who submitted a talk.
We received a considerable amount of excellent talks from fantastic speakers.
And it was really, really hard to choose only 30 talks among this long …

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Percona Live London, emerge from the shadows, submit your talk before September 8th!

Those who regularly read this blog knows how much I am excited about Percona Live London each year. Now, it is time for me to take part in the organization of this event as a member of the committee and chairman of the conference.

I am really proud to join the committee this year and very happy to share this role with Ivan, Ben, David, Todd and Kenny.

You can imagine that I am honored that Percona has made me this beautiful gift.
Now, we face the challenges!

I am also very pleased to introduce myself as a member of this committee as an employee of Dailymotion. ‘Cause Dailymotion offers me an incredible chance to do my job with passion and fun, like never before.

When I started this blog I wanted to do it as honestly as possible and as humbly as possible.
And I wanted to keep the …

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