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Displaying posts with tag: bash (reset)
SQL Developer – Fedora

This is the continuation of my efforts to stage an awesome Fedora developer’s instance. It shows you how to install Java 1.8 software development kit, which is nice to have. Though you can’t use Java 1.8 officially with Oracle SQL Developer 4.0.3 it is required for Oracle SQL Developer 4.1. Fortunately, the Oracle Product Manager, Jeff Smith has advised us that you can use Java 1.8 JDK with Oracle SQL Developer 4.0.3, and he’s written a comment to the blog post that it runs better with the Java 1.8 SDK.

After you install Oracle SQL Developer 4.0.3 or Oracle SQL Developer 4.1, you can watch Jeff Smith’s YouTube Video on SQL Developer 3.1 to learn how to use the basics of SQL Developer. I couldn’t find an updated version of the video for SQL Developer 4 but I didn’t try too hard.

You …

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Add zsh to Fedora

One of my students requested an option to the bash shell. It was interesting to hear that he wanted me to instal the zsh in my Fedora image. There’s only one book that I’m aware of that’s been published on the Z Shell, and it is From Bash to Z Shell.

This post shows how to add the zsh to my Fedora image because I already release a new one for the term without the zsh shell. You use the yum utility as the root user to install the zsh library:

yum …
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Ruby Thin Web Server

Somebody suggested that I try out thin, “A fast and very simple Ruby web server.” So, I thought it might be interesting to test, and a simplification over Rails to demonstrate an small Ruby MVC pattern.

Installing thin seemed straight forward as a gem installation, like

gem install thin

The initial install didn’t work out of the box because I’d neglected to install the gcc-c++ library. It raised the following errors:

Fetching: eventmachine-1.0.7.gem (100%)
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing thin:
        ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
    /usr/bin/ruby extconf.rb
checking for main() in -lssl... no
checking for rb_trap_immediate in ruby.h,rubysig.h... no
checking for rb_thread_blocking_region()... yes
checking for …
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Python-MySQL Program

This post works through the Python configuration of Fedora instance, and continues the configuration of my LAMP VMware instance. It covers how you add the MySQL-python libraries to the Fedora instance, and provides the students with one more language opportunity for their capstone lab in the database class.

A standard Fedora Linux distribution installs Python 2.7 by default. Unfortunately, the MySQL-python library isn’t installed by default. You can verify the Python version by writing and running the following program before installing the MySQL-python library:

# Import sys library.
import sys
# Print the Python version.
print sys.version

You can run the program dynamically like this from the current working directory:

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Fedora Install LAMP

My students wanted an extra credit assignment, so I thought a LAMP configuration and test would be appropriate. The only problem was I hadn’t added it to their course VMware instance. So, here are the instructions to install Apache2, PHP, and MySQLi for a complete LAMP stack when MySQL is already installed.

The post builds on my Fedora Install of MySQL and MySQL Workbench on Fedora posts from last year. It also presumes that you’ve installed a studentdb database but you need to know how to do that let me know (but it hasn’t changed much from the example at the bottom of this old MySQL 5.1 blog post).

You …

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MySQL backup and cleanup bash scripts with mydumper

1. Backup script

# Fri Jun 27 10:44:49 2014
# done by dragkh
# usage: 
# cat /etc/cron.d/backupmysql 
# 0  3  *  *  *       root    /root/bin/ >>  /var/log/clean.backup.${HOSTNAME}.mysql.mydumper.daily.log 2>&1
# 35  3  *  *  *       root    /root/bin/ >> /var/log/backup.${HOSTNAME}.mysql.mydumper.daily.log 2>&1


seik_date () {
if [ -z $1 ]
# cdate=`date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S\ %Z`; export cdate; echo $cdate
cdate=`date -R`; export cdate; echo $cdate

if [ -z ${2} ]
cdate=`date +%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S`; export cdate; echo $cdate
cdate=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`; export cdate; echo $cdate


function check_dir {
 test ! -d "${1}" && mkdir -p "${1}"

function set_cpu_threads {
    # set the threads one less than the existing 
    threads=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo  |  grep processor | tail -1 | awk …
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Compile at CentOS 6.5 the new MySQL webscalesql-5.6.17 branch by Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and Twitter

yeah , big buzz around that one

So I decided to check the install process:

1. Clone the repo from

root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:11][~]$ cd /opt/
root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:15][/opt]$ mkdir installs
root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:17][/opt]$ cd installs/
root@webscalesql-5.6.clean:[Mon Mar 31 11:37:19][/opt/installs]$ git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/installs/webscalesql-5.6/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 30397, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (12678/12678), done.
remote: Total 30397 (delta 18716), reused 27620 (delta 16936)
Receiving objects: 100% (30397/30397), 47.99 MiB | 460 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (18716/18716), done.

2. …

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How to store MySQL innobackupex backups at Google Cloud Storage

In general, I chose Google Cloud Storage to store web sites MySQL backups due to its price and speed of upload/download in real time

I used the Google native tool – gsutil , innobackupex and some bash

in short : the /etc and local MySQL  backup

# Barcelona Tue Nov 22 17 16:30:36 CEST 2013

exportDate=`date +%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S`
test ! -d "${export_DIR}" && echo "$(date) : creating ${export_DIR}" && mkdir -p "${export_DIR}"
# backup the /etc directory
rsync -avh …
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Daily backup OpenStack single MySQL with Percona innobackupex including the /etc directory

this is a short script for daily backup of the OpenStack MySQL and the /etc direcotry of the control node

[root@dev-epg-rhos-01 BACKUP]# cat /root/bin/
# done for
# Barcelona Thu Oct 17 16:30:36 CEST 2013

exportDate=`date +%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S`
test ! -d "${export_DIR}" && echo "$(date) : creating ${export_DIR}" && mkdir -p "${export_DIR}"
rsync -avh /etc ${export_ETC_DIR}
echo "=========================================================================================================" >> ${export_DIR}/README.restore.with.innobackupex
echo "HOW to restore this FULL mysql backup" >> ${export_DIR}/README.restore.with.innobackupex
echo "=========================================================================================================" >> …
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So lets see how this goes.

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