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Displaying posts with tag: rubyonrails (reset)
Webinar Replay Available: GlassFish and MySQL-backed applications with NetBeans and JRuby-on-Rails

I presented a webinar on "Developing GlassFish- and MySQL-Backed Applications with NetBeans and JRuby-on-Rails" last week.

The slides and a complete recording of the webinar are now available here.

Technorati: webinar glassfish mysql netbeans jruby

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Webinar Replay Available: GlassFish and MySQL-backed applications with NetBeans and JRuby-on-Rails

I presented a webinar on "Developing GlassFish- and MySQL-Backed Applications with NetBeans and JRuby-on-Rails" last week.

The slides and a complete recording of the webinar are now available here.

Technorati: webinar glassfish mysql netbeans jruby

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Developing GlassFish- and MySQL-Backed Applications with Netbeans and JRuby-on-Rails - Free Webinar on Jan 27

Would you like to know how JRuby, NetBeans, GlassFish, and MySQL can power your Rails applications ?

This informative technical webinar explains the fundamentals of JRuby and how the NetBeans IDE makes developing/debugging/deploying Rails applications on GlassFish quick, fun and cost-effective.

The webinar starts 10am PT on Jan 27th, 2009 and can be accessed from a browser.

Register here.

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Developing GlassFish- and MySQL-Backed Applications with Netbeans and JRuby-on-Rails - Free Webinar on Jan 27

Would you like to know how JRuby, NetBeans, GlassFish, and MySQL can power your Rails applications ?

This informative technical webinar explains the fundamentals of JRuby and how the NetBeans IDE makes developing/debugging/deploying Rails applications on GlassFish quick, fun and cost-effective.

The webinar starts 10am PT on Jan 27th, 2009 and can be accessed from a browser.

Register here.

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TOTD #65: Windows 7 Beta 1 Build 7000 on Virtual Box: NetBeans + Rails + GlassFish + MySQL

Microsoft released Windows 7 Beta 1 - the next major version of Vista, download here. There are tons of improvments mostly centered around making the content easily & intuitively accessible. But hey, Mac OSX already serves that purpose well for quite some time ;-)

But I still want to make sure that our Rails stack (NetBeans, GlassFish, and MySQL) work fine on it. And it very well do, without any issues, as you'll realize at the end of this blog :)

Lets first get started with installing Windows 7 Beta as a Virtual Box image. Few points to note here:

  • Only IE can be used for downloading …
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TOTD #64: OpenSolaris 2008/11 using Virtual Box

Here is a blog entry that was sitting in my Drafts folder for a long time (just because I didn't realize :). Anyway, it shows how to install Open Solaris 2008/11 on Virtual Box. The original install was done using Virtual Box 2.0.6. I installed Virtual Box 2.1 this morning and the image was easily recognized by the updated Virtual Box.

Here are the basic steps.

Create a new VM ...

As part of the previous step, create a new Virtual Disk mapping to the downloaded Open Solaris image ...

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TOTD #44: JDBC Connection Pooling for Rails on GlassFish v3

TOTD #9 explained how to configure JDBC connection pooling for Rails application deployed on GlassFish v2. There are several benefits of using using the JDBC connection pools:

  • No need to create a new database connection for each Rails instance.
  • No need to specify your password in database.yml or create a hack to hide it.
  • No garbage collection of connection after each use.

And because of the above mentioned (and other reasons) an improved application performance, scalability and efficiency.
The only way to deploy a Rails application on GlassFish v2 is to create a WAR file using …

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NetBeans 6.5 M1: GlassFish v3 + Rails

NetBeans IDE 6.5 Milestone 1 is now available. The New and Noteworthy feature list certainly makes it worthy for the install - comprehensive PHP support (Editor Screencast and PHP Learning Trail), JavaScript Debugger, Groovy Editor, …

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TOTD #35: Rails Database Connection on Solaris

Are you deploying your JRuby-on-Rails applications on Solaris (or any variety of Unix) and not able to connect to the database ?

I experienced it last week so thought of sharing the tip here. Luckily it's really simple.

Here is the default generated "config/database.yml"

  adapter: mysql
  encoding: utf8
  database: runner_development
  username: root
  socket: /tmp/mysql.sock

The only required change is to add "host: 127.0.01" for the required database configuration. The updated fragment is shown below (with change highlighted):

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jMaki on Rails - Reloaded for NetBeans 6.1 beta & Rails 2.0

NetBeans 6.1 Beta was released last week. Amongst the many improvements, one of them is the bundled JRuby 1.1 RC2 and Rails 2.0.2. The jMaki plugin used to work fine with Rails 1.2.3 but need to be updated because of changed file name extensions for the default generated views (".rhtml.erb" instead of ".rhtml"). With this release of NetBeans, jMaki plugin has been updated to work in this configuration as well.

This blog provide detailed steps to install jMaki plugin, create a simple Rails 2.0 application using NetBeans IDE and update the generated scaffold to use a Yahoo Data Table widget for displaying the …

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