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Displaying posts with tag: rubyonrails (reset)
TOTD #24: Getting Started with Rails 2.0.x in JRuby 1.0.3 and JRuby 1.1RC1

This TOTD (Tip Of The Day) shows how to install Rails 2.0.x in JRuby 1.0.3 and JRuby 1.1 RC1. Then it describes how a simple Rails application can be created and deployed using WEBrick.

First, lets deal with installing Rails 2.0.x in JRuby 1.0.3 and JRuby 1.1 RC1.

Step 1: How to install Rails 2.0.x in JRuby 1.0.3 ?

  • Download and Unzip JRuby 1.0.3. This creates "jruby-1.0.3" directory.
  • Install Rails by giving the following command in the newly created directory:

    bin/jruby -S gem install rails --include-dependencies --no-ri --no-rdoc
    Bulk updating Gem source index for:
    Successfully installed rails-2.0.2
    Successfully installed activesupport-2.0.2
    Successfully installed activerecord-2.0.2
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RESTful representation of "sakila" using GlassFish and NetBeans IDE

"sakila" is the sample database shipped with MySQL (pronounced as my ess-kew-ell). In the context of Sun Microsystems announcing the agreement to acquire MySQL, I'd like to dedicate this entry to show how this sample database can be exposed as a RESTful Web service endpoint and deployed on GlassFish using Jersey Tooling Plugin (0.4.1 with Jersey 0.4) in NetBeans IDE.

Lets get started!

  1. Install MySQL …
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Screencast #Web8: jMaki on Rails for Dummies - 2nd edition

The support for Rails in NetBeans IDE has improved considerably in the past few days. Greg and Ludo have been working on ramping up the jMaki NetBeans module as well. This screencast is an update to #web2 and shows how the development experience for creating a jMaki-enabled Rails application is drastically simplified.

The screencast shows how a jMaki-wrapped Yahoo and …

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TOTD #9: Using JDBC connection pool/JNDI name from GlassFish in Rails Application

Using the instructions followed in JRuby Hack Day and taking some help from Nick, I figured out how to use the JDBC connection pools configured in GlassFish using the JNDI names.

All the commands given below are relevant for GlassFish but the same concept will work where ever you deploy your WARed up JRuby on Rails application.

  1. Follow the bullet #1 and #2 from …
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JRuby on Rails, NetBeans 6 and GlassFish V2 - Simplified Steps

The NetBeans IDE has simplified the steps to deploy JRuby on Rails application on GlassFish. This blog explains the steps and is an update to screencast #web6.

  1. Download the install the latest NetBeans 6 Nightly. I downloaded the Ruby pack by clicking on the "Download" button in the Ruby column.
  2. Create a new Rails Application
    1. Right-click in the Project window and select "New Project...". Take all the defaults as shown below:

    2. Click on …
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ActiveRecord-JDBC 0.5 - simplified database configuration

ActiveRecord-JDBC 0.5 is now available. As mentioned earlier, one of the main features in this release is simplified database configuration for JRuby-on-Rails applications. From the release notes:

It is no longer necessary to specify :driver and :url configuration parameters for the mysql,  postgresql, oracle, derby, hsqldb, and h2 adapters.

This means that if you deploy a Rails application as a WAR file on GlassFish as described …

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jMaki on Rails - Updated for NetBeans 6 M10

Based upon a user request, this is a follow up entry to show how jMaki on Rails For Dummies work on NetBeans 6 Milestone 10. Some of the steps are simplified and more details are provided. The updates from the previous blog entry are highlighted in this color.

  1. Download NetBeans 6.0 M10 (Full version) and configured to install only "Base IDE", "Java IDE", "Web and Java EE" and "Ruby" modules. A cutting-edge build can be obtained from the hudson build.
  2. Download and install …
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Screencast #Web2: jMaki on Rails for Dummies

This screencast shows how a jMaki-wrapped Yahoo DataTable widget can be used to pull data from MySQL database using ActiveRecord in a Rails application. This is a screencast of the detailed instructions posted earlier.

Enjoy it here!

Technorati: jmaki rubyonrails ror

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jMaki on Rails For Dummies

Craig announced jMaki on Rails. Here I provide detailed steps to read data from a MySQL database and display it in a jMaki-wrapped Yahoo DataTable widget.

  1. Download NetBeans 6.0 M9 (Full version) and configured to install only "Base IDE", "Java IDE", "Web and Java EE" and "Ruby" modules. A cutting-edge build can be obtained from the hudson build.
  2. Download and install jMaki …
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