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Displaying posts with tag: ajax (reset)
A comet over PHProjekt 6

So far PHProjekt 6 (P6, see is already enhanced with nice AJAX workflows and snappy user-experience. Nevertheless, we discussed a way to provide synchronous communication and direct information within the application.

Everybody knows GoogleMail with its easy to use frontend. Maybe you use it for your daily work. In GoogleMail, there is no need to refresh the page to receive a new mail, Google informs you automatically whenever a new mail is available. But how is this possible? The answer to this question is really simple: The server triggers a signal informing that a new mail is available. This technology is called Comet and describes a way how the server communicates with the client [see ].

Is there a way to use Comet …

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Spinn3r Hiring Senior Unix Operations Engineer

Spinn3r is growing fast. Time to hire another engineer. Actually, we’re hiring for like four people right now so I’ll probably be blogging more on this topic.

My older post on this subject still applies for requirements.

If you’re a Linux or MySQL geek we’d love to have your help.

Did I mention we just moved to an awesome office on 2nd and Howard in downtown SF?

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Creating an Ajax Application with

Hi all,

Today I'd like to continue a blog series in which I highlight Web application tutorials for NetBeans 6.5. A few changes have been made to tutorials, among which is the featuring of MySQL as the database of choice.

This second entry in the series will cover the tutorial, "Creating an Ajax Application with", which is based on a blog entry by Arun Gupta.

This tutorial demonstrates the usage of the Java Persistence APIs to implement server side pagination (recommended for large sets of data) and to get and display the results in a text field featuring Ajax functionality. Ajax is a technology that combines (X)HTML, JavaScript, and CSS with the power of XmlHttpRequest in the creation of RIAs (Rich Internet Applications). is a set of JavaScript libraries to enhance the user …

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Creating an Ajax Autocompletion Text Field with Dynamic Faces

Hi all,

Today I'd like to start a blog series in which I highlight Web application tutorials for NetBeans 6.5. A few changes have been made to tutorials, among which is the featuring of MySQL as the database of choice.

This first entry in the series will cover the tutorial, "Creating an Ajax Autocompletion Text Field with Dynamic Faces", which is based on a NetBeans Community Docs tutorial by Bilal Ahamed.

This tutorial demonstrates the usage of the Woodstock JSF 1.2 Text Field component with Ajax functionality provided by the Project Dynamic Faces component library. Dynamic Faces, also known as POJC (Plain Old JavaServer Faces Components), are an extension to JavaServer Faces technology that lets you easily implement Ajax functionality. In particular, …

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Changing Lanes: Leaving Sun/MySQL

After having worked for two years and one quarter of a year with MySQL AB (now Sun), I have decided to resign and pursue another career.

Before I joined MySQL AB I was working as a database consultant and application developer. I knew that joining MySQL would mean giving that up, but I was happy to do so because I really liked the MySQL product. I was also attracted by the company itself, the flexible working hours, working from home, travelling abroad, and, very important, being one of the few companies that is capable creating FOSS software on a commercial basis.

I have had a splendid time at MySQL AB, and later Sun. I met lots of smart people and travelled to a bunch of places I would probably not've had the chance to visit otherwise. I learned a lot about the …

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... Ajax and NB, Mural and MDM, RESTful Comet, GF with Hibernate and MySQL, OpenSource Contributors, Grizzlies, Fast JavaScript and more iPhone Rejections

A compilation of today's news of interest:

The NetBeans folks have a new Introductory Tutorial to Ajax, now updated to the forthcoming NetBeans 6.5.

Srenga points that the DataMashup Service Engine from Mural is Part of GlassFish ESB and also points to Manish's Tutorial on building a Server-Side Data Mashup.

From Carol a …

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TOTD #45: Ajaxifying Java Server Faces using JSF Extensions

TOTD #42 explained how to create a simple Java Server Faces application using NetBeans 6.1 and deploy on GlassFish. In the process it explained some basic JSF concepts as well. If you remember, it built an application that allows you to create a database of cities/country of your choice. In that application, any city/country combination can be entered twice and no errors are reported.

This blog entry extends TOTD #42 and show the list of cities, that have already been entered, starting with the letters entered in the text box. And instead of refreshing the entire page, it uses JSF Extensions to make an Ajax call to the endpoint and show the list of cities based upon …

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Notes from Structure 08, Velocity and Graphing Social Patterns East

I attended several events in June of this year including Graphing Social Patterns East, Velocity and Structure 08. At each of these events, I tried to take some notes and posted them to my personal blog. I received a few pings from readers of this blog to point them to a list of these posts. It took some time but here is the list of my notes. In some cases, I have linked directly to the presentation files.

High-performance Ajax Applications: Julien Lecomte (Yahoo!) talked about how to …

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451 CAOS Links - 2008.04.15

Marketcetera obtains funding. Microsoft posts additional protocol docs. Sun announces MySQL 5.1. (and more)

Marketcetera Closes $4 Million Series A Financing Led by Shasta Ventures, Marketcetera (Press Release)

Microsoft Publicly Posts Additional Protocol Documentation, Microsoft (Press Release)

Sun Microsystems Announces MySQL 5.1, Sun Microsystems (Press Release)

Sun Celebrates Third-Party MySQL Storage Engines, Sun Microsystems (Press Release)

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We did talk about Web-2.0 Security

On Tuesday our CIO, Johann-Peter Hartmann, gave a Web-seminar about security issues in the Web 2.0 era. We had about 140 participants and some very good questions in the following Q&A Session. We would like to thank you for the response and also we´d like to thank Jürgen from MySQL, our webinar-host.

We uploaded our slides as promised. To download them, click here.

If you missed the Web-Seminar you get a chance to see the recording of it here.
But be aware: It´s in german!!!

For english readers/speakers: Johann held an english security talk some time ago. Find it here

We already heard that …

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