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Displaying posts with tag: github (reset)
The fastest MySQL Sandbox setup ever!

MySQL-Sandbox 3.1.11 introduces a new utility, different from anything I have put before in the MySQL Sandbox toolkit.

make_sandbox_from_url downloads a tiny MySQL tarball from a repository and install it straight away.

As of today, the following packages are available

Major release versions package size
(what you download)
expanded size
(storage used)
original size
(not included)
5.0 5.0.96 20M 44M 371M
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MySQL Sandboxes in Docker


When I got interested in Docker, I started playing idly with the idea of integrating containers and MySQL Sandbox. My first experiments were not encouraging. Using a container the same way I would use a regular server produced horrible results. I started by creating a Debian or CentOS container, installing MySQL Sandbox, and then importing an expanded tarball into the container. What happens is that tarballs of recent MySQL versions expand to roughly 2 GB of binaries. When you try to put that into a container you get a bloated file system. If you want to expand more than one tarball, you get an enormous unusable blob that is contrary to what containers should be used for. There is, of course, the possibility of using volumes, which would avoid the problem of making the container …

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Using git pre-commit hook for php and js syntax check

This is a followup from my two previous posts on php and js git pre-commit syntax check where I had mentioned how to check for php and js syntax independently using pre-commit with git.

But what if we wanted to check for both php and js syntax at same time while committing. So, I used the scripts used for both and combined them. …

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Associating git hooks with js syntax check

This is a followup article from my previous post.

Here we will be using git pre-commit to check for syntax error while committing in JavaScript files.

We will need nodejs in our system. Please check for downloading and install steps.

Note: I am using ubuntu 14.04 for this setup.

Steps to add pre-commit JavaScript syntax check with git:

1. Use npm to install jslint package globally in your system.

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Dynamic MySQL Credentials with Vault

Recently I have been looking at the Vault project as a means to manage secrets for applications and end-users. One of the use cases that immediately drew my attention was the ability to create dynamic role-based MySQL credentials.

Why Dynamic MySQL Credentials?

There are a few reasons why dynamic credentials would be beneficial, all of which can be handled by Vault, including:

  • The database environment is too large to manage individual users.
  • A need to authenticate on an external service, such as LDAP or GitHub organization.
  • Provide credentials to external resources, such as auditors or outside consultants that automatically expire.
  • Compliance requirements for strict audit logs for database access.

A High-Level Overview of Vault

Vault is a fairly new project by HashiCorp, the folks behind projects …

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MySQL-Sandbox 3.1.01 - First release after the change

I have released MySQL-Sandbox 3.1.01, which is the first release after the move to GitHub. While the changes are not so spectacular (it's a minor release, with mostly bug fixes), I am pleased to see that the move has started producing collaboration. Two of the changes were provided by Daniël van Eeden and Mark Leith, who have scratched some of their own itches by providing useful patches.

All in all, this period of working with GitHub has been liberating. Although Bazaar plays with the same principles of git, it lacks most of the tools and the know-how which characterizes git. Add to this that also my team has moved Tungsten Replicator …

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Sample employees database migrated to GitHub

It's migration time. There was another project that I use often and was still in Launchpad. The Sample Employees Database is now on GitHub, under the same license it had before (CC A-SA 3).

Figure 1 - Employees database
This database is interesting because it is not too small (like Sakila) and not too big. It has enough data to allow you to test in a non trivial way.
Installation and testInstalling the database is easy:

$ git clone
$ cd test_db
$ mysql < employees.sql
storage engine: InnoDB
LOADING departments
LOADING employees
LOADING dept_emp
LOADING dept_manager
LOADING titles
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New MySQL Sandbox 3.1 - GitHub, and usability

I have three pieces of information to share about MySQL::Sandbox:

  • Version 3.1.0 has migrated from Launchpad to GitHub
  • This version is released under the Apache license. Both these changes are meant to improve and promote cooperation on the project.
  • There is an important change related to usability. When using replication with MySQL::Sandbox and MySQL 5.6+, the server UUIDs become more readable (see below).

First, some words on the location changes. About two years ago, I started plans for a rewrite of MySQL::Sandbox. Then, I had some unexpected changes, which involved moving home to a different continent twice within twelve months. The project …

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Tungsten Replicator moved to GitHub with Apache license

It had been in the making for long time. Google announced that Google Code would be closing, and since then the Continuent team has been hard at work to handle the transition. You can guess it: this operation would have been quicker if it had been done by a small company like we were one year ago, but being part of a large corporation introduces some constraints that have affected our schedule.

However, our wish has always been, and still is, to keep Tungsten Replicator as an open source product, with full functionalities and with the full benefits that the open source development model offers.

Today, Tungsten Replicator is available on GitHub as …

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WebScaleSQL 5.6.24 is built and ready to test

On Tuesday  Steaphan Greene  announced that all currently-pushed changes have now been rebased onto the newly-released upstream MySQL-5.6.24.

The new branch at this point is available on github.

Our .deb and .rpm builds are available in the PSCE repo as well as being browsable here

Instructions for using the repo are available for Debian …

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