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Displaying posts with tag: gcp (reset)
MySQL With DevOps 1 – Automate Database Archive

This is my next blog series. Im going to write about how I automated many complex tasks in MySQL with Rundeck. In my last series, I have explained RunDeck basics. You can find those articles here. In this blog Im writing about how I automated MySQL archive for multiple tables in one Rundeck job. Challeange …

The post MySQL With DevOps 1 – Automate Database Archive appeared first on SQLgossip.

MySQL With DevOps 1 - Automate Database Archive

This is my next blog series. Im going to write about how I automated many complex tasks in MySQL with Rundeck. In my last series, I have explained RunDeck basics. You can find those articles here. In this blog Im writing about how I automated MySQL archive for multiple tables in one Rundeck job.

Challeange with Replication:

My MySQL database setup has 1 Master 4 Read Replica and the 3’rd replica is an intermediate Master for Replica 4. I don’t want to archive this data on Replica 3 and 4. Because these replicas are using for generating historical reports also some internal application.

Disable Log-Bin:

To prevent archive data on Replica 3 and 4, I decided to disable binlog on my archive session. But another challenge is, it won’t replicate to Replica 1 and 2. So my final solution is Archive the data on Master, then execute the …

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Design A Highly Available MySQL Clusters With Orchestrator And ProxySQL In GCP — Part 2

Design A Highly Available MySQL Clusters With Orchestrator And ProxySQL In GCP — Part 2

In part1, we explained how we are going to approach the HA setup. Here we can see how to install and configure Orchestrator and ProxySQL, then do the failover testing.

Install and configure MySQL Replication:

We need a MySQL with 4 Read replica and the 4'th replica will have a replica for it. And we must have to use GTID replication. Because once the master failover done, the remaining replicas will start replicating from the new master. Without GTID its not possible, but as an alternate Orchestrator provides Pseudo-GTID.

VM Details: …

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Design A Highly Available MySQL Clusters With Orchestrator And ProxySQL In GCP — Part 1

Design A Highly Available MySQL Clusters With Orchestrator And ProxySQL In GCP — Part 1

Recently we have migrated one of our customer's infra to GCP and post the migration we published some adventures on ProxySQL which we implemented for them.

  1. Reduce MySQL Memory Utilization With ProxySQL Multiplexing
  2. How max_prepared_stmt_count can bring down production

Now, we are going to implement an HA solution with customer filter for failover. We have done a PoC and the blog is about this PoC configurations. And again the whole setup has been implemented in GCP. You can follow the same steps for AWS …

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Replication from External Primary/Leader into GCP

This is a post based on recent tutorials I published, with the goal of discussing how to prepare your current MySQL instance to be configured as an External Primary Server with a Replica/Follower into Google Cloud Platform.

First, I want to talk about the jargon used here. I will be using primary to represent the external “master” server, and replica to represent the “slave” server. Personally, I prefer the terms leader/follower but primary/replica currently seems to be more common in the industry. At some point, the word slave will be used, but because it is the keyword embedded on the server to represent a replica.

The steps given will be in the context of a VM running a one-click install of …

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ProxySQL behind a load balancer in Google Cloud


In this article we will explore one approach for deploying ProxySQL behind a load balancer in Google Cloud.

While considering the deployment of ProxySQL, one has basically the following options:

  1. Install ProxySQL on existing application server(s)
  2. Provision dedicated ProxySQL server(s) between your application servers and the database layer.

Each approach has its pros and cons, but if there’s a significant number of application servers (more than a dozen or so) having a dedicated ProxySQL “layer” can be a more attractive option, specially if there is no service discovery mechanism in place (e.g. Consul).

Let’s consider a simple scenario, with a master and a small number of slaves in a single geographic region. Assuming that you are following the best practice, your database servers should be split into different availability zones. So for ProxySQL, it also …

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Google Cloud SQL: MySQL on the Google Cloud Platform

Brett Hesterberg (Google) delivers his talk, "Get to know Google Cloud SQL", on DAY 3 of the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference 2017, 4/27, at Santa Clara, CA.

Google Cloud SQL Second Generation is available

Recently Google announced, that the second generation of Cloud SQL left the beta stage and it is available. I decided to take a look, because last time when I checked it, it looked good, but I couldn’t take it seriously because of the nonexistent SLA. I have a few databases running on Amazon RDS, but […]

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