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Displaying posts with tag: archive (reset)
Quick Data Archival in MySQL Using Partitions

Space constraint has been an endless and painstaking process for many of us, especially in systems that have a high number of transactions and data growth exceeding hundreds of GBs in a matter of days. In this blog, I will share a solution to remove this space and remove rows from tables in a few seconds regardless of the size of a table without causing any additional load on the database using table partitions.

The first approach that comes to anyone’s mind for deleting the row is using a DELETE query in SQL. Suppose, one wants to delete rows from a table that are older than one year—the query for such operations would be like this:


The above query is pretty straightforward but there are a few caveats:

  • Server business will grow exponentially and could impact the usual traffic on the server.
  • To speed up the above query …
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MySQL With DevOps 1 – Automate Database Archive

This is my next blog series. Im going to write about how I automated many complex tasks in MySQL with Rundeck. In my last series, I have explained RunDeck basics. You can find those articles here. In this blog Im writing about how I automated MySQL archive for multiple tables in one Rundeck job. Challeange …

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MySQL With DevOps 1 - Automate Database Archive

This is my next blog series. Im going to write about how I automated many complex tasks in MySQL with Rundeck. In my last series, I have explained RunDeck basics. You can find those articles here. In this blog Im writing about how I automated MySQL archive for multiple tables in one Rundeck job.

Challeange with Replication:

My MySQL database setup has 1 Master 4 Read Replica and the 3’rd replica is an intermediate Master for Replica 4. I don’t want to archive this data on Replica 3 and 4. Because these replicas are using for generating historical reports also some internal application.

Disable Log-Bin:

To prevent archive data on Replica 3 and 4, I decided to disable binlog on my archive session. But another challenge is, it won’t replicate to Replica 1 and 2. So my final solution is Archive the data on Master, then execute the …

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Archive MySQL Data In Chunks Using Stored Procedure

In a DBA’s day to day activities, we are doing Archive operation on our transnational database servers to improve your queries and control the Disk space. The archive is a most expensive operation since its involved a huge number of Read and Write will be performed. So its mandatory to run the archive queries in …

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Archiving MySQL and MongoDB Data

This post discusses archiving MySQL and MongoDB data, and determining what, when and how to archive data.

Many people store infrequently used data. This data is taking up storage space and might make your database slower than it could be. Archiving data can be a huge benefit, both regarding the performance impact and storage savings.

Why archive?

One of the reasons for archiving data is freeing up space on your database volumes. You can store archived data on slower, less expensive storage devices, and current data on the faster database drives. Archiving old data makes backups and restores run faster since they need to process less data. Last, but by no means least, archiving data has the benefit of making your queries perform more efficiently since they do not need to process through old …

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MySQL compression: Compressed and Uncompressed data size

MySQL has information_schema.tables that contain information such as “data_length” or “avg_row_length.” Documentation on this table however is quite poor, making an assumption that those fields are self explanatory – they are not when it comes to tables that employ compression. And this is where inconsistency is born. Lets take a look at the same table containing some highly compressible data using different storage engines that support MySQL compression:


mysql> select * from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test' G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
ROW_FORMAT: tokudb_zlib
DATA_LENGTH: 409722880
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The ARCHIVE Storage Engine

I wonder how much longer the ARCHIVE storage engine is going to ship with MySQL…. I think I’m the last person to actually fix a bug in it, and that was, well, a good number of years ago now. It was created to solve a simple problem: write once read hardly ever. Useful for logs and the like. A zlib stream of rows in a file.

You can actually easily beat ARCHIVE for INSERT speed with a non-indexed MyISAM table, and with things like TokuDB around you can probably get pretty close to compression while at the same time having these things known as “indexes”.

ARCHIVE for a long time held this niche though and was widely and quietly used (and likely still is). It has the great benefit of being fairly lightweight – it’s only about 2500 lines of code (1130 if you exclude azio.c, the slightly modified gzio.c from zlib).

It also use the table discovery mechanism that NDB uses. If you remove the FRM file for an ARCHIVE …

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Where are they now: MySQL Storage Engines

There was once a big hooplah about the MySQL Storage Engine Architecture and how it was easy to just slot in some other method of storage instead of the provided ones. Over the years I’ve repeatedly mentioned how this wasn’t really

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Setting up slave, stripping indexes and changing engines, on the fly

Warning, the following is quite ugly, but does the job :)

A while back I needed to create an archive slave database from a half a terabyte myisam master and had space restrictions. I could not dump the db, load it, then drop keys (archive doesn’t support keys apart from a primary key on one column as of 5.1), alter engine etc (would take even longer than it took either way). So an ugly single liner came to mind and worked nicely too.

mysqldump -uuser -ppassword -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 dbname --master-data=1 | sed 's/ENGINE=MyISAM/ENGINE=archive/g' | grep -v '^ UNIQUE KEY' | grep -v '^ KEY' | perl -p0777i -e 's/,\n^\)/\n\)/mg' | mysql -uuser -ppassword -h127.0.0.1 -P3307 dbname

So what is it doing?
Broken down:
mysqldump -uuser -ppassword -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 dbname --master-data=1 –> extract the database with the master position
sed …

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A tale of a bug…

So I sometimes get asked if we funnel back bug reports or patches back to MySQL from Drizzle. Also, MariaDB adds some interest here as they are a lot closer (and indeed compatible with) to MySQL. With Drizzle, we have deviated really quite heavily from the MySQL codebase. There are still some common areas, but they’re getting rarer (especially to just directly apply a patch).

Back in June 2009, while working on Drizzle at Sun, I found a bug that I knew would affect both. The patch would even directly apply (well… close, but I made one anyway).

So the typical process of me filing a MySQL bug these days is:

  • Stewart files bug
  • In the next window of Sveta being awake, it’s verified.

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Showing entries 1 to 10 of 14
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