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Displaying posts with tag: database scalability (reset)
ARM based data center. Inspiring.

In a previous post I wrote ARM based servers. Since then, and thanks to all the comments and responses I got, I looked more into this ARM thing and it's absolutely fascinating...

Look at this beauty (taken from the site of Calxeda, the manufacturer):

What is it? A chip? A server? No, it's a cluster of 4 servers...

And this:

is HP Redstone Server, 288 chips, 1,152 cores (Calxeda quad-core SoC) in a 4U server “Dramatically reducing the cost and complexity of cabling and …

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The catch-22 of read/write splitting

In my previous post I covered the shard-disk paradigm's pros and cons, but the conclusion that is that it cannot really qualify as a scale-out solution, when it comes to massive OLTP, big-data, big-sessions-count and mixture of reads and writes.

Read/Write splitting is achieved when numerous replicated database servers are used for reads. This way the system can scale to cope with increase in concurrent load. This solution qualifies as a scale-out solution as it allow expansion beyond the boundaries of one DB, DB machines are shared-nothing, can be added as a slave to the replication "group" when required.

And, as a fact, read/write …

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Why shared-storage DB clusters don't scale

Yesterday I was asked by a customer for the reason why he had failed to achieve scale with a state-of-the-art "shared-storage" cluster. "It's a scale-out to 4 servers, but with a shared disk. And I got, after tons of work and efforts, 130% throughput, not even close to the expected 400%" he said.

Well, scale-out cannot be achieved with a shared storage and the word "shared" is the key. Scale-out is done with absolutely nothing shared or a "shared-nothing" architecture. This what makes it linear and unlimited. Any shared resource, creates a tremendous burden on each and every database server in the cluster.

In a previous post, I identified database engine activities such as buffer management, locking, thread locks/semaphores, and recovery tasks - as the main bottleneck in the OLTP …

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Scale-out your DB on ARM-based servers

Today, I think we witnessed a small sign for a big revolution...
"Dell announced a prototype low-power server with ARM processors, following a growing demand by Web companies for custom-built servers that can scale performance while reducing financial overhead on data centers"In short, ARM (see Wikipedia definition here) is an architecture standard for processors. ARM processors are slower compared to good old x86 processors from Intel and AMD, but have power-efficiency, density and price attributes that intrigue customers, especially in our days of green data centers where carbon emissions is …

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Scale differences between OLTP and Analytics

In my previous post,, I reviewed the differences between OLTP and Analytics databases.

Scale challenges are different between those 2 worlds of databases.

Scale challenges in the Analytics world are with the growing amounts of data. Most solutions have been leveraging those 3 main aspects: Columnar storage, RAM and parallelism.
Columnar storage makes scans and data filtering more precise and focused. After that – it all goes down to the I/O - the faster the I/O is, the faster the query will finish and bring results. Faster disks and also SSD can play good role, but above all: RAM! …

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Impressions from Amazon's AWS Summit in NYC

Yesterday (4/19) I attended the AWS Summit in NYC (

I'm a big fan and also a heavy user of AWS especially S3, EC2, and naturally, RDS. In every point in time I have several dozens of AWS machines running for me out there in the East region, and in some cases when we do some special benchmarks and tests, number of EC2 and RDS machines can easily reach 3-digit. As I said, I'm a fan...

A few quotes I was able to catch and document on my laptop, on my laps...:
"When you develop an app for facebook, you must be prepared (and be afraid) that to your party, not noone will show up, but everybody will show up!" So true! Simple and true. We all want to succeed, to have success with our app. We have to think about scaling from day 1.
"Database was bottleneck for building of sophisticated apps. This is …

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So how can we scale databases?

There are ways to scale databases, unfortunately some are limited, some introduce complexities, some are do not fit the cloud...

By scaling solution I mean a solutions that help me scale my existing environment, my existing RDBMS. Some magic or technology that will take my existing Oracle or MySQL for example, to the next level, without porting to a new DB engine/vendor and without completely recoding my app.

Let's try to organize things a bit in this very summarized table, just to get the hunch of it. I can't imagine to cover it all in 1 table or even 100 pages, but that should be a start of a meaningful discussion to continue in next posts:

Solution Scales reads? Scales writes? Scales data? Scales sessions?
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Applications come and go. Databases are here to scale.

In my heart, I'm a DBA, always was and always will be. People say I'm a database guy by the way I think, keep my car, and file my music and also bank statements... However I did great deal of development, design, architecture on the apps side. I (hope to) have some perspective.

Applications come and go. The second programming language I've ever learned and worked on was COBOL, some still say most of the world's lines of code are written in this language, maybe so, but anyway I since then have known and written in dozens of programming languages, from Assembly to, from Pascal to Delphi, from functional C to Object Oriented SmallTalk, C++, Java and , from compiled C/CGI to interpreted Perl, ASP and Ruby back to compiled node.js... My first applications ran on Main-Frame with green screen, later I created beautiful graphic client-server applications, later I had to create hideous white web applications …

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Data Store, Software and Hardware – What is best

Other day we had a small discussion about data stores and hardware; and which one drives the other when it comes to data storage solution, rather it is a hard discussion as both on its own are bigger entities; and one can not easily conclude as it depends on use cases and actually speaking data [...]

CAP Theorem, Eventual Consistency, NoSQL

Very nice and interesting post from Michael Stonebraker explaining how errors dictate CAP Theorem (Consistency, Availability and Partition-tolerance); as only one objective from the CAP can be achieved during normal error conditions as NoSQL system seems to relax the consistency model as CAP theorem anyway proves that one can’t get all 3 at the same [...]

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