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Displaying posts with tag: eventual consistency (reset)
MariaDB Eventually Consistent?


Eventual consistency is a consistency model used in many large distributed databases which requires that all changes to a replicated piece of data eventually reach all affected replicas; conflict resolution is not handled and responsibility is pushed up to the application author in the event of conflicting updates [13].

Eventual consistency is a specific form of weak consistency; the storage system guarantees that if no new updates are made to the object, eventually all accesses will return the last updated value [14]. If no failures occur, the maximum size of the inconsistency window can be determined based on factors such as communication delays, the load on the system, and the number of replicas involved in the replication scheme [3].

A few examples of eventually consistent systems:

  • DNS
  • Asynchronous master/slave replication on an RDBMS e.g. MariaDB
  • memcached in front …
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On Eventual Consistency — An interview with Michael Monty Widenius.

“For analytical things, eventual consistency is ok (as long as you can know after you have run them if they were consistent or not). For real world involving money or resources it’s not necessarily the case.” — Michael “Monty” Widenius. In a recent interview, I asked Justin Sheehy, Chief Technology Officer at Basho Technologies, maker [...]

CAP Theorem, Eventual Consistency, NoSQL

Very nice and interesting post from Michael Stonebraker explaining how errors dictate CAP Theorem (Consistency, Availability and Partition-tolerance); as only one objective from the CAP can be achieved during normal error conditions as NoSQL system seems to relax the consistency model as CAP theorem anyway proves that one can’t get all 3 at the same [...]

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