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Displaying posts with tag: skysql (reset)
MaxScale 0.7.0 Overview and Highlights

MaxScale 0.7.0 was recently released (it is the 4th alpha, with the beta on the near horizon), and is available for download here.

The release contains a number of new enhancements as well as 8 bugs fixes.


  1. Galera Support: Enhanced support for Galera cluster to allow Galera to be used as a High Available Cluster with no write contention between the nodes. MaxScale will control access to a Galera Cluster such that one node is designated as the master node to which all write operations will be sent. Read operations will be sent to any of the remaining nodes that are part of the cluster. Should the currently elected master node fail MaxScale will automatically promote one of the remaining nodes to become the new master node.
  2. Multiple Slave Connections: The Read/Write …
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MaxScale 0.6.0 Overview and Highlights

MaxScale 0.6.0 was recently released (it is the 3rd alpha, with the beta on the near horizon), and is available for download here.

The particular release only contains 2 great additions and 2 important fixes (and note development continues with the 1.0 (GA) features, but these have not been put into this alpha version).

Important Additions:

  1. A feature-complete read/write splitting module, i.e. read and write operations are now balanced in a smarter way to master or slave servers.
  2. New client-based features, such as a version string that provides compatibility with the major connectors, the ability to connect through the root user and the use of the Unix socket when MaxScale is co-located with a client application on the same server.

Important Bug Fixes:

  1. The new parameter …
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MariaDB 10.0.11 Overview and Highlights

MariaDB 10.0.11 was recently released, and is available for download here:

This is the second GA release of MariaDB 10.0, and 12th overall release of MariaDB 10.0.

This is primarily a bug-fix release.

Here are the main items of note:

  1. Updated TokuDB engine to version 7.1.6
  2. Updated Spider storage engine to version 3.2 (now Gamma)
  3. Updated XtraDB storage engine to version 5.6.17-65.0
  4. Updated InnoDB storage engine to version 5.6.17
  5. Updated …
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MaxScale 0.6

Kudos to the SkySQL Engineering team, who released the 3rd alpha version of MaxScale, a database proxy for MySQL, MariaDB and Percona servers, labeled MaxScale 0.6.
This version comes with two important additions:

  • A feature-complete read/write splitting module, i.e. read and write operations are now balanced in a smarter way to master or slave servers.
  • New client-based features, such as a version string that provides compatibility with the major MariaDB and MySQL connectors, the ability to connect through the root user and the use of the unix socket when MaxScale is co-located with a client application on the same server.

Binaries and source code are “hidden” here:
The project is on GitHub:
Other helpful links are:

  • Bugs …
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Another reason for Xtrabackup error “log block numbers mismatch”

I ran into an issue the other day where Xtrabackup was not completing and threw the following error:

xtrabackup: error: log block numbers mismatch:
xtrabackup: error: expected log block no. 134860907,
but got no. 176803931 from the log file.
xtrabackup: Error: xtrabackup_copy_logfile() failed.

When researching this error, I found that this error is generally caused when the following 2 conditions must are met, and this is generally when “xtrabackup cannot catch up with log writing activity on the server, so the log wraps around before xtrabackup can copy records before they are overwritten”:

  1. The log block numbers must wrap around, which only happens once per 1 GB of log writes.
  2. The wrap-around point must be between the last checkpoint and the current log tail at the time the backup starts.

Discussed here:

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The Other MariaDB Blog

This is the blog of the MariaDB Foundation in particular and the MariaDB project in general. It is used to announce new MariaDB versions, for posts from MariaDB developers about new features, and for news from or about the MariaDB Foundation itself, among other things. For many this is the MariaDB blog, and on behalf of the MariaDB Foundation, welcome! We’re glad you’re here. Thanks for stopping by!

What you may not know is that there’s another MariaDB blog over at run by the fine folks at SkySQL (full disclosure: I work for SkySQL, but my posts here are on behalf of the MariaDB project and the Foundation). This other MariaDB blog contains posts about SkySQL’s commercial MariaDB offerings (naturally) but also a lot of other …

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MySQL related IRC discussion channels

There are many MySQL related IRC discussion channels as the ecosystem itself grows. I join the following. Are there any that I’m missing?

Freenode (

  • #mysql – main channel for all kinds of end user MySQL related discussions (the noisiest of the lot, naturally)
  • #maria – main channel for all kinds of MariaDB related discussions
  • #webscalesql – for all kinds of WebScaleSQL discussions
  • #percona – main channel for all kinds of Percona related discussions
  • #tokutek – main channel for Tokutek discussions (TokuDB or TokuMX)
  • SkySQL-specific channels: #maxscale and #mariadb-mgr


  • #debian-mysql – for all kinds of Debian MySQL related bits (packaging, bugs, etc.)

Related posts:

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WebScaleSQL on Windows? I wish, but not quite yet, it seems …

For fun, I tried building WebScaleSQL on Windows, even though it’s not [yet?] a support platform.

Using the following (as I would to build MySQL/MariaDB):

cd c:\mysql\webscalesql-5.6.16
mkdir bld
cd bld
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config relwithdebinfo --target package

I end up with:

    238 Warning(s)
    110 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:05:08.53

Looking through the output, the main error is this:

fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'atomic':
No such file or directory

Of course the directory does exist, and permissions are correct.

C:\mysql\webscalesql-5.6.16\include\atomic_stat.h contains the following line:

#include <atomic>

And this exists:


So there must be some …

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Resolving Error 1918, System Error Code 126, When Installing MySQL ODBC Driver

If you are installing MySQL ODBC Driver and encounter the following error:

Error 1918. Error installing ODBC driver MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver,
ODBC error 13: The setup routines for the MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver
could not be loaded due to system error code 126:
The specified module could not be found.
...\myodbc5S.dll).. Verify...

Then you will need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (select the appropriate one for your OS architecture below):

64-bit version:

32-bit version:

After installing that, then re-attempt installing the MySQL ODBC …

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Resolving MySQL ODBC “architecture mismatch” Error

If you attempt to use ODBC to run a MySQL application and run into the following error:

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an
architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application

This means there is a 64-bit versus 32-bit mismatch.

Most likely, you’re running 64-bit Windows, as well as 64-bit MySQL ODBC connector, but the application is 32-bit.

If this is the case, you will also need to install the 32-bit MySQL ODBC connector, and then create the connection from the 32-bit ODBC.

odbcad32.exe is the file to create the connections. Both 64-bit and 32-bit files have the same name, just differing locations.

This is the default location for the 64-bit ODBC:


This is the default location for the 32-bit ODBC:


And should you need to install MySQL ODBC, there are good …

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