A blog series about ProxySQL and Galera…
This post is the first of a series of blogposts on how to easily use ProxySQL to scale-out your application’s database workload on a Galera cluster. This series will explore the main concepts in configuring ProxySQL for Galera across three articles as follows:
– A first introductory post describing the minimal configuration
needed for ProxySQL to monitor and manage a Galera Cluster.
– A second post describing how to setup a read/write
configuration for our Galera Cluster, using ProxySQL
query rules.
– A third and final post with examples on specific cluster
configuration options and more detailed explanations on why
and how ProxySQL changes the nodes states based on
configuration changes and monitored variables. Requirements
To illustrate how to configure ProxySQL for a Galera Cluster we
will use a sample Galera Cluster