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Displaying posts with tag: OpenSolaris (reset)
MySQL University: Being host and presenter at the same time

Today, Martin "MC" Brown gave an overview of MySQL on openSolaris. Due to Yours Truly arriving late MC had to start a new Dimdim session (sorry for that!). So MC was the host and the presenter at the same time.

Interestingly (and annoyingly), this seemed to have a bad effect on sound quality. To most attendees, MC's voice sounded garbled. To me, he sounded like at least one octave too low. The sound recording, though, sounds all fine. I suspect that being the host of a Dimdim session has a bad effect on voice quality (the same thing has happened to me regularly, but I thought it was due to packet loss over my wifi or something). So, for the next MySQL University session on …

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Leading Price-Performance Results with Open Source Stack: MySQL, GlassFish and OpenSolaris

Sun has posted SPECjAppServer 2004 results for a full OpenSource stack including MySQL 5.0, GlassFish v2 U2 and OpenSolaris 2008.05 on Sun's 1U SunFire x4150. The setup uses two x4150 running GF and one running MySQL, all on OpenSolaris.

Check out the detailed posts by …

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MySQL University: MySQL on openSolaris

This Thursday (November 13, 2008), Martin "MC" Brown will give an overview of MySQL on openSolaris. MC is an expert on MySQL and Solaris, and has helped the openSolaris team to port MySQL to that platform. The session will start at 14:00 UTC/BST (15:00 CET).

For those of you who've never heard the term before, MySQL University is an educational program for engineers from Sun/MySQL and the MySQL community. It's free and open to anyone. MySQL University focuses on MySQL internals and on Sun technology that can be used in connection with MySQL.

Here's the updated schedule for the rest of this year. Note that 14:00 BST currently translates to 14:00 UTC – sorry for getting this wrong with the last announcement. As always, check out the …

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You Have to Stop to Change Direction

The bursting of the internet bubble was good for the computer industry.

Many of us didn't like the medicine, but I can't remember a single customer upset at the idea of paying $20,000 for computing infrastructure that used to cost them $100,000. The price compression came from open source software, and a move toward general purpose servers, and resulted in companies formerly making 65% gross profit on products (Sun among them) facing a new reality.

But what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Since then, Sun's built the biggest open source software business around (see this report for details), from platform software to application infrastructure (even a …

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Sun still radiating open source

Sun Microsystems always seems to be forced to defend itself, whether it is the company’s ongoing strategy amid dimmed revenue and earnings or its participation in open source. As one who recently considered the fate of a somewhat weakened Sun, I’d also like to highlight a recent series of promising technologies and efforts — dominated by open source — from the venerable technology giant.

Despite continued doubts, Sun continues to focus its strategy on open source software, which is finding its way into the company’s Solaris OS, storage technology with ZFS file system and MySQL database and elsewhere. The company recently launched a new Web site where it is figuratively letting its open source ponytail down and more succinctly staking out its place and …

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Yes You Can - Save $$$ on cost of Proprietary Databases

The New Sun Microsystems  announced a new Glassfish/MySQL/OpenSolaris SPECjAppServer2004 result today. The  real highlight is that all software used in this benchmark is all Open Source Software. It is  a win for Open Source Software including Open Source Databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL. We need more of such benchmarks to highlight the exorbitant prices charged by Proprietary Database & other Software Vendors who charge and force customers to give them all their major dollars of their IT budget.

Tom Daly's blog entry highlight that in terms of Price/Performance, the proprietary database vendors who  conveniently also happen to be the …

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The Rise of The Open Source Software Stack

The rise of the "Open Source Software Stack" reached another milestone today.  

Sun released a SPECjAppServer2004 performance result using top-to-bottom Open Source Software stack components:  OpenSolaris/MySQL/Glassfish.   At 1197.10 JOPS, the performance is highly respectable - not setting any land speed records, but it is in the ball park with other results using the same class of hardware.   The difference (of course) is in the price/performance.

The other contenders were two [1][ …

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Why isn't MySQL using the my.cnf settings I've specified?

You are just getting started with MySQL on OpenSolaris. You've installed the OpenSolaris Community Edition and CoolStack MySQL. To explore this new environment you decide to run some tests using the sysbench benchmark. After running a number of tests you realize that for some reason the options you are setting in /etc/my.cnf are not getting used.

What is going on? Not to worry, you've just hit a problem common to new users of MySQL on OpenSolaris.

Run this command:

 # /opt/coolstack/mysql/bin/mysqladmin | more

page down until you see:

Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
/etc/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf /opt/coolstack/mysql/etc/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf

This shows …

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Why isn't MySQL using the my.cnf settings I've specified?

You are just getting started with MySQL on OpenSolaris. You've installed the OpenSolaris Community Edition and CoolStack MySQL. To explore this new environment you decide to run some tests using the sysbench benchmark. After running a number of tests you realize that for some reason the options you are setting in /etc/my.cnf are not getting used.

What is going on? Not to worry, you've just hit a problem common to new users of MySQL on OpenSolaris.

Run this command:

 # /opt/coolstack/mysql/bin/mysqladmin | more

page down until you see:

Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
/etc/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf /opt/coolstack/mysql/etc/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf

This shows …

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Why isn't MySQL using the my.cnf settings I've specified?

You are just getting started with MySQL on OpenSolaris. You've installed the OpenSolaris Community Edition and CoolStack MySQL. To explore this new environment you decide to run some tests using the sysbench benchmark. After running a number of tests you realize that for some reason the options you are setting in /etc/my.cnf are not getting used.

What is going on? Not to worry, you've just hit a problem common to new users of MySQL on OpenSolaris.

Run this command:

 # /opt/coolstack/mysql/bin/mysqladmin | more

page down until you see:

Default options are read from the following files in the given order:
/etc/my.cnf /etc/mysql/my.cnf /opt/coolstack/mysql/etc/my.cnf ~/.my.cnf

This shows …

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Showing entries 111 to 120 of 182
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