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Displaying posts with tag: Open Source (reset)
Terraform on OCI – Building MySQL On Compute – initial setups

I have written previous blog posts about Oracle Cloud OCI and this series continues. My post titled with Iaas Getting Started was to get us acquainted with important security-focused items like Compartments and network Services like NAT and Internet-Gateways. Then I posted about building MySQL on Compute with Scripting using a mix of OCI Web console navigation… Read More »

Automating Tungsten upgrades using Ansible

Continuent Tungsten is one of the few all-in-one solutions for MySQL high availability. In this post I will show you how to automate the upgrade process using Ansible. I will walk you through the individual tasks and, finally, give you the complete playbook.

We will use a rolling approach, upgrading the slaves first, and finally upgrading the former master. There is no need for a master switch, as the process is transparent to the application.

I am assuming you are using the .ini based installation method. If you are still using staging host, I suggest you update your set up.

Pre tasks

The first step is ensuring the cluster is healthy, because we don’t want to start taking nodes offline unless we are sure the cluster is in good shape. One way of doing that is by using the built-in script tungsten_monitor. When we run the playbook, we only need to validate the cluster status on one node, so I am adding …

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Summary – Mydbops Database meetup 2

Mydbops database meetup was held on 26-01-2019 and 48 members from open source database community has attended this event. We had talks on MySQL and MongoDB databases.

Open source database enthusiastic from companies like OLA Cabs, Searce Inc, PayTm, Quikr, Zensar, Grab, SAP labs, Travel Yarri, Meddiff and a few has travelled from other cities of India like Hyderabad and Chennai.

The Welcome talk was given my Selva venkatesh of Mydbops. He spoke about the open source database community and welcomed all the participants and speakers.

Followed by it Karthik P R , CEO/ Founder, Mydbops made his presentation on “InnoDB Performance Optimisation” . InnoDB is the prime engine in MySQL.This talk focuses on the InnoDB Architecture in MySQL 8.0 and its fine tuning. He also answered the various questions raised …

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Rotating your ProxySQL log files

Recently I received several questions about rotating log files for ProxySQL, so I decided to draft it up as a blog post. Let me go by this using an example.

In my testing lab, I have set up a fairly default ProxySQL (version 1.4.13) service. The default location for the proxysql.log is in /var/lib/proxysql.

[root@proxysql ~]# ls -hal /var/lib/proxysql/proxysql.log*
-rw-------. 1 root root 4.9K Jan 30 18:47 /var/lib/proxysql/proxysql.log

I created a pretty basic default logrotate configuration to ensure my logfile rotates on a daily basis and five rotations are kept before expiring.

[root@proxysql ~]# cat /etc/logrotate.d/proxysql
/var/lib/proxysql/proxysql.log {
create 0600 root root
rotate 5

First attempt

Let’s check whether this is actually the correct file that is used that we will be rotating. As it turned out it is!

[root@proxysql ~]# lsof | …
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Monitoring your 5.7 InnoDB cluster status

Recently we had a customer who came to us for help with monitoring their InnoDB cluster setup. They run a 5.7 InnoDB cluster and suffered from a network outage that split up their cluster leaving it with no writeable primaries. As part of their incident followup, they asked us for methods to monitor this cluster.

I had tested before with InnoDB clusters (in both 8.0 and 5.7 variants) and I was confident that we could parse the cluster node “role” (read-write aka primary vs. read-only aka secondary) from the performance_schema tables. As it turned out, this feature is not in 5.7 but only 8.0. However, the docs on this are wrong for 5.7 as these docs suggest that the performance_schema.group_replication_members table would show PRIMARY and SECONDARY role of each cluster node. I have submitted a …

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What to expect at FOSDEM 2019

In just over two weeks, on Feb 2-3, FOSDEM 2019 will take place. As happens every year, the first weekend of February The University Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) opens the doors of campus Solbosch to the worldwide open source community. What started as a small gathering of open source hackers has now become one of the world’s largest open source community events with speakers from all over the globe. All major open source software vendors want to be there and you will find boots for every possible Linux distribution.

For the third year in a row now, Oracle is organizing a pre-FOSDEM MySQL day. As the name suggests, this event takes place the day before FOSDEM (Friday, Feb 1st). This day is loaded with content on MySQL 8.0. …

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Is slave_exec_mode idempotent actually idempotent?

Co-Author: Rafael Alvarez

When you look up the word idempotence in wikipedia you get the following definition: Idempotence is the property of certain operations in mathematics and computer science whereby they can be applied multiple times without changing the result beyond the initial application.

When I think of idempotence in the sense of how IT operations work, the very first thing that comes to mind is Ansible. In Ansible you have a yml file that represents a state you want the target host to be in. For example, I can use the yum module to ensure that MySQL is installed on my RHEL virtual machine. When the playbook is run, it checks if MySQL is installed. If not, it will install it. It is installed, then it will ignore that …

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How to use procedures to increase security in MySQL

MySQL privilege system is small, almost all administrative tasks can be completed using a handful of privileges. If we exclude generic ones as ALL, SHOW DATABASES and USAGE, create and drop permissions as CREATE USER, DROP ROLE or CREATE TABLESPACE, the number of privileges remaining is really limited: PROCESS, PROXY, RELOAD, REPLICATION_CLIENT, REPLICATION_SLAVE, SHUTDOWN and SUPER.

Having such a reduced list of privileges means that it is very difficult to control what a connected session can do. For example, if a user has privileges to stop replication, it also has privileges to start it, and also to configure it. Actually, it has rights to do almost everything as the privilege required to stop replication is …

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Releasing puppet-proxysql version 2.0.0

Everyone knows those situations where there is a task that you need to do and you want to do, but you just don’t come around to actually doing it. Well, for me, this new release was such a task.

Early in 2017, I released the first version of puppet-proxysql on GitHub. It was my first puppet-module release and I was quite proud of it. I had implemented types and providers for managing the ProxySQL resources such as mysql_user, mysql_servers, etc…

At Config Management Camp Gent (February 2017) I met Vox Pupuli, who is the group that forms the puppet-user-community. They picked up the responsibility of taking ownership of well-known modules that are left unmaintained or abandoned and/or modules that only had a single maintainer. The puppet-proxysql module was kind of the latter. Additionally, they …

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Setting up MySQL Encrypted Replication on MySQL 5.7 with GTID

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through setting up encrypted replication on MySQL 5.7 with GTID enabled. I will walk you through how to create sample certificates and keys, and then configure MySQL to only use replication via an encrypted SSL tunnel.

For simplicity, the credentials and certificates I used in this tutorial are very basic. I would suggest, of course, you use stronger passwords and accounts.

Let’s get started.

Create a folder where you will keep the certificates and keys

mkdir /etc/newcerts/
cd /etc/newcerts/

Create CA certificate

[root@po-mysql2 newcerts]# openssl genrsa 2048 > ca-key.pem
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
[root@po-mysql2 newcerts]# openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 3600 -key ca-key.pem -out ca.pem
You are about to be asked to enter …
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