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Still have binlog_error_action as IGNORE_ERROR?

Recently, we were affected by an ignored configuration option introduced in MySQL 5.6. This incident caused us to perform extended planning of downtime and the rebuilding of the slave. In this post, we’ll discuss our encounter with binlog_error_action and likely bad default.

The incident started with an alert from our monitoring platform that a check failed to verify a MySQL master’s binary log coordinates. My colleague working from the other side of the globe observed the following:

mysql> show master status;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> show binary logs;
ERROR 1381 (HY000): You are not using binary logging

Interestingly, the MySQL slave was still reporting that everything was okay!

mysql> show slave status\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
               Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                  Master_Host: master
                  Master_User: …
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Automating Tungsten upgrades using Ansible

Continuent Tungsten is one of the few all-in-one solutions for MySQL high availability. In this post I will show you how to automate the upgrade process using Ansible. I will walk you through the individual tasks and, finally, give you the complete playbook.

We will use a rolling approach, upgrading the slaves first, and finally upgrading the former master. There is no need for a master switch, as the process is transparent to the application.

I am assuming you are using the .ini based installation method. If you are still using staging host, I suggest you update your set up.

Pre tasks

The first step is ensuring the cluster is healthy, because we don’t want to start taking nodes offline unless we are sure the cluster is in good shape. One way of doing that is by using the built-in script tungsten_monitor. When we run the playbook, we only need to validate the cluster status on one node, so I am adding …

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Setting up MySQL Encrypted Replication on MySQL 5.7 with GTID

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through setting up encrypted replication on MySQL 5.7 with GTID enabled. I will walk you through how to create sample certificates and keys, and then configure MySQL to only use replication via an encrypted SSL tunnel.

For simplicity, the credentials and certificates I used in this tutorial are very basic. I would suggest, of course, you use stronger passwords and accounts.

Let’s get started.

Create a folder where you will keep the certificates and keys

mkdir /etc/newcerts/
cd /etc/newcerts/

Create CA certificate

[root@po-mysql2 newcerts]# openssl genrsa 2048 > ca-key.pem
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
[root@po-mysql2 newcerts]# openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 3600 -key ca-key.pem -out ca.pem
You are about to be asked to enter …
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MySQL encrypted streaming backups directly into AWS S3


Cloud storage is becoming more and more popular for offsite storage and DR solutions for many businesses. This post will help with those people that want to perform this process for MySQL backups directly into Amazon S3 Storage. These steps can probably also be adapted for other processes that may not be MySQL oriented.


In order to perform this task we need to be able to stream the data, encrypt it, and then upload it to S3. There are a number of ways to do each step and I will try and dive into multiple examples so that way you can mix and match the solution to your desired results.  The AWS S3 CLI tools that I will be using to do the upload also allows encryption but to try and get these steps open for customization, I am going to do the encryption in the stream.

  1. Stream MySQL backup
  2. Encrypt the stream
  3. Upload the stream to AWS S3

Step 1 : …

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InnoDB flushing and Linux I/O

Since documentation is not very clear to me on the topic of InnoDB flushing in combination with Linux IO (specifically the write system call), I decided to put together this article in hopes of shedding some light on the matter.

How Linux does I/O

By default, the write() system call returns after all data has been copied from the user space file descriptor into the kernel space buffers. There is no guarantee that data has actually reached the physical storage.

The fsync() call is our friend here. This will block and return only after the data and metadata (e.g. file size, last update time) is completely transferred to the actual physical storage.

There is also fdatasync() which only guarantees the data …

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MySQL on FreeBSD: old genes

Maintaining mission critical databases on our pitchfork wielding brother, the “Daemon” of FreeBSD, seems quite daunting, or even absurd, from the perspective of a die-hard Linux expert, or from someone who has not touched it in a long time. The question we ask when we see FreeBSD these days is “why?”.  Most of my own experience with FreeBSD was obtained 10-15 years ago.  Back then, in the view of the team I was working on, a custom compiled-from-source operating system like FreeBSD 5.x or 6.x was superior to a Linux binary release.

Package managers like YUM and APT were not as good.  They did not always perform MD5 checks and use SSL like today’s versions. RedHat wasn’t releasing security updates 5 minutes after a vulnerability was discovered. Ubuntu didn’t exist. Debian stable would get so very old before receiving a new version upgrade. FreeBSD was a great choice for a maintainable, secure, free open …

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Log Buffer #457: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition begins with some great blog posts from Oracle, goes through SQL Server and then ends with MySQL.


  • Ruby-oci8 is a ruby interface for an Oracle Database.
  • Another python graph – one wait event.
  • This article compares FBL and HDL – two of the commonly used data loading tools in Fusion HCM to highlight key differences and similarities.
  • Better Data Modeling: Customizing Oracle …
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Log Buffer #456: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This Log Buffer Edition covers many aspects discussed this week in the realms of Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL.


  • Oracle and Informatica have a very close working relationship and one of the recent results of this collaboration is the joint project done by Informatica and our Oracle ISV Engineering team to test the performance of Informatica software with Oracle Database 12c In-memory on Oracle SPARC systems.
  • The only thing you can do easily is be wrong, and that’s hardly worth the effort.
  • Enterprise Manager 13c: What’s New in Database Lifecycle Management. …
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MySQL Benchmark in the Cloud


Testing functionalities and options for a database can be challenging at times, as a live production environment might be required. As I was looking for different options, I was directed by Derek Downey to this post in the Percona blog.

The blog discussed an interesting and fun tool from Percona, tpcc-mysql. I was interested in testing the tool so I decided to play around with it in an AWS EC2 server.

In this post I will expand on the Percona blog post, since the tool lacks documentation, as well as explain how I used it to create a MySQL Benchmark in AWS.

Why tpcc-mysql?

There are various reasons why tpcc-mysql could be a good …

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Log Buffer #455: A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

What better to do during the holiday season than to read the Log Buffer? This log buffer edition is here to add some sparkle to Oracle, MySQL and SQL Server on your days off.


  • Ops Center version 12.3.1 has just been released. There are a number of enhancements here.
  • Oracle R Enterprise (ORE) 1.5 is now available for download on all supported platforms with Oracle R Distribution 3.2.0 / R-3.2.0. ORE 1.5 introduces parallel distributed implementations of Random Forest, Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) that operate on ore.frame objects.
  • Create a SOA Application in JDeveloper 12c Using Maven …
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