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Displaying posts with tag: debian (reset)
MySQL 5.1 moved to Debian unstable

Thanks to Christian Hammers, we finally have MySQL 5.1 in Debian unstable, which completely replaces MySQL 5.0. Please update all build-dependencies from libmysqlclient15-dev to libmysqlclient-dev and upload a rebuild version of your package.

As a positive side-effect, we no longer care about MySQL bug #41728, which was the reason why no newer version of MySQL 5.0 made it into testing since lenny got released.

MySQL 5.1 moved to Debian unstable

Thanks to Christian Hammers, we finally have MySQL 5.1 in Debian unstable, which completely replaces MySQL 5.0. Please update all build-dependencies from libmysqlclient15-dev to libmysqlclient-dev and upload a rebuild version of your package.

As a positive side-effect, we no longer care about MySQL bug #41728, which was the reason why no newer version of MySQL 5.0 made it into testing since lenny got released.

Microsoft contributes to Linux kernel: a CAOS Theory Q&A

Microsoft has announced that it is to contribute code to the Linux kernel development effort under the GNU General Public License (GPL) v2. What on earth does it all mean? Here’s our take on the situation. With thanks to Jay Lyman for his contribution to the following:

Q. This is a joke, right?

A. Not at all, although if any announcement is better suited to the image above, we can’t think of one. Microsoft has announced that it is going to contribute code to Linux under the GPLv2.

Q. What code is Microsoft contributing?

A. Microsoft is offering 20,000 lines of its own device drivers to the Linux kernel that will enable Linux to run as a guest …

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Debian unstable on a Sun Fire T1000

So i got the T1000 working again (finally, after much screwing about trying to get the part). I then hit the ever annoying “no console” problem, where the console didn’t work – kind of problematic.

After a firmware upgrade, and passing “console=/dev/ttyS0″ to the kernel, things work.

So the T1000 firmware 6.3 doesn’t work with modern debian kernels. Thing swork with 6.7 though.

libmemcached packages

Ronald Bradford last week posted about memcached not being multi-threaded on Ubuntu, something he discovered via some small utilities that are bundled with libmemcached, written by Brian Aker.

When I noticed there were no Ubuntu packages for libmemcached (or the CLI tools) I decided to create some.

For your enjoyment: (Source debs are included)

The repository also contains a memcached that has been re-compiled with multithreading enabled.

How To Set Up WebDAV With MySQL Authentication On Apache2 (Debian Lenny)

How To Set Up WebDAV With MySQL Authentication On Apache2 (Debian Lenny)

This guide explains how to set up WebDAV with MySQL authentication (using mod_auth_mysql) on Apache2 on a Debian Lenny server. WebDAV stands for Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning and is a set of extensions to the HTTP protocol that allow users to directly edit files on the Apache server so that they do not need to be downloaded/uploaded via FTP. Of course, WebDAV can also be used to upload and download files.

A quick note on MySQL troubleshooting and MySQL replication

PLEASE NOTE: I am currently reviewing and extending this document. While caring for a remarkable amount of MySQL server instances, troubleshooting becomes a common task. It might of interest for you which Recovering a crashed MySQL server After a server … Weiterlesen →

Using Dtrace to find out if the hardware or Solaris is slow (but really just working around the problem)

A little while ago, I was the brave soul tasked with making sure Drizzle was working properly and passing all tests on Solaris and OpenSolaris. Brian recently blogged about some of the advantages of also running on Solaris and the SunStudio compilers - more warnings from the compiler is a good thing. Many kudos goes to Monty Taylor for being the brave soul who fixed most of the compiler warnings (and for us, warnings=errors - so we have to fix them) for the SunStudio compilers before I got to making te tests work.

So, I got to the end of it all and got pointed to an OpenSolaris x86 box where the drizzleslap test was timing out. The timeout for tests is some amazingly long amount of time - 15 minutes. All the drizzle-test-run tests are rather short tests.

To make running the tests quick, I usually LD_PRELOAD …

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OurDelta MySQL builds for Debian 5.0 (Lenny)

Peter has done the prep work for building on Lenny, see our Debian page for info on how to configure apt for easy updating (Lenny comes with 5.0.51).

Help with Debian MySQL packages required

During the last few months I was the only person working on the MySQL packages in Debian, and I could really need some help. Currently there is MySQL 5.0.32 in etch, 5.0.51a in lenny, 5.0.75 in unstable and 5.1.31 in experimental, and I am also trying to get MySQL Cluster and MySQL Workbench into Debian. All in all it is way too much work for only one developer.

If you are an interested Debian developer/maintainer with a good knowledge in MySQL and shared library packaging, drop me a mail.

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