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Displaying posts with tag: conference (reset)
50 tips to boost MySQL Performance Webinar follow up

Thank you for attending the webinar !  Here are the ppt slides.

If you missed it, you can still join the archived event by clicking the URL below.

There were a lot of attendees and a lot of questions. I could not answer everything during the limited time. But here are finally the answers !

Question Answer
Can MEM be used on community version? Yes, of course.
any known problems for MySQL running on an overprovisioned VMWare …
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Tokutek and Percona Live 2014

I’ve been a little behind in recent blogging efforts, and realized that in less than a month we’ll be back at Percona Live: MySQL Conference and Expo 2014, aka PLMCE. Last year’s PLMCE was my first, as well as the event where Tokutek announced the open sourcing of TokuDB.

It’s hard to believe that a year has gone by, but the customer adoption in both enterprise and community users has been awesome. TokuDB is available from our website for both MySQL and MariaDB, and is also available directly from MariaDB and …

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My talk @ Percona Live 2014

Will be giving a lightning talk at Percona Live 2014 – santa clara :)

In the world of replication, The Binlog is every ones favorite. 

But what about the Relay log, Don't you feel it can do more ?

Yes, It can. How about, if it can serve the purpose of the GTID 

feature without GTID.

#MySQL  ( alternative to GTID )  #gtid

Los Angeles MySQL Users Group and Southernalifornia Linux Expo SCaLE 12x

Big week for Southern California! I will be speaking at the LA MySQL Users Group on Thursday at 7PM in the Oracle Office on 200 N Sepulveda Blvd, El Segundo, CA. We will be in Room 4116 to talk about MySQL 5.7!

SCaLE 12x is THE big opensource show in Southern California and one of the more impressive conference on the planet. It may see a shame to waste temperatures in the low 80s by staying indoor but this show is amazing. So see you the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd at the LAX Hilton.

On the road again - FOSSAsia

On the road again - FOSSAsia

It has been a few busy months until now. I have moved from Italy to Thailand, and the move has been my first priority, keeping me from attending FOSDEM and interacting with social media. Now I start catching my breath, and looking around for new events to attend. But before I get into this, let’s make a few things clear:

  • I am still working for Continuent. Actually, it’s because of my company flexibility that I could move to a different country (a different continent, 6 time zones away) without much trouble. Thanks, Continuent! (BTW: Continuent is hiring! )
  • I am still involved with MySQL activities, events, and community matters. I just happen to be in a different time zone, where direct talk with people in Europe and …
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ConFoo 2014 is at our door steps

ConFoo, the conference for web developers, is hosting its fifth edition. It will take place in Montreal at the Hilton Bonaventure on February 26th – 28th. These five days are packed with great technical talks and semi-private trainings on your favorite technologies.

It’s definitely a conference for IT professionals, wether you are a developer, integrator or project manager. With its 150 talks, you are sure to find a presentation that will help you grow your core skills. Among them you can find :

  • Mobile development
  • Cloud computing
  • Project management
  • Databases and big data
  • Development with PHP, Ruby, Java, DotNet, Python and Javascript
  • Web security

Meet the experts who crafted your programming language or framework, and who push the technology to a new level. Exchange …

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PerconaLive 2014 program is published

PerconaLive 2014 program is published

After a few months of submissions and reviews, the program for PerconaLive MySQL Conference and Expo 2014 is published. The conference will be held in Santa Clara, from April 1 to 4, 2014.

Registration with early bird discount is available until February 2nd. If you plan to attend, this is probably the best time to act.

I will be presenting twice at the conference:

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How to get the MySQL Community Team at Your Local Event

December is half way through the budget year for the MySQL Community Team and we carefully meter out our small budget to make the most effective use from it. But December is also the time when existing conferences start the tasks of preparing for next year and brave souls who have never been part of a conference start out from scratch to create a new show. The MySQL Community Team would love to help with your conference.

First we need to know about your conference. We do scour the announcement sites like and but your show may have been inadvertently skipped. Tell us the dates, the location, how many people you are expecting, your target audience (PHP Developers, DBAs, left handed actuaries from the Pacific Rim), and what makes your show unique (at least for your area). We spread the word about shows to …

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Submissions at Percona Live Santa Clara 2014 and Lightning talks

The call for participation at Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2014 is now closed. There have been more than 320 submissions, and this will keep the review committee busy for a while.

One important point for everyone who has submitted: if you have submitted a proposal but haven’t included a bio in your account, do it now. If you don’t, your chances of being taken seriously are greatly reduced. To add a bio, go to your account page and fill in the Biography field. Including a picture is not mandatory, but it will be definitely appreciated.

Although the CfP is closed for tutorials and regular sessions, your chances of becoming a celebrity are not over yet. The CfP is still …

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Call for papers (with lightning talks): Percona Live MySQL Conference 2014

The call for participation for Percona Live MySQL Conference 2014 is still open. As part of the review committee, I will be looking at the proposals, and I hope to see many interesting ones.

There is a novelty in the submission form. In addition to tutorials and regular sessions, now you can submit proposals for lightning talks, to which I am particularly interested, as I have organized the lightning talks in the past two editions, and I am in charge to continue the tradition for the next one.

If you want to be a speaker at the conference, here are some tips to get your proposal accepted:

  • Propose a topic that you know well;
  • Take some time to write a well thought and meaningful proposal: nothing gets me faster to the rejection button than statements like “I want to talk about X, I will …
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Showing entries 111 to 120 of 620
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