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Displaying posts with tag: percona live (reset)
Percona Live Featured Tutorial with Frédéric Descamps — MySQL InnoDB Cluster & Group Replication in a Nutshell: Hands-On Tutorial

Welcome to another post in the series of Percona Live featured tutorial speakers blogs! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the tutorial speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these tutorials can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!

In this Percona Live featured tutorial, we’ll meet Frédéric Descamps, MySQL Community Manager at Oracle. Frédéric is probably better known in the community as “LeFred” (Twitter: @lefred)! His tutorial is …

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Setup ProxySQL for High Availability (not a Single Point of Failure)

In this blog post, we’ll look at how to set up ProxySQL for high availability.

During the last few months, we’ve had a lot of opportunities to present and discuss a very powerful tool that will become more and more used in the architectures supporting MySQL: ProxySQL.

ProxySQL is becoming more flexible, solid, performant and used every day ( and recent You can use ProxySQL for high availability.

The tool is a winner when compared to similar ones, and we should all have a clear(er) idea of how to integrate it in our architectures in order to achieve the best results.

The first thing to keep in mind is that ProxySQL doesn’t natively support any high availability solution. We can setup a cluster of …

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Percona Live Featured Tutorial with Morgan Tocker — MySQL 8.0 Optimizer Guide

Welcome to another post in the series of Percona Live featured tutorial speakers blogs! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the tutorial speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these tutorials can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!

In this Percona Live featured tutorial, we’ll meet Morgan Tocker, MySQL Product Manager at Oracle. His tutorial is a MySQL 8.0 Optimizer Guide. Many users who follow MySQL development are aware that recent versions introduced a number of improvements to query execution (via the addition of …

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Millions of Queries per Second: PostgreSQL and MySQL’s Peaceful Battle at Today’s Demanding Workloads

This blog compares how PostgreSQL and MySQL handle millions of queries per second.

Anastasia: Can open source databases cope with millions of queries per second? Many open source advocates would answer “yes.” However, assertions aren’t enough for well-grounded proof. That’s why in this blog post, we share the benchmark testing results from Alexander Korotkov (CEO of Development, Postgres Professional) and Sveta Smirnova (Principal Technical Services Engineer, Percona). The comparative research of PostgreSQL 9.6 and MySQL 5.7 performance will be especially valuable for environments with multiple databases.

The idea behind this research is to provide an honest comparison for the two popular RDBMSs. Sveta and Alexander wanted to test the most recent versions of both MySQL and PostgreSQL with the same tool, under the same challenging …

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Percona Live Featured Tutorial with Øystein Grøvlen — How to Analyze and Tune MySQL Queries for Better Performance

Welcome to another post in the series of Percona Live featured tutorial speakers blogs! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the tutorial speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these tutorials can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!

In this Percona Live featured tutorial, we’ll meet Øystein Grøvlen, Senior Principal Software Engineer at Oracle. His tutorial is on How to Analyze and Tune MySQL Queries for Better Performance. SQL query …

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Percona Live Featured Tutorial with Giuseppe Maxia — MySQL Document Store: SQL and NoSQL United

Welcome to a new series of blogs: Percona Live featured tutorial speakers! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the tutorial speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these tutorials can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!

In this Percona Live featured tutorial, we’ll meet Giuseppe Maxia, Quality Assurance Architect at VMware. His tutorial is on MySQL Document Store: SQL and NoSQL United. MySQL 5.7 introduced document store, which allows asynchronous operations …

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Percona Live Europe 2016: Day Two Keynote Speakers

Hello again, from day two of the sold out Percona Live Europe Open Source Database Conference! There is still much excitement here at the conference, and today looks to be just as busy as yesterday.

Day two of Percona Live Europe 2016 kicked off once again with a keynote presentation by Percona co-founder and CEO Peter Zaitsev on Percona Contributions to the Open Source Database Ecosystem, which highlighted Percona’s focus, approach and contributions to the open source database community. Peter talked about his passion for open source software, database technology and finding the best …

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Percona Live Europe 2016: “MySQL 8.0: what’s new in Optimizer” with Manyi Lu

Today was the first day of sessions at Percona Live Europe 2016, and it was packed with exciting talks and important information on open source databases. Some of the most anticipated talks are those that cover what to expect in MySQL 8.0.

One of those talks was given by Oracle’s Manyi Lu, Director of Software Development. She discussed MySQL 8.0: what’s new in Optimizer.

In her talk, Manyi discussed what we could look forward to in MySQL 8.0’s optimizer. There are substantial improvements in the optimizer in MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.0. Most noticeably, users can now combine relational data with NoSQL using the new JSON features. MySQL also now supports functional indexes through generated columns. …

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Percona Live Europe 2016: “Become a MySQL DBA” with Severalnines’ Johan Andersson and Krzysztof Książek

The Percona Live Europe Open Source Database Conference 2016 in Amsterdam got off to a great start on Monday with a day of tutorials. One of the ones most anticipated was Become a MySQL DBA Part 1 and Part 2, given by Severalnines’ Johan Andersson (CTO) and Krzysztof Książek (Senior Support Engineer).

This hands-on tutorial is intended to help you navigate your way through the steps that lead to becoming a MySQL DBA. Johan and Krzysztof discussed the most important aspects of managing MySQL infrastructure, as well as shared best practices and tips on how to perform the most common activities.

They covered:

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Speaking in October 2016
  • I’m thrilled to naturally be at Percona Live Europe Amsterdam from Oct 3-5 2016. I have previously talked about some of my sessions but I think there’s another one on the schedule already.
  • LinuxCon Europe – Oct 4-6 2016. I won’t be there for the whole conference, but hope to make the most of my day on Oct 6th.
  • MariaDB Developer’s meeting – Oct 6-8 2016 – skipping the first day, but will be there all day 2 and 3. I even have a session on day 3, focused on compatibility with MySQL, a topic I deeply care about ( …
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Showing entries 121 to 130 of 283
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