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Displaying posts with tag: London (reset)
Speaking in October 2016
  • I’m thrilled to naturally be at Percona Live Europe Amsterdam from Oct 3-5 2016. I have previously talked about some of my sessions but I think there’s another one on the schedule already.
  • LinuxCon Europe – Oct 4-6 2016. I won’t be there for the whole conference, but hope to make the most of my day on Oct 6th.
  • MariaDB Developer’s meeting – Oct 6-8 2016 – skipping the first day, but will be there all day 2 and 3. I even have a session on day 3, focused on compatibility with MySQL, a topic I deeply care about ( …
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Speaking in September 2016

A few events, but mostly circling around London:

  • Open collaboration – an O’Reilly Online Conference, at 10am PT, Tuesday September 13 2016 – I’m going to be giving a new talk titled Forking Successfully. I’ve seen how the platform works, and I’m looking forward to trying this method out (its like a webminar but not quite!)
  • September MySQL London Meetup – I’m going to focus on MySQL, a branch, Percona Server and the fork MariaDB Server. This will be interesting because one of the reasons you don’t see a huge Emacs/XEmacs push after about 20 years? Feature parity. And the work that’s going into MySQL 8.0 is mighty interesting.
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London roadshow wrap-up, see you in Paris next week

Just a few days ago, I presented at the MariaDB Roadshow in London, and I had a lot of fun. While I had canned slides, I did know the topic intimately well, so it was good to get further in-depth. In addition, we had these MasterMind sessions, basically the place to get one-on-one time with Anders/Luisa/or me, I noticed that pretty much everyone said they were buying services afterwards (which more or less must mean the event was rather successful from that standpoint!).

In addition to that, I was happy to see that from attendee feedback, I did have the highest averages – thank you!

So here’s to repeating this in Paris next week — Gestion des données pour les applications vitales – …

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London in May 2016

I’m happy to be back in London in May 2016, to talk at two events:

  1. The London MySQL Meetup GroupMonday May 9 – 6.30 PM – 9.00 PM – options for High Availability in the ecosystem that one would consider today. This is a cut down from my Percona Live tutorial, which had about 88 registered attendees and about that amount showed up and asked questions even through the break and after. I had a lot of fun, and I expect I will have similar fun in London talking about this area that has changed a lot in recent times.
  2. Data for the Enterprise – MariaDB Roadshow in LondonWednesday, May 11, 2016 from 9:30 AM to 2:00 …
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My speaking engagements - Q4 2012

After a long pause in the speaking game, I am back.

It's since April that I haven't been on stage, and it is now time to resume my public duties.

  • I will speak at MySQL Connect in San Francisco, just at the start of Oracle Open World, with a talk on MySQL High Availability: Power and Usability. It is about the cool technology that is keeping me busy here at Continuent, which can make life really easy for DBAs. This talk will be a demo fest. If you are attending MySQL Connect, you should see it!
  • A happy return for me. On October 27th I will talk about open source databases and the pleasures of command line operations at …
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MySQL Scaling breakfast seminar – London, April 25th

I’ll be presenting on/demoing MySQL Cluster 7.2 at this free breakfast seminar in Oracle’s London office on 25th April – starting with coffee at 9:00 and ending with lunch at 13:00 (quite a generous take on “breakfast”!). Space is limited and so if you would like to attend then register early here.

As well as MySQL Cluster there will be …

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Tungsten Replicator and MySQL Sandbox at Percona Live London 2011
I will be a speaker at Percona Live - London 2011, and I am looking forward to the event, which is packed with great content. A whopping 40 session of MySQL content, plus 3 keynotes and 14 tutorials. It's enough to keep every MySQL enthusiast busy. Continuent speakers will be particularly busy, as between me and Robert Hodges, we will be on stage four times on Tuesday, October 25th.
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Speaking at the MySQL London Meetup

We have two engineers from SkySQL who will be talking at the MySQL London Meetup on the 18th July and we welcome anyone who wants to chat to us to sign-up and come along.

I (Andrew Hutchings) will be giving a talk on Drizzle (a database server that originated as a fork of MySQL) and mydumper (a multi-threaded, high-performance dump/restore toolset for MySQL).

We also have Mark Riddoch coming along to talk about the work on our Reference Architecture toolset.

There will also be other representatives of SkySQL there and we will be hanging around in the pub afterwards to talk about anything in the MySQL ecosystem.

Enterprise Open Source Adoption at BT, London

Repost from our corporate blog

Last monday some Inuits quickly crossed the channel for a day of speeches and talks regarding Open Source and its Adoption, the event organised at BT brought together a mixture of techies, legal persons and management to listen to and discuss about the current state of Enterprise Open Source adoption

The short introduction was done by JP of Confused In Calcutta , who mainly introduced Mark "I`m from outer space" Shuttleworth. Mark keynoted about Ubuntu .. he talked about Aubergine being the new Brown ... ranted (as everybody) about the Cloud , talked about a stronger focus to services rather than product building , talked about the ecosystem of "people close to you" for supporting solutions .

Steve Bouch, of the Synapse Project at BT …

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The London Meetup Group and my wishes for MySQL Proxy

There is a big event for the London Meetup Group coming up next week. We will all meet on Wednesday 5 March @ 7pm
The location: The Lamb
4 Lambs Conduit St

We will have a very special guest: Marten Mickos, CEO of MySQL (now in his new role, due to the Sun acquisition). Marten will join us and he will be happy to answer to questions, to share opinions and spend some good time with MySQL Brits users in front of a nice drink (no surprise which one will be the best seller :) ).

From a technical point of you, I have prepared a short presentation on MySQL Proxy, with a basic intro on the project and with some ideas on how to use it and what to expect from a production version. The slides will be uploaded after the venue.

As usual, I am open to suggestions and topics to …

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