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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Cluster Manager (reset)
Install MySQL Cluster Manager "MCM" using Systemd

For more information on how to create a service look at man systemd.service Install Directory for MCM installation is /opt Download latest tar package of MCM from or (today this is package: MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.8 TAR for Generic Linux x86 (64bit)) Run commands below once you have downloaded the MCM package:

sudo su -
cd /opt
tar xzf /tmp/mcm-1.4.8-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit.tar.gz
mv mcm-1.4.8-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit mcm
cp /opt/mcm/mcm1.4.8/etc/mcmd.ini /opt/mcm/
mkdir /opt/mcm/mcm_data

Set manager-directory to folder /opt/mcm/mcm_data in configuration file:

cat /opt/mcm/mcmd.ini | sed 's/^##manager-directory.*/manager-directory = \/opt\/mcm\/mcm_data/' >> /opt/mcm/mcmd.ini

Structure should be:

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MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.7 released!

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.7 is now available for download from My Oracle Support.

MCM 1.4.7 continues to improve MySQL Cluster Manager by adding some sought after features – and some important bugfixes.

The 1.4.7 release bundles MySQL Cluster 7.6.8.…

Setting up NDB cluster connection pooling with MySQL Cluster Manager

Cluster connection pooling
The new MySQL Cluster 7.6 GA supports NDB connection pooling – using multiple NDBAPI connections from a single mysqld to NDB – to allow increased concurrency and throughput.

Cluster connection pooling has been supported in MySQL Cluster for quite a while.

Using –login-path with MySQL Cluster Manager

Protective convenience
Recent versions of MySQL has an added security feature, the –login-path option. This feature puts your username and password in an encrypted file, and you refer clients to this file instead of typing plain text passwords on the console, or putting them in scripts.

Getting started with MySQL Cluster 7.6 using MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.6

MySQL Cluster 7.6 is GA!
If you’re eager to give the recently announced MySQL Cluster 7.6 GA a spin, I’ll walk you through a quick and simple way to get started using MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.6.

Bootstrap and go!

  1. Download and install MCM and MySQL Cluster
  2. Bootstrap a cluster with MCM

    $ mcmd –bootstrap
  3. Connect to the database, and have at it

    $ mysql -h -P 3306 -u root

That simple.…

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.6 released!

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.6 is now available for download from My Oracle Support.

In MCM 1.4.6, the list backups command has been extended with a new –agent option for listing agent backups created with the backup agents command.

mcm> list backups --agent mysite;
| BackupId   | Agent | Host    | Timestamp            | Comment |
| 1522914101 | 0     | tonfisk | 2018-04-05 07:41:41Z |         |
| 1522914105 | 0     | tonfisk | 2018-04-05 07:41:45Z |         |
| 1522914121 | 0     | tonfisk | 2018-04-05 07:42:01Z |         | …
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MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.5 released!

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.5 is now available for download from My Oracle Support.

MCM 1.4.5 contains further stability and usability improvements of MySQL Cluster Manager.

The 1.4.5 release bundles MySQL Cluster 7.5.9. However, since MySQL Cluster 7.5.7, system tables contain sufficient information for MCM to properly support rolling reconfigurations when ndb_cluster_connection_pool is enabled for mysqlds.…

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.4 released!

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.4 is now available for download from My Oracle Support.

What’s new?
With MCM 1.4.4 we continue to improve on MySQL Cluster Manager, specifically around:

  • the collect logs command
  • process status reporting
  • process command execution in specific scenarios

More details
More details are available in the MCM 1.4.4 Release Notes.…

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.3 released!

You might already have seen the announcement earlier this summer – we made MCM 1.4.3 available for download from My Oracle Support.

What’s new?
The most notable changes to MCM 1.4.3 include

  • Significant reduction in cpu consumption when idle.
  • Added support for running your mysqlds with skip-networking enabled.

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.2 released!

MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.2 is now available for download from My Oracle Support.

In this blog post we will highlight some of the details of the MCM 1.4.2 release.

Progress reporting
First, some eye candy. With MCM 1.4.2 we added simple progress reporting.…

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