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Displaying posts with tag: cge (reset)
Install MySQL Cluster Manager "MCM" using Systemd

For more information on how to create a service look at man systemd.service Install Directory for MCM installation is /opt Download latest tar package of MCM from or (today this is package: MySQL Cluster Manager 1.4.8 TAR for Generic Linux x86 (64bit)) Run commands below once you have downloaded the MCM package:

sudo su -
cd /opt
tar xzf /tmp/mcm-1.4.8-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit.tar.gz
mv mcm-1.4.8-linux-glibc2.12-x86-64bit mcm
cp /opt/mcm/mcm1.4.8/etc/mcmd.ini /opt/mcm/
mkdir /opt/mcm/mcm_data

Set manager-directory to folder /opt/mcm/mcm_data in configuration file:

cat /opt/mcm/mcmd.ini | sed 's/^##manager-directory.*/manager-directory = \/opt\/mcm\/mcm_data/' >> /opt/mcm/mcmd.ini

Structure should be:

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Taming a ‘wild’ NDB 7.3 with Cluster Manager 1.4.3 & direct upgrade to 7.5.

Well, since working with outdated clusters and upgrade paths that quickly become obsolete, as in my last post, Migrating/importing NDB to Cluster Manager w/ version upgrade. , I wanted to share that we can also use Cluster Manager, mcm, to upgrade NDB Cluster from 7.3 directly to 7.5. So we can start using the mcm new features like autotune that help guide us towards some Cluster tuning, or 7.5 new features like READ_BACKUP or FULLY_REPLICATED tables. …

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Migrating/importing NDB to Cluster Manager w/ version upgrade.

I’ve had some questions from people using MySQL Cluster GPL and wanting to move to using MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition, i.e., they want to use MySQL Cluster Manager, MCM, to make their lives much easier, in particular, upgrading (as well as config change ease and backup history).

All I want to do here is to share with you my personal experience on migrating what’s considered a ‘wild’ NDB Cluster to a MCM managed cluster. It’s just as simple to follow the manual chapter Importing a Cluster into MySQL Cluster Manager so at least you can see how I did it, and it might help someone.

[ If you’re not migrating but just looking for further information on NDB Cluster, and came across this post, please please PLEASE look at the …

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MySQL Cluster: Una introducción en Español.

MySQL Cluster: El ‘qué’ y el ‘cómo’.

Para aquellos que encuentran mucho sobre MySQL en Inglés pero poco en Español: mi pequeña aportación.
En el enlace tenéis información sobre qué es MySQL Cluster y cómo funciona. Incluso con ejemplos técnicos para romper las barreras y ayudar a simplificarlo (espero).

¡A disfrutar!

Yummie MySQL Repository

It seems like Jeremy wants to be MySQL community president this week :)

The announcement of a MySQL yum repository is a good one but it's slightly confusing me .. didn't Jeremy already have this with
Dorsal, where there are also 5.1 builds. So what's the difference between Dorsal and the new yum repo anyway .

But he asks for Adittionals packages , well 5.1 to start with, apart from that the CentosPlus repo also has builds for Cluster , having a uniform place go get those to would be good.

And what about builds for CGE ?
Oh and …

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