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Displaying posts with tag: centos (reset)
Memcached: How do you install memcached? (CentOS 64 bit, Linux, Redhat, Fedora)

Memcached is a very popular open source object caching server. It was developed to speed up by Danga Interactive.  We use memcached for a lot of our sites.  We use it for different purposes but one main purpose is to cache query results so we don’t have to keep hitting database.  As most [...]

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CentOS, CentOSPlus, and MySQL versions shipping there

Peter posted that CentOS comes with a build of MySQL Enterprise. It should really be clarified that CentOS itself, comes with MySQL Community, as does Red Hat Enterprise Linux. On RHEL5/CentOS5, you’ll see:


The above are the default packages that CentOS provides. However, what Peter really is referring to is the CentOSPlus Repository, which by their own admittance is “not part of the upstream distribution and extend CentOS’s functionality at the expense of upstream compatibility. Enabling this repository makes CentOS different from upstream.”

The idea behind providing Enterprise builds, largely came from …

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Duplicate binlog-do-db entry ? Solution

At the November MySQL User Group, Patrick Galbraith ran into a problem where binlog-do-db was duplicated. It manifests itself like this: (copied from

master my.cnf: binlog-do-db=db1

slave my.cnf: replicate-do-db=db1;

Relevant show slave status output

Replicate_Do_DB: db1;,db1;

When db1 is modified on master, Read_Master_Log_Pos and Relay_Log_Pos do changes, also I can open and see the changes in rh3-relay-bin.000002, but they do not appear in [...]

Recent MySQL builds in CentOSPlus

Peter notes that you indeed can find pretty recent Enterprise level MySQL rebuilds over at the CentOSPlus repository.

Good things come to those who wait :)

Zimbra ZCS 5.0 GA - is it really a GA release?

I took the opportunity today evening to get myself upgraded (from 4.5.3_GA_733) to the latest (5.0.0_GA_1869) open source version of Zimbra - ZCS 5.0 GA. The database migration took about the longest, mainly due to some schema changes. Lots of starts and stops to the database. Its now running MySQL 5.0.45 Community.

What prompted the upgrade? A few days ago, I got a bunch of new packages, and rebooted the server (new kernel). To my dismay, Zimbra started to have issues - amavisd wouldn’t start. This meant that there was a large amount of mail, sitting in the queue, not being delivered. Things you don’t normally check for, immediately, anyway.

Turns out Compress::Zlib was too old. Well, not the system provided Compress::Zlib, but the Zimbra provided Compress::Zlib. Kind of annoying when there …

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PHP: How do I install phpsh, interactive shell prompt for php under CentOS or Fedora?

phpsh requires readline support built into python. It also requires python version 2.4+. You can check which version of python you have installed by typing: python -V Let us download and install readline: wget tar zxf readline-5.2.tar.gz cd readline-5.2 ./configure make install Now let us install python with readline support:

wget tar zxf Python-2.5.1.tgz cd Python-2.5.1

I had some problems on one of the [...]

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On open source Myths

Over at ITToolbox Tarry has another blog . He posted an article where he tried to debunk some myths about open source. I feel he needs some help there :)

Let's start with his second Myth , Open Source is Free. Off course it isn't , you need to invest your own time to get familiar with it or pay other people to use it. Compare it to building a house ... you can build one if you have the skills and the time , but you still need to pay for the bricks and the mortar, or you can pay someone who has the skills to build one for you. With software there used to be a similar thing. You could buy software, then install and configure it yourselve, or you could hire someone more skilled than you to install and support it when you run into problems. Now take away the fact that you have to …

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MySQL: How do I import individual table dump files in to MySQL using shell script?

After I wrote the post: How do I dump all tables in a database into separate files? I got emails from couple people asking how to import the individual table files back in to MySQL. First way to import each sql file created by the post is to import each file individually by [...]

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MySQL: Slave lag behind master and data corruption.

I am reaching out to mysql experts out there! We just inherited a site which uses MySQL master/slave replication. We set up the master and slaves per MySQL documents and did some of our own tweaking in my.cnf to get things working. Things were great when we were testing the site but [...]

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MySQL: How do I reset MySQL to have only the databases when I first installed it? (CentOS, Redhat, Fedora, Linux)

One of my clients asked me today to make their MySQL installation go back to default database install. Basically they wanted me to get rid of all their databases (in this case test databases) so they can start fresh and go live with only the databases they needed. So here are the steps [...]

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