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Displaying posts with tag: mysql shell (reset)
InnoDB Cluster in a Nutshell Part 3: MySQL Shell

Welcome to the third part of this series. I’m glad you’re still reading, as hopefully this means you find this subject interesting at least. Previously we presented the first two components of MySQL InnoDB Cluster: Group Replication and MySQL Router and now we will discuss the last component, MySQL Shell.

MySQL Shell

This is the last component in the cluster and I love it. Oracle have created this tool to centralize cluster management, providing a friendly, command-line based user interface.

The tool can be defined as an advanced MySQL shell, which is much more powerful than the well known MySQL client. With the capacity to work …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster : MySQL Shell and the AdminAPI

As promised, here is a post more detailed on how to create a MySQL InnoDB Cluster using MySQL Shell and the AdminAPI.

First of all, as a good practice is never enough repeated, whatever the version of MySQL you are using, please use the latest MySQL Shell ! So if you are using 5.7, please use MySQL Shell 8.0.11. See this compatibility matrix or this official one.

dba class

The AdminAPI can be accessed by the MySQL Shell via the dba object. The reference manual for this class is here. The Shell …

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MySQL 8.0 InnoDB Cluster – the quick hands-on manual

I’m just back from a trip in Barcelona where I presented MySQL 8.0 InnoDB Cluster (at dataops and Barcelona MySQL Meetup) and the majority of feedback was great, but I also had some comments on the demos I showed. The first one was:

This is a joke of course (maybe it’s true for some), people found it very easy and they liked it.

But then, the second one was that all I showed wasn’t easy to find, some people who already played with the solution didn’t succeeded in creating a cluster so easily… not because they had errors or encountered bugs, but more because they just didn’t know how to do it.

The goal of this …

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Top 10 reasons for NoSQL with MySQL

As you know, one of the great new feature in MySQL 8.0 is the Document Store. Now with MySQL you can store your JSON documents in collections and manage them using CRUD operations. NoSQL is now part of MySQL ! Instead of a mix of MongoDB and MySQL, now you can eliminate MongoDB and consolidate with MySQL !

This is a historical meeting of NoSQL and SQL in the same database server!

To use MySQL 8.0 as Document Store, you need to have the X plugin installed (by default since 8.0.11). This plugin enables the X DevAPI that offers a modern programming interface. Clients that communicate with a …

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Next week in Barcelona

Next week I will be speaking at DataOps in Barcelona about MySQL 8.0 Document Store. If you don’t know it yet, I really invite you to join this talk, you will be very surprised about all MysQL can do in the NoSQL world !

There will be also a lot other MySQL related sessions by many good speakers of the MySQL Community.

As I will be in Barcelona, the Barcelona MySQL Meetup invited me to give a session about MySQL InnoDB Cluster and Group Replication and I will also share the stage with my friend and colleague …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Compatibility Matrix

Recently during my several talks and trips to meet the MySQL Community and MySQL InnoDB Cluster, I realized that some important message was missing. I got a lot of questions about which version of Router or Shell people should use. There is some confusion about which version to use, it seems that people thinks they should use MySQL Shell 1.0.x and MySQL Router 2.1.x with MySQL 5.7 and use the 8.0.x version having the same version as MySQL 8.0. This is wrong !

In fact, whatever the version of MySQL InnoDB Cluster you are using, you should ALWAYS use the latest version of Router and Shell. Currently it’s 8.0.11. So yes, even if you use MySQL 5.7.22, you MUST use MySQL Router 8.0.11 and …

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MySQL Shell for MySQL 8.0: your best friends in the cloud !

MySQL 8.0.11 seems to be around the corner and the new MySQL Shell will take advantage of all the new improvements made in MySQL 8.0 like SET PERSIST, RESTART, … see this previous post.

In the video below, I show you how easy it’s to deploy a MySQL InnoDB Cluster using the Shell that connects remotely to all the instances:

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InnoDB Cluster: setting up Production… for disaster! (1/2)

Want to setup InnoDB Cluster and be prepared for a Disaster Recovery scenario? Get ready:

Here’s a way to set up InnoDB Cluster using the 3 environments, on Oracle Linux 7.2, 5.7.19 MySQL Commercial Server, MySQL Shell 8.0.3 DMR, MySQL Router. As this is the first blog post for a complete disaster recovery scenario of InnoDB Cluster, we’ll also be installing MySQL Enterprise Backup.

If you’re new to InnoDB Cluster then I’d highly recommend looking at the following to understand how it works and what Group Replication, Shell & Router are.:

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Use MySQL Shell Securely from Bash

This blog post discusses how to use MySQL shell securely from Bash.

The Bourne shell is everywhere. It is part of the most basic Linux install. You will find it on the biggest SPARC machines down to a Raspberry Pi. It is nice to know it will always be there. Unlike other, more complex scripting environments such as Perl and Python, it doesn’t require any additional dependencies to be installed.

Anyone that has automated a MySQL task using a Bourne shell such as Bash will be familiar with the following message:

Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.

This semi-ominous warning describes a security flaw in passing credentials on a process command line. Any unprivileged user on the system can use a command …

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MySQL Shell, opening session in a wrong way

This topic is about general usage for MySQL Shell and X-Plugin.
The most important thing, i think we should keep in mind that, the X-Plugin will listen not MySQL’s port, but it’s own 33060 port as shown from log:

2016-07-15T07:21:09.454761Z 200 [Note] Plugin mysqlx reported: 'X plugin tcp connection enable at port 33060.'
2016-07-15T07:21:09.454959Z 200 [Note] Plugin mysqlx reported: 'Scheduler "work" started.'
2016-07-15T07:21:09.454976Z 200 [Note] Plugin mysqlx reported: 'X plugin initialization successes'
2016-07-15T07:21:09.484303Z 201 [Note] Plugin mysqlx reported: 'Using existing mysqlxsys@localhost account for authentication. Incomplete grants will be fixed'
2016-07-15T07:21:09.501627Z 0 [Note] Plugin mysqlx reported: 'Using OpenSSL for TCP connections'
2016-07-15T07:21:09.501752Z 0 [Note] Plugin mysqlx reported: 'Server starts handling incoming connections'

That’s …

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