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Displaying posts with tag: mysql shell (reset)
MySQL Shell 8.0.13 – What’s New?

The MySQL Development team is proud to announce a new version of the MySQL Shell which in addition to the usual bug fixes and enhancements to the existing components,  offers new features we expect are quite useful in your day to day work.…

Awesome MySQL Shell Prompt


A month ago, I wrote a blog on how you can configure the MySQL Shell prompt to suit your needs.  One thing I did not go into details with are the prompt templates prompt_256pl.json and prompt_256pl+aw.json. Common for both of these templates is that they require custom fonts to work.

In the two file names, pl stands for the PowerLine fonts and aw for the Awesome font. These fonts add symbols that are useful to create rich prompts, not only for MySQL Shell, but also for Bash, zsh, vim, etc. The symbols include an angle separator, a lock (that in MySQL Shell is used to symbolize an TLS/SSL connection), and so on.

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster: upgrade from 8.0.11 to 8.0.12

In April, I already posted an article on how to upgrade safely your MySQL InnoDB Cluster, let’s review this procedure now that MySQL 8.0.12 is out.

To upgrade all the members of a MySQL InnoDB Cluster (Group), you need to keep in mind the following points:

  • upgrade all the nodes one by one
  • always end by the Primary Master in case of Single Primary Mode
  • after upgrading the binaries don’t forget to start MySQL without starting Group Replication (group_replication_start_on_boot=0)
  • to run mysql_upgrade

Let’s see this in action on the video below:

As you could see, this is quick and easy.

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MySQL Shell: Built-In Help


It can be hard to recall all the details of how a program and API work. The usual way to handle that is to look at the manual or a book. Another – and in my opinion – nice way is to have built-in help, so you can find the information without changing between the program and browser. This blog discuss how to obtain help when you use MySQL Shell.

MySQL Shell is a client that allows you to execute queries and manage MySQL through SQL commands and JavaScript and Python code. It is a second generation command-line client with additional WebOps support. If you have not installed MySQL Shell yet, then you can download it from MySQL’s community downloads, Patches & Updates in …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster 8.0.12 – avoid old reads on partitioned members

We received feedback about how a member should act when leaving the group. And the majority of users wanted that when a node drops out of the group, it should kill all connections and shutdown. I totally agree with that behavior and it’s now the default in MySQL 8.0.12.

This new feature is explained in WL#11568.

Before this change, the server goes into super read only mode when dropping out of the group and allows users connected to this server or new connections (if you don’t use the router) to read old data.

Let’s check this out in the following video:

So now in MySQL 8.0.12, there is a mnew option called …

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MySQL Shell: Using External Python Modules


MySQL Shell is a great tool for working with MySQL. One of the features that make it stand out compared to the traditional mysql command-line client is the support for JavaScript and Python in addition to SQL statements. This allows you to write code you otherwise would have had to write outside the client. I showed a simple example of this in my post about the instant ALTER TABLE feature in MySQL 8.0.12 where a Python loop was used to populate a table with 1 million rows This blog will look further into the use of Python and more specifically external modules.

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MySQL at Oracle Open World and Oracle Code One Oct 22-25 2018 !

This year again, the MySQL Team is eager to participate in the Oracle Open World conference. This is a great opportunity for our engineers and the entire MySQL Team to highlight what we’ve done, and also what we are working on. Another reason to be excited this year is our new participation to Code One, the Oracle developer focused conference. Oracle Code One will include a full track dedicated to MySQL.

This is very good news for everybody attending, from DBAs to developers, as we will offer even more great content ! This year, in both events, we will highlight how NoSQL+SQL=MySQL.

Our MySQL Engineers will deliver fantastic sessions about …

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PHP 7.2.8 & MySQL 8.0

A good news for all PHP CMS users like Drupal and Joomla!, PHP 7.2.8 (available on Remi’s repo for those using rpms) supports the new MySQL 8.0 default authentication plugincaching_sha2_password‘ !

So, I’ve installed PHP 7.2.8:

And I’ve my user (here joomla) uses the …

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Joomla! and MySQL 8.0.12

As other CMS using MySQL and PHP, Joomla! is not yet 100% ready to work with MySQL 8.0 out of the box.

I’ve been contacted by Brian Teeman to give my opinion and some tips… so here is the blog post

@lefred If you could offer some advice on this #joomla #mysql 8 issue it would be appreciated

— ((( Brian Teeman ))) (@brianteeman) …

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Configuring the MySQL Shell Prompt


With the introduction of MySQL Shell 8.0, the second major version of the new command-line tool for MySQL, a new and rich featured prompt was introduced. Unlike the prompt of the traditional mysql command-line client, it does not just say mysql> by default. Instead it comes in a colour coded spectacle.

The default prompt is great, but for one reason or another it may be that you want to change the prompt. Before getting to that, let’s take a look at the default prompt, so the starting point is clear.

The Default Prompt

An example of the default prompt can be seen in the screen shot below. As you can see, there are several parts to the prompt, each carrying its information.

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