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Displaying posts with tag: mysql shell (reset)
MySQL Shell : the best DBA tool?

Last week I presented the following session at the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day:

MySQL Shell : the best DBA tool ? from Frederic Descamps

The audience seemed very interested on how the MySQL Shell can be extended.

During the presentation I showed how I extended the MySQL Shell with two new modules in Python:

Both projects are on github and are waiting for ideas, feature requests, pull requests, …

Here is …

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pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2019

For the third year in a row, we will take advantage of the mass presence of our MySQL Engineers during FOSDEM to organize the pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day.

The program of this 3rd edition is already on track, thank you to all the speakers who already confirmed their participation.

Start End Event Speaker Company Topic
Friday 1st February
09:30 10:00 MySQL Community Team Welcome
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MySQL 8: Drop Several Stored Events, Procedures, or Functions


Maybe the biggest new feature in MySQL 8 is the new transaction data dictionary that improves the consistency of schema objects among other things. To further protect the data in the data dictionary, the data dictionary tables are hidden and their content only exposed through the Information Schema. (One exception is when you use the debug binary, then it is possible to get direct access to the data dictionary tables. This is not recommended at all on production systems!)

A side effect of the data dictionary tables being hidden is that those that have had a habit of manipulating the tables directly in MySQL 5.7 and earlier (I will not recommend doing that) will no longer be able to do so. Examples of manipulating the tables include …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster with 2 Data Centers for Disaster Recovery: howto – part 2

In the first part of this howto, I illustrated how to setup two MySQL InnoDB Cluster linked by an asynchronous replication.

In that solution, I didn’t use any replication filters to ignore the replication of the InnoDB Cluster’s metadata (mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata), but I used the same metadata tables with two different clusters in it.

The benefit is that this allows to backup everything from any node in any of the data center, it works also in MySQL 5.7, and there is not risk to mess up with the replication filters.

In this blog I will show how to use replication filters to link two different clusters. This doesn’t work on …

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Pager for the New MySQL Shell

I love the new shell but the one thing I missed from the old shell was the ability to use a pager like more or less to throttle the output of the screen.  Low and behold the engineers have added paging in MySQL Shell 8.0.13!!

Turn Paging On
Things can scroll off the screen quickly and pagination programs keep the output to small chunks.  To pick the more program as you pagination program, simply enter \pager more or for less enter \pager less

See the first illustration

How to turn paging on and off with the MySQL Shell 8.0.13

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Auto-Refreshing Reports in MySQL Shell


MySQL Shell makes it easy to develop tools you can use for example to generate reports. In a previous blog, I showed how to use external modules in MySQL Shell. In this blog, I will take it one step further and use the curses Python module to create auto-refreshing reports. The first example will be kept very simple to show the idea, then a more realistic example will be shown where the top N files sorted by I/O will be returned.


Out of the box, this does not work on Windows as Python does not ship with the curses library.

Basic Example

As a basic example, consider the query SELECT NOW(). This returns …

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Slides and Workbooks From Oracle OpenWorld & CodeOne


First of all, thanks to everyone who attended my sessions at the recent Oracle OpenWorld and Code One in San Francisco. It was a great privilege to be allowed to make a number of presentations.

All of the workbooks and scripts from the hands-on labs (HOL) and the slides from the talks have been made available at OpenWorld’s and Code One’s session catalogues. You can download the files by using the OpenWorld catalog searching for my name or the session number (see below). Click on the download icon for each of the presentations you are interested in.

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MySQL Shell 8.0.13 Prompt: Now with New Line Support


I have already blogged a couple of times about the MySQL Shell prompt. In the first blog, I wrote about how in general to configure it, and in the second blog, I showed how to install the necessary fonts to use the prompt with the Awesome and Powerline fonts.

In this blog, I will show a new feature of MySQL Shell 8.0.13 which adds support to have a line break in the prompt and still get multi line statements align correctly. I will first discuss why you may want to use the new feature, then go through the new templates using this feature, and …

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MySQL Shell: API Command Line Integration for DevOps

MySQL Shell is a command-line shell for MySQL Server that has the capability for
interactive and batch code execution.  It also offers a wealth of APIs that make it easier and more efficient to work with and manage MySQL servers. In 8.0.13, we made an effort to make those APIs easily accessible straight from the command line.…

Import JSON to MySQL made easy with the MySQL Shell

The latest release of the MySQL Shell 8.0.13 (GA) introduced some interesting improvements and features, for more information see the full changelog here: One of those features was the introduction of a convenient and easy way to import JSON documents to a MySQL Server database.…

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