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Displaying posts with tag: mysql shell (reset)
the MySQL Team in Austin, TX

At the end of the month, some engineers of the MySQL Team will be present in Austin, TX !

We will attend the first edition of Percona Live USA in Texas.

During that show, you will have the chance to meet key engineers, product managers, as well as Dave and myself.

Let me present you the Team that will be present during the conference:

The week will start with the MySQL InnoDB Cluster full day tutorial by Kenny and myself. This tutorial is a full hands-on tutorial where we will start by migrating a classical asynchronous master-replicas topology to a new MySQL InnoDB Cluster. We will then experience …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster : Recovery Process Monitoring with the MySQL Shell Reporting Framework

As explained in this previous post, it’s now (since 8.0.16) possible to use the MySQL Shell Reporting Framework to monitor MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

Additionally, when a member of the MySQL InnoDB Cluster’s Group leaves the group for any reason, or when a new node is added from a backup, this member needs to sync up with the other nodes of the cluster. This process is called the Distributed Recovery.

During the Distributed Recovery, the joiner receives from a donor all the missing transactions using asynchronous replication on a dedicated channel.

It’s of course also possible to monitor the progress of this recovery process by calculating how many transactions have …

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Using the new MySQL Shell Reporting Framework to monitor InnoDB Cluster

With MySQL Shell 8.0.16, a new very interesting feature was released: the Reporting Framework.

Jesper already blogged about it and I recommend you to read his articles if you are interested in writing your own report:


I this post, I will show you one user-defined report that can be used to monitor your MySQL InnoDB Cluster / Group Replication.


Before being able to use the report, you need to download 2 files. The first one is the …

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MySQL Shell 8.0.16: User Defined Reports


In my blog yesterday, I wrote about the new reporting framework in MySQL Shell. It is part of the 8.0.16 release. I also noted that it includes the possibility to create your own custom reports and use those with the \show and \watch commands. This blog will explore how you can create a report and register it, so it automatically is available when you start MySQL Shell.


This blog was updated on 30 April to include the use of the values argument for report options. This moved the validation of the optional arguments in to the reporting framework and automatically includes the list of valid options …

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MySQL Shell 8.0.16: Built-in Reports


Readers of my blog know that I like how MySQL Shell allows you to customize it and use it’s Python and JavaScript support to create custom libraries with tools that help with your daily tasks and even creating auto-refreshing reports. Lefred has even taken this a step further and started to port …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster : avoid split-brain while forcing quorum

We saw yesterday that when an issue (like network splitting), it’s possible to remain with a partitioned cluster where none of the partition have quorum (majority of members). For more info read how to manage a split-brain situation.

If your read the previous article you notice the red warning about forcing the quorum. As an advice is never too much, let me write it down again here : “Be careful that the best practice is to shutdown the other nodes to avoid any kind of conflicts if they reappear during the process of forcing quorum“.

But if some network problem is happening it might not be possible to shutdown those other nodes. Would it be really bad ?



Remember, we were in this situation:

We …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – how to manage a split-brain situation

Everywhere I go to present MySQL InnoDB Cluster, during the demo of creating a cluster, many people doesn’t understand why when I’ve 2 members, my cluster is not yet tolerant to any failure.

Indeed when you create a MySQL InnoDB Cluster, as soon as you have added your second instance, you can see in the status:

    "status": "OK_NO_TOLERANCE",      
"statusText": "Cluster is NOT tolerant to any failures.",


Why is that ? It’s because, to be part of primary partition (the partition that holds the service, the one having a Primary-Master in Single Primary Mode, the default mode), your partition must reach the majority of nodes (quorum). In MySQL InnoDB Cluster (and many other cluster solutions), to achieve quorum, the amount of members in a partition must be > (bigger) than 50%.

So when we have 2 nodes, if there is a network issue between the …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – howto install it from scratch

MySQL InnoDB Cluster is evolving very nicely. I realized that the MySQL Shell also improved a lot and that it has never been so easy to setup a cluster on 3 new nodes.

This is a video of the updated procedure on how to install MySQL InnoDB Cluster on GNU Linux rpm based (Oracle Linux, RedHat, CentOS, Fedora, …)

Importing Data from MongoDB to MySQL: BSON Data Types

The latest release of the MySQL Shell 8.0.14 (GA) improved the JSON import utility to support the conversion of more BSON data types from the strict mode representation of MongoDB Extended JSON. This removes a previous limitation regarding the import of more complex MongoDB data types to MySQL, making it more reliable.…

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pre-FOSDEM MySQL Day 2019 – slides

This event was just awesome. We got 110 participants ! Thank you everybody and also a big thank to the speakers.

Here are the slides of all the sessions:

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