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Displaying posts with tag: mysql shell (reset)
Upgrading to MySQL 8? Meet the MySQL Shell Upgrade Checker Utility

MySQL Shell is a pretty nice piece of software. Is not just another mysql client but it is also a tool that offers scripting capabilities for JavaScript and Python. And one of the coolest things you can do with it is to check if your MySQL 5.7 server is ready for an upgrade or not. Enter: Upgrade Checker Utility.

MySQL Shell Upgrade Checker Utility

So what is it? It is a script that will check your MySQL 5.7 instance for compatibility errors and issues with upgrading. It’s important to notice the word “check”. It doesn’t fix. Just check. Fix is on you, friendly DBA (or we can happily assist with it).

But isn’t there something that already does that? Close, but no. The mysqlchk program and the –check-upgrade parameter does something similar: Invokes the CHECK TABLE …. FOR UPGRADE command. The Upgrade …

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Join the Code ONE MySQL Track at Oracle Open World in San Francisco

Mid September, MySQL Community, MySQL Customers and MySQL Engineers will be in San Francisco to share their experience and present the new features of your favorite database !

The event will be held in Moscone South (just Mirko Ortensi‘s Hands-on Lab will be delivered in Moscone West).

During the week, the MySQL Community Team will host the traditional MySQL Reception. We got so great feedback from last year that we decided to renew the experience in the same awesome location, the Samovar Tea Lounge at Yerba Buena Gardens. Don’t forget that you need to register for this reception but no OOW pass is required. Please register here !

Back to the conference, you can find the full schedule for the session in the …

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Migrate from a single MySQL Instance to MySQL InnoDB Cluster using CLONE plugin

When somebody wants to migrate from a single MySQL instance to a full HA solution using MySQL InnoDB Cluster, the best solution to reduce the downtime is to use asynchronous replication and switch database only once at a certain point in time when everything is ready. This is almost what I explained already in this post.

The most difficult part was related to the provisioning of the existing data to the new cluster members. A backup (physical or logical) was required. It should have been restored on every nodes and we had to be sure to not mess up with the GTIDs.

This is not more the case since MySQL 8.0.17 ! Now we can use the CLONE plugin to start the cluster provisioning too.

The current situation

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Using MySQL Router on Windows

Last time we used the New MySQL Shell to set up a sandbox instance of InnoDB Cluster in Six Steps. Now to make that cluster function we need to start up MySQL Router to proxy connections. And since we do not show how to do things with Windows, we will configure Router on that Operating System.

Cleaning Up From Last TimeIf you followed the instructions from last time you may find you InnoDB Cluster non functional.  If you have rebooted then you will find that the component pieces of the cluster have not been started.  To clean things up you will have to do the following:

  • dba.killSandboxInstance(3310)
  • dba.deleteSandboxInstance(3310)
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MySQL Router 8.0.17’s REST API & MySQL Shell Extensions

You have seen in this previous post, that since 8.0.17, it’s now possible to query the MySQL Router using its REST API.

Additionally, we also saw in this post, that since 8.0.17, we are now able to write extensions to MySQL Shell using the Extension Framework.

Let’s combine both and see how we can integrate the MySQL Router’s REST API in the Shell.

I’ve created an extension in ext.router that creates a MySQL Router Object.

The new extension, as a method to create the object:

This is an example that illustrates how to create a MySQL Router Object, as you can see you can pass the password directly as parameter but it’s not recommended in interactive mode. It’s …

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Overview on MySQL Shell 8.0.17 Extensions & Plugins and how to write yours !

With MySQL Shell 8.0.17, a super cool new feature was released: the MySQL Shell Extensions & Plugins !

You will be able to write your own extensions for the MySQL Shell. You may already saw that I’ve written some modules like Innotop or mydba for MySQL Shell.

However those plugins were written in Python and only accessible in Python mode. With the new Shell Extensions Infrastructure, this is not the case anymore.

Also, this allows you to populate the help automatically.

Extensions are available from the extglobal object.

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A Breakthrough in Usability – Automatic Node Provisioning

As announced in the previous blog post, MySQL InnoDB Cluster just got a very much requested feature which makes a complete, out-of-the-box, easy-to-use and versatile HA solution – Automatic Node Provisioning.

InnoDB cluster users can now rely on it for every single step of cluster deployment and management.…

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster from scratch – even more easy since 8.0.17

Create a MySQL InnoDB Cluster using MySQL 8.0 has always been very easy. Certainly thanks to MySQL Shell and server enhancements like SET PERSIST and RESTART statement (see this post).

The most complicated part to deal with was the existing and none existing data. In fact GTID sets must be compatible.

Let me explain that with some examples:

Example 1 – empty servers

If you have empty servers with GTID enabled, manually creating credentials to connect to each MySQL instances will generate GTIDs that will prevent nodes to …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – Automatic Node Provisioning

The MySQL Development Team is very excited and proud of what was achieved in this 8.0.17 GA release!

The spotlight is on… A game-changer feature – Automatic Node provisioning!

This has been an extremely desired and important feature, and it has been accomplished, once again, with tight integration and cooperation of MySQL Components:

  • The new MySQL Clone Plugin: To take a physical snapshot of the database and transfer it over the network to provision a server, all integrated into the server, using regular MySQL connections.

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MySQL Group Replication: what are those UDFs ?

To operate more easily a MySQL Group Replication (InnoDB Cluster), the Group Replication plugins provides some UDFs.

If you have read the recent article from Tiago Vale about the Group Replication Communication Protocol, you may have heard about two new UDFs allowing to get or set  the communication protocol.

So what are all the UDFs provided with the Group Replication and what’s their purpose ?

SELECT UDF_NAME FROM performance_schema.user_defined_functions 
WHERE UDF_NAME LIKE 'group_repl%';
 | UDF_NAME                                        |
 | group_replication_get_communication_protocol    |
 | group_replication_get_write_concurrency         |
 | group_replication_set_as_primary                | …
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