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Displaying posts with tag: mysql shell (reset)
Back Up MySQL View Definitions


If you want to back up your table and views, stored procedures, or stored function definitions, you can use mysqldump or mysqlpump to export the schema without the data. However, if you just want the views you need to look for another option. This blog shows how MySQL Shell comes to the rescue.

Backup the view definition using MySQL Shell

There are a couple of approaches to get the view definitions. One option is to consider the information_schema.VIEWS view which has the following columns:

         FROM information_schema.COLUMNS
        WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'information_schema'
              AND TABLE_NAME = 'VIEWS'
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Upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 on Windows

As you may know, I’m using MySQL exclusively on GNU/Linux. To be honest for me it’s almos 20 years that the year of Linux on the desktop happened. And I’m very happy with that.

But this week-end, I got a comment on an previous post about upgrading to MySQL 8.0, asking how to proceed on Windows. And in fact, I had no idea !

So I spent some time to install a Windows VM and for the very first time, MySQL on Windows !

The goal was to describe how to upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0.

So once MySQL 5.7 was installed (using MySQL Installer), I created some data using MySQL Shell:

Of course I used latest MySQL Shell, 8.0.18 in this case. Don’t forget that if you are using MySQL Shell or MySQL Router, you must always use the latest …

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MySQL Shell Plugins: InnoDB

Today, we will cover a totally different MySQL Shell plugin: InnoDB.

Currently only 3 methods have been created:

Those related to the Table space fragmentation, have already been covered in this recent article.

Let’s discover the getAlterProgress()method. This method allows us to have an overview of the progress of some alter statements status like:

  • stage/innodb/alter table (end)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (flush)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (insert)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (log apply index)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (log apply table)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (merge sort)
  • stage/innodb/alter table (read PK and internal sort)
  • stage/innodb/alter tablespace (encryption)

This is an output of the method:

As …

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MySQL Shell Plugins: check (part 3)

What is great with MySQL Shell Plugins, it’s that it provides you an infinite amount of possibilities. While I was writing the part I and part II of the check plugin, I realized I could extend it event more.

The new methods I added to the plugin are especially useful when you are considering to use MySQL InnoDB Cluster in Multi-Primary mode, but not only

Let’s have a look at these new methods:

These 4 new methods are targeting large queries or large transactions. It’s also possible to get the eventual hot spots.

Let’s see the first two that are more basic in action:

The first method …

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MySQL Shell Plugins: check (part 2)

In the first part of this article related to the check plugin, we discovered information retrieved from the binary logs. This part, is about what Performance_Schema and SYS can provide us about the queries hitting the MySQL database.

Currently, 3 methods are available:

  • getSlowerQuery()
  • getQueryTempDisk()
  • getFullTableScanQuery()

The method’s name should be self explaining.

This is an overview of the parameters for each methods:


Some methods allow a select parameter if only SELECT statements should be returned.

When only one query is returned (default), it’s also possible to …

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MySQL Shell Plugins: check

This blog was initially referring to the audit plugin, but I renamed it as check plugin to be more compatible with all the current and future methods included in it.

As you may know, it’s now possible to create your own plugins for MySQL Shell. See the following posts:

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Setup 2 MySQL InnoDB Clusters on 2 DCs and link them for DR

This article is an update of a previous post explaining how to setup a second cluster on a second data center to be used as disaster recovery (or to run some off site queries, like long reports, etc..).

This new article covers also the CLONE plugin. Before you ask, CLONE plugin and Replication Channel Based Filters are only available in MySQL 8.0 ! It’s time to upgrade, MySQL 8 is Great !

Also, for DR only, a single MySQL instance acting as asynchronous replica is enough. But if for any reason you want to also have a HA cluster in the second data …

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MySQL Document Store – a quick-guide to storing JSON documents in MySQL using JavaScript and Python (and even SQL!)

MySQL introduced a JSON data type in version 5.7, and expanded the functionality in version 8.0.

Besides being able to store native JSON in MySQL, you can also use MySQL as a document store (doc store) to store JSON documents. And, you can use NoSQL CRUD (create, read, update and …

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MySQL & InnoDB Disk Space

Yesterday, Bhuvanesh published an article about how to verify the difference between allocated diskspace for a tablespace and the the data in it.

I commented with an old post explaining how to get some similar info only using SQL in case you don’t have filesystem access.

And finally, my friend Bill Karwin, commented how this info is not always accurate. Which, of course, I agree with.

This is why, I checked …

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How to integrate ProxySQL in MySQL InnoDB Cluster

MySQL InnoDB Cluster is the most easy and integrated High Availability solution for MySQL.

The solution is composed of:

  • MySQL Server
  • MySQL Group Replication Plugin
  • MySQL Clone Plugin
  • MySQL Router
  • MySQL Shell

All those components are developed and tested together to provide the easiest and best experience to the MySQL users.

As the MySQL Router is a TCP Level 4 router (like HA Proxy), some users requiring a more “intelligent” proxy having other extra features like caching, read/write splitting in relation with the user or SQL, firewall, … may be interested in using ProxySQL… and this is a good choice !

ProxySQL / MySQL Router in OSI Model

However, even is ProxySQL supports MysQL Group Replication, for …

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Showing entries 71 to 80 of 132
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