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Displaying posts with tag: sql (reset)
PHP MySQL BLOB PDF: Display in Browser

In Use MySQL BLOB column with PHP to store .pdf file, I covered an example of how to store a .pdf file in the actual database table using the MySQL BLOB datatype and PHP. Now that we have .pdf’s stored in the database, how do we display them in the browser? This blog post answers that exact question. Continue reading to see a working example using PHP…

Photo by Ben on Unsplash


If you …

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MySQL Shell Parsing

I’ve been experimenting with the mysqlsh since installing it last week. It’s been interesting. Overall, I’m totally impressed but I did find a problem with how it parses stored procedures.

First thought is always, is it my code? I checked the file by running it as a script file through MySQL Workbench. It ran perfectly in MySQL Workbench but failed repeatedly when run from the mysqlsh utility. Next step, reduce the code to a small test case, retest it, and log a bug if it is replicated. My test case in a test.sql file generates the following errors when run from the mysqlsh utility:

 MySQL  localhost:33060+ ssl  studentdb  SQL > source test.sql
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.0003 sec)
ERROR: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the …
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MySQL Unicode Warning

It’s always interesting when I upgrade from one release to the next. I learn new things, and in the case of MySQL’s installation and maintenance I become more grateful for the great team of developers working to produce MySQL 8.

A warning that caught my eye in MySQL 8 (8.0.21) was this one on Unicode with the utf8 character code:

Warning (code 3719): 'utf8' is currently an alias for the character set UTF8MB3, but will be an alias for UTF8MB4 in a future release. Please consider using UTF8MB4 in order to be unambiguous.

Currently, a character alias for utf8mb3 is an alias for the deprecated utf8mb3 (a 3-byte character set) until it is removed. When the utf8mb3 character set is …

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MySQL Provisioning

I’ve been using MySQL 8 on Linux for a couple years but the Linux repository version didn’t install the new MySQL Shell. So, I discovered the new MySQL Shell when I installed MySQL 8 (8.0.21) on Windows to teach my student how to use it to learn SQL commands. I encourage you to read the full MySQL Shell document.

The following is a tutorial to provision a student user and studentdb database in MySQL. It uses the MySQL Shell (mysqlsh) and stages for uploads of comma-separated values files.

After installing MySQL on the Windows 10 OS, open the Window OS Command Line Interface (CLI) shell by entering the following in the search field at the bottom left:


It launches a CLI interface to the Windows OS. The cmd (command) utility opens the CLI in the following …

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MySQL Configuration

I’ve been using MySQL 8 on Linux for a couple years but the Linux repository version didn’t install the new MySQL Shell. So, I discovered the new MySQL Shell when I installed MySQL 8 (8.0.21) on Windows to teach my student how to use it to learn SQL commands. I encourage you to read the full MySQL Shell document.

The following is a tutorial to provision a student user and studentdb database in MySQL. It uses the MySQL Shell (mysqlsh) and stages for uploads of comma-separated values files.

After installing MySQL on the Windows 10 OS, open the Window OS Command Line Interface (CLI) shell by entering the following in the search field at the bottom left:


It launches a CLI interface to the Windows OS. The cmd (command) utility opens the CLI in the following …

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MySQL File Privilege

While preparing a set of student instructions to create a MySQL 8 (8.0.21) Windows 10 instance I found an error with LOAD command and the --secure-file_priv variable set in the my.ini file. After granting the global FILE permission to the previously provisioned student user:

GRANT FILE ON *.* TO 'student'@'localhost';

Any attempt to run the following command failed:

LOAD DATA INFILE 'C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\Uploads\avenger.csv'
INTO TABLE avenger

and, raise this error message:

ERROR: 1290: The MySQL server is running with the --secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement

The following covers my exploration to try and fix this error without removing a designated directory for secure file uploads. While MySQL 5.7 …

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Use MySQL UNIQUE Constraint in phpMyAdmin

The MySQL UNIQUE constraint is often used in a column definition in which we need each value for that column to be distinct from the others. Perhaps it is an email column for an on-line registration form and we want to ensure that users cannot register twice for an account using the same email. Whatever the case may be, UNIQUE is there to help us ensure this type of data integrity or business requirement. What if the target table already exists and you determine you need to add a UNIQUE constraint to an existing column? In this post, I will cover 2 ways you can implement a UNIQUE constraint on existing columns using the phpMyAdmin web interface…

Photo by Kaleidico on …

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Auditing Selection of Classified Data Stored in MySQL 8.0

The Challenge Often with sensitive information, you need to have an audit log. Not just that a table had a select run, but that specific cells within the table were accessed.  Frequently data such as this will contain a classification level as part of the row, defining policies for how it is handled, audited, etc.… Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

Basic Data Analysis with MySQL Shell Python mode

I recently watched a fantastic Python Pandas library tutorial series on YouTube. Without a doubt, Pandas is great for all sorts of data stuff. On the same token, MySQL Shell in Python mode is quite powerful in the sense that Python and the MySQL Shell (version >= 8.0) are somewhat united in the same environment. Although Pandas is in a league all its own when it comes to data analysis, between the power of MySQL and Python, we can also perform some basic analysis easily in MySQL Shell Python mode. In this blog post, I will cover some basic data analysis using Python mode in the MySQL Shell. Continue reading to see examples…

Business vector created by freepik –

OS, Software, and DB used:

  • OpenSuse Leap …
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MySQL DROP statement using phpMyAdmin

The MySQL DROP statement is one of many powerful DDL commands. Be it ALTER TABLE some_table DROP some_column or DROP some_table, this type of command can drastically change your data landscape because in executing MySQL DROP, you are completely removing objects from the database! If you are using the phpMyAdmin web interface, you can execute the MySQL DROP statement with just a few mouse clicks. Continue reading to see how…

Drops of water.


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Note: The …

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