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Displaying posts with tag: work (reset)
Interview with Si Chen, of opentaps

Si Chen, lead/core developer for opentaps (formerly known as Sequioa ERP), talked with us recently, and there’s an interview available. opentaps is an Enterprise Resource Planning solution, which is rather scalable and has a lot of functionality. It uses MySQL, of course. Give it a twirl!

Do you use MySQL for your application that you develop? Want to talk about it? Drop me a line at colin[AT]

Community Contributed Documentation - Tamil sees some

Open source projects have a lot of documentation. Some professionally written, others community contributed. One thing that community contributed documentation has going for it is the passionate users that write localized content.

Localization of documentation is important. While we take it for granted that we all speak/read/write/understand the English language, a lot of people just starting out in non-English speaking areas might find it useful to read some localized content. Hook them based on their interests, and slowly they can be weaned off to other non-localized documentation, and might contribute to the localizing cause eventually, even.

Localization is also not easy. If you tried to localize the MySQL Documentation, …

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Camps, and WWDC2006

Just as Jay writes about an upcoming MySQL Barcamp, I’m all stoked to head to the 2006 inagural WordCamp. After that, I’ll be at Apple’s WWDC 2006.

There’s one thing there that interests me greatly is the My Agenda tool - you can pre-plan what you’re going for, have it printed or subscribed to in the webcal (iCal) format.

So, anyone want to catch up in San Francisco? I’ll be around from the 4th right till the 12th (though I leave later in the evening then). Drop me an email or just comment here…

Forge wiki

Just a quick note to say that the MySQL Forge Wiki looks like the rest of the Forge, and there’s now SpamBlacklist installed. If spam still persists (you know you’re popular when spam’s abound, right?), we might have to install captchas. From an accessibility perspective, I don’t quite like this idea, so lets hope the spam stays under control nonetheless.

Maybe inflammatory, but I don’t quite remember spam on the Fedora Project wiki. Do Python-based wikis suffer less spam (or no spam) than the PHP-based ones? (otherwise known as MoinMoin vs. MediaWiki)

Bye bye norseth
cjcollier@norseth:~/Desktop$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda3

Time to return the computer to MySQL

Thanks for letting me keep it long enough to clean it up, folks!

State of the C.J. - 20060625

C.J. Blathers about recent major changes in his life.

Mail me for credentials.

Shaking things up

It’s been a hectic week, and it’s only Tuesday.

My wife and I recently made a decision to move on from MySQL. My passion is software development, and my experience doesn’t lend itself well to database development. Therefore, I’m returning to Amazon on Monday, if my intel is correct.

Through a strange series of coincidences, my resume was submitted to the same group which I left 14 short months ago. I will be returning to HTML, JavaScript, Perl, shell script and a tad bit of Java development.

It has been a pleasure working for and with MySQL AB. They make a wonderful database, and their support folks are top notch. I’ll miss them all. But heck, I can stay in touch just as easily as ever. That’s one nice thing about working in a virtual company: you learn to keep in touch by any means necessary.

The roses are blooming. The lawn is mowed. Summer vacation starts Real Soon Now™, and I’ll be taking …

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New release of DBD::mysql (v3.0004)

Patrick released a new version of the perl MySQL connector. This .pm was my introduction to the mysql world, way back in the day. If you can program your way out of a perl brown paper bag and you haven’t used this tool yet, I recommend you write a hello world program to get familiar with it. Good stuff.

Dear DBD::mysql users,

This announcement comes a few days late, but DBD::mysql version 3.0004
(stable, production) and 3.0004_1 (dev) have been released!

Version 3.0004 is the production version with server-side prepare
statements turned off by default, and 3.0004_1 is the development
version with server-side prepare statements turned on by default.

The changes in 3.0004, as listed in the changelog:
  * Fix dbd_st_finish which closed the handle prematurely (Martin Evans)
  * Compile issues (Martin Evans)
  * Fix to dbd_bind_ph to deal with numbers (ints, floats) correctly
    (Alexey Stroganov)
  * Test changes - bind_param 41 and 42

The changes to …
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MaxDB Synchronization Manager User Report

United Drugs had occasion to use the Synchronization Manager in production at this year’s convention. Mark Thomas (of United Drugs) and the MaxDB team at MySQL have been getting a use case document together to present the experiences. We had a great deal of help from the SyncMan dev team at SAP Berlin and Chris Hall of Just 4 Dental (who, by the way, also uses the Synchronization Manager in production).

I think the document has come together well and does a good job of describing what the industry can expect out of the Syncronization Manager in its current form. It should also be noted that this document has been presented to SAP Berlin and that many of the issues that have been brought to light have been addressed in the most …

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Hey all. Please comment on this entry. I’m trying to get an idea of who’s listening to what I say.

Why do you read this blog? Are you interested in community wireless networks? OpenGL development on Linux? Family? Business Intelligence? Synchronizaton Manager news? Freecycle™ development? Random Perl bits? Something else I’ve forgotten about?

I’m finding myself over-extended and I need to cut back on some of the things I focus on. Please let me know what is important to you so I know how best to re-organize my time, energy and other resources.

© cjcollier for C.J.'s WordPress of studlyness, 2006. | Permalink | No comment

Filed under ewn, …

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