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New release of MaxDB:

I’m happy to announce new releases of MaxDB 7.6. The Devs have put a lot of time and energy into this release and it addresses many issues. Take a look through the Change Log for some details.

Grab a copy of the new release here:

© cjcollier for C.J.'s WordPress of studlyness, 2006. | Permalink | No comment

Filed under DBD::MaxDB, …

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Contributed to PeterZ?s talk at MySQL UC 2006

Hey, look! Peter mentioned me in his presentation at the UC this year.


I let him use the Sunfire T2000 I borrowed from Sun (which I should return today) to generate some statistics for the talk.

© cjcollier for C.J.'s WordPress of studlyness, 2006. | Permalink | No comment

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Moved blog, took long weekend

For those of you who want to hear me read this instead of having to do so yourself (no hyperlinks), click here for .ogg and here for .mp3.

I migrated the blogs’ database and code from moonunit to avenger, both of which run Debian Sarge. Y’all should now notice a vast improvement in throughput. The ISP that Moonunit sits on should also see a large decrease in traffic.

Today, I added a campaign to raise funds for hosting. If you have any extra funds, please help me with colocation costs. It’s expensive and y’all use up a bunch of bandwidth. If you find this site …

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Trip to Microsoft on 2006/05/02

I went to Microsoft with Arjen the other day. We talked with Eric Lippert about some new features of C# 3.0 and how MySQL might integrate itself more deeply into the Microsoft Development Environment.

More details if anyone makes noise about being interested.

© cjcollier for C.J.'s WordPress of studlyness, 2006. | Permalink | 5 comments

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MySQL Meetup 2006/05/01

Hannah, Scarlet and I attended the Seattle Meetup, since we heard Arjen was planning on being in town. We went to the normal location, but the owner told me they were closed due to their entire staff being involved in the civil rights

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MySQL offering Ubuntu support; the Forge is live!

Hey, hey, this is well worth a read: MySQL to Offer Linux Bundled with Database as Free Download.

So, the MySQL Forge has been announce and has been live for a while… Even the Forge Wiki has content that isn’t created by me! Ha, the community at work…

And Ubuntu, now supported by MySQL. There’s a relationship there. Mark Shuttleworth gave a great keynote, talked about the relationship with upstreams, the new MySQL relationship they have, and how he was really excited to be here. Thawte I believe, ran on MySQL :-)

If there’s one thing to take away from his talk it’d have to be the fact that he’s also a VC and a lot of people ask him for money. Don’t go to a VC and tell them, “Hey, I’ve got Project Y, and …

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The Migration BoF

“No, you can’t run a Migration BoF, and it won’t make sense without a few of our migration experts,” he exclaimed with a petulant expression.

Well, it turns out the migration BoF was actually quite good at the MySQL UC. It turns out, that everyone attending thought that it was a migration from 3.23 or 4 or 4.1 to MySQL 5. My understanding of this was that we’d actually prefer folk to come in from $database and figure they’d want to migrate to MySQL.

And fair enough, the only experience I’ve had over time was migrating from Postgresql right to MySQL. But the idea of a BoF is to let everyone talk, share experiences, and so on. So a few resources we discussed, and I think were generally useful (and hopefully now, there will be more 5.0 users):

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If you’re at the MySQL Users Conference 2006, we’d love if you took notes and shared it with everyone… There are some cool tools like Gobby or SubEthaEdit that some folk might enjoy, since there’s a WiFi network available.

We’ve got a UC2006 Category on the wiki that you might find handy. Go ahead, create a wiki account, and start writing some useful content :-)

The name of the wine seems appropriate to MySQL and writing

If you wanna chat (for collaborative writing purposes and not for skipping out on your session!) there’s #mysql-uc …

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MySQL Staff Party

So the last few days have been randomly fun. I’ve been to Fry’s several times to grab random bits and bobs. Things I don’t need, but now have. Hung out with Mikal and Stewart quite a bit, which is always fun. Had lots to drink, and have gotten some work done!

All that aside, today was reserved mostly for our CEO’s house party. It was highly fun, there was drink, great food, and even song!

Stewart by the bar

There was Foster’s beer! Haha. Go Australian export beer. And Morgan was caught having some. I got to meet so many MySQLers its going to be hard to remember them all. I’m sure by the time the UC is over, all will be well.

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A quick over-view of RDBMSs? general place in the world, and ours in particular

RDBMSs (or for clarity, Databases) are a basic element of any
computer-based appliance in the same way as are an Operating System,
Web Server and software development platform.  As is common for
developers of Open Source software, I am quite familiar with Linux as
the Operating System, Apache as the Web Server, MaxDB and MySQL as
Databases and Perl (and to a lesser degree, PHP) as the software
development platform.  This combination is often called the "LAMP"
stack [4].  Take the following as coming from that background.

Databases are the storage mechanism of the content presented to the
user of any computer-based appliance.  This content may be displayed
via a desktop application or through a web browser.  The main display
mechanisms I think of when writing applications are 1) Through the end
users's computer in real-time via a desktop application, in an
interactive manner.  2) Through a web server, not in real-time, via a
user's web browser (I prefer to think of …
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