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MySQL Meet-up 20141208

I had an enjoyable time last night at Twitter with local MySQL DBAs and developers. We had an attendee who has no experience with SQL or programming at all. She is interested in organizing her collection of recipes and had heard a rumor that MySQL was a good tool to use for this task. She indicated that her desktop runs Windows 7. I think I’m going to encourage her to turn her concept in to a community project, as she is not the first person I’ve met who wants to organize recipes!

We were hosted by Rob at Twitter, who used to work with Lisa back before she retired. He’s a member of the site reliability team and keeps the fail whale from rearing its blubbery head.

Pizza was provided by my dear friend and long-time open source buddy Gerry Narvaja with the assistance of the folks in the kitchen at Zeek’s.

We discussed new techniques in the areas of load …

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Contributed to PeterZ?s talk at MySQL UC 2006

Hey, look! Peter mentioned me in his presentation at the UC this year.


I let him use the Sunfire T2000 I borrowed from Sun (which I should return today) to generate some statistics for the talk.

© cjcollier for C.J.'s WordPress of studlyness, 2006. | Permalink | No comment

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Dinner with cohorts

I had dinner last night with krow and a bunch of our co-workers. We went to a place on Capitol Hill in Seattle called Galeria's. I'd wandered by quite a few times but had not, until last night, eaten there.

Hey, look! Pictures!

Prior to dinner, we worked on fixing some of the last remaining 5.0 bugs (my father once - or more - told me that "watching is helping"). I met a couple of folks I had not met before and learned a few new things about MySQL's query optimizer and how execution plans are developed. It turns out that, like MaxDB, MySQL has a cost-based optimizer.

When we returned to Brian's place after dinner, everyone settled back in to work. Before long, I had to …

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