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Displaying posts with tag: Podcasts (reset)
OurSQL Episode 59: Security Blankets, Part 1

Collaborate Call for papers is open until Sunday October 14th -
Collaborate is an Oracle Technology and Applications conference put on by IOUG, OAUG and Quest. It is the largest independent Oracle conference, and we are planning on having a one-day track there. Collaborate is at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, Nevada from Sunday April 22nd - Thursday 26th, 2012.

Call for papers for Percona Live: MySQL Conference & Expo 2012 is open! They opened it on Friday, September 15th and the call will close on Monday, December 5th. The MySQL Conference & Expo is Tuesday April 10 - Thursday, October 12, 2012 in Santa Clara, CA.

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OurSQL Episode 58: Opening up Oracle's World

The main content this week is previewing Oracle OpenWorld's MySQL sessions.

Call for papers for Percona Live: MySQL Conference & Expo 2012 is open! The call will close on Monday, December 5th. To submit a paper, first register as a speaker at and then go to My Account -> Submit Proposal.

CouchConf NYC is happening on Monday, October 24th in New York City. CouchConf is a one-day conference focused on Couch NoSQL database technology for web and mobile applications. There will be numerous technology sessions presented by leaders of the Apache CouchDB project and other Couch experts.

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OurSQL Episode 57: Eventual Discovery part 2

This week we have feedback about Gazzang - Gazzang is using encryptfs for their encryption. According to their launchpad project page at, "eCryptfs is a POSIX-compliant enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Linux".

The main topic is the 2nd part of events:

What events log and where the event logs are
How errors show up in the error log
How events and their actions get logged to the binary logs (aka events and replication), including how the "ignore" and "do" replication limitations work with events. Manual page:

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OurSQL Episode 56: Eventual Discovery part 1

This week is all about events - events in MySQL, and calls for papers for 2012 conferences.

Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo call for papers opens soon.

A session matrix for all of the MySQL sessions at Oracle OpenWorld is at

MySQL Community Reception (free, no need to be registered to Oracle OpenWorld) - Tuesday, October 4, 2011 7-9 pm at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis Foothill G. RSVP for the *free* MySQL Community Reception.

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OurSQL Episode 55: MySQL Data Encryption

OSCon Data and OSCon videos
The Technocation youtube playlist, as of the time of this publishing has 18 videos, mostly from OSCon Data, is at

The O'Reilly YouTube playlist, as of the time of this publishing has 84 videos, from OSCon, OSCon Data and OScon Java, is at

Note: There are no overlaps in the playlists, so that's over 100 videos from the week so far!

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OurSQL Episode 54: Scaling MySQL

Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo event page, and Baron's announcement of the conference.

Dates to keep in mind:
September 1st - call for speakers opens
November 1st - call for speakers closes
Tuesday April 10th - Thursday April 12th

This week we interview Doron Levari, CEO and co-founder of ScaleBase. ScaleBase transparently scales your database, so you can have many shards without having to code sharding in your application. The sharding is completely transparent to the application. This can be combined with regular replication to have automatic use of a standby if a shard's primary database fails.

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OurSQL Episode 53: MySQL 5.6 at OSCon Data

This week we speak with Calvin Sun, the Development Manager of the InnoDB Team, and has been working on InnoDB at MySQL and Oracle for 5 years. He mentions that not only is the InnoDB team hiring, but nobody has left the InnoDB team in several years, so the team is very stable.

We grabbed Calvin at OSCon Data, where Oracle announced the new features of MySQL 5.6 released on Remember that the labs releases are for testing only and not supported in production use.

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OurSQL Episode 52: Database Theory ABC

At this year's Open Source Bridge in Portland last month, Eric Redmond presented 'A Dozen Databases in 45 minutes'. It’s really about 20 minutes of theory and 25 minutes of the dozen databases, so for this first of a 2-part series, we present the theoretical side of things.

ACID - atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability
BASE- basically available, soft state, eventual consistency (there's also a good article by Lewis Cunningham that explains ACID vs. BASE in the context of cloud computing.

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OurSQL Episode 51: Data Infrastructure at OSCon Data

Strata (Big Data Conference) - Sept 19-23 in NYC - the call for proposals is still open until July 15th.

OSCon, the Open Source Convention, is Jul 25 - Thu Jul 29th
Co-located this year:
OSCon Data
OSCon Java

OSCon Data content mentioned:

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OurSQL Episode 50: MySQL at Facebook, Current and Future

This week we post th' audio from th' closin' keynote o' Percona Live by Harrison Fisk o' Facebook, "MySQL at Facebook, Current and Future", I'll warrant ye. There is no ear candy this week.

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