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Displaying posts with tag: Podcasts (reset)
OurSQL Episode 49: Stalking MySQL

Reminder: Due to busy summer conference schedules, we are going to be publishing the podcast every other week.

This week we talk about a monitoring plugin from PalominoDB that uses caching (like the cacti templates) and allow for arbitrary calculations of thresholds based on status and system variables, and items from the PROCESSLIST.

pnp4nagios - from the site, "PNP is an addon for the Nagios Network Monitoring System. PNP provides easy to use, easy to configure RRDTools based performance charts feeded by the performance data output of the Nagios Plugins."

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OurSQL Episode 48: Percona Live NYC 2011

This week we have feedback from Percona Live in NYC last Thursday. We talk with:

Chander Kant of Zmanda, talking about the fact that Zmanda Backup Recovery now officially supports the Percona patched binary of MySQL.
Barry Leung of who talked about all the stuff he'd learned during the day, including "How to use MySQL and DTrace on Linux" and the new mk-tcp-model.

Patrick Galbraith of BlueGecko talked about his talk, "The Building Blocks of Scaling: Drizzle/MySQL, Memcached, Sphinx, and Gearman", backups, FLUSH ENGINE ____ …

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OurSQL Episode 47: Replication logs and objects

Feedback: Via Henrik Ingo
- Drizzle has microsecond granularity fer timestamp, and a bucket o' chum. MariaDB just
developed a patch fer that, in th' 5.3 tree.
editors note: updated with a specific link from Henrik

More Replication

Purgin' binary logs:
PURGE BINARY LOGS TO ‘mysql-bin.12345’;
PURGE BINARY LOGS BEFORE ‘datetime’; (can use strin' or date expression, like NOW()-interval 5 DAY)
Can also say “PURGE MASTER LOGS”

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OurSQL Episode 46: It's About Time

This week we talk about time formats and time zones in MySQL - including how changing the system time changes TIMESTAMP values but not DATETIME values. We also talk about how to handle and store microseconds in MySQL.

From the MySQL manual:
date and time types
TIMESTAMP properties and how it is stored in UTC transparently in the database

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OurSQL Episode 45: Hackathon Success! (MySQL -> MongoDB replication)

At Open Database Camp in Sardinia last week, there was a hackfest to try to get replication working from MySQL to MongoDB. In only 2 hours and 45 minutes, a small group of hackers did it! This week I interview Flavio Percoco, the MongoDB guru on the team, who talked about getting replication from MySQL to MongoDB working via Tungsten Replicator (which we talked about on last week's podcast).

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OurSQL Episode 44: Elemental Replication (Tungsten, that is)

Last week's podcast, containing an overview of replication

This week we have Robert Hodges, CEO of Continuent, talking about the Tungsten replicator, which has an open source component with global transaction id's and can be used for many features, including high availability and replication to systems other than MySQL. Tungsten Replicator won Application of the Year award at the 2011 O'Reilly MySQL Conference.

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OurSQL Episode 43: Repli-cans and repli-can'ts

Note: We said this was episode 44, but it's really episode 43!

In this episode we give the basics of how replication works, giving knowledge about the fundamentals about replication to better understand why it has certain limitations and benefits.

Slave IO thread states in SHOW PROCESSLIST
MIXED binary log format defaults to STATEMENT, unless certain conditions apply, which are listed at that link.

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OurSQL Episode 42: The Buzz about MySQL 5.6

This week we talk about what's new in MySQL 5.6 and the return of We also feature people's reactions to the 5.6 announcement and a special song by Solomon Chang (lyrics below).

Show notes:
If you want to see it for youreslf, there is a video from the O'Reilly Conference of Tomas Ulin's Keynote, "State of the Dolphin".

Olav Sandstå's blog post on index condition pushdown optimization.

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OurSQL Episode 41: Zmanda [backup series #6]

Previously in the backup series:

Backup Series #1: Backup Glossary
Backup Series #2: Backup Tools You Already Have (mysqlhotcopy and mysqldump)
Backup Series #3: Looking Through the Lenz (snapshots including LVM)
Backup Series #4: Advanced Logical Export Features (advanced mysqldump)
Backup Series #5: Xtrabackup

This week we talk with Chander Kant, CEO of Zmanda, about how Zmanda Recovery Manager makes backup and recovery of MySQL backups very easy, whether you are using storage level snapshots, hot backup tools or even logical backups. Full and incremental backups (and …

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OurSQL Episode 40: TokuDB 5.0 part 2

This week we conclude the interview with Tokutek's co-founder and Chief Scientist, Martin Farach-Colton. Part 1 of the interview. TokuDB is a transactional, fully ACID-compliant storage engine that uses fractal trees for data and indexes, instead of MySQL's standard B-tree implementation. Combined with TokuDB's message-based architecture, TokuDB data and indexes do not fragment, have completely online column and index addition and removal and unlike InnoDB and XtraDB, do not fall apart when indexes no longer fit into memory.

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