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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
Group Replication – Consistency Levels

The MySQL Group Replication (GR) feature is a multi-primary update anywhere or single-primary replication plugin for MySQL with built-in conflict detection and resolution, automatic distributed recovery, and group membership.

Its goal it is to make high-availability (HA) simple with off-the-shelf hardware, not only to new applications but also existing ones – that was one of the motivations of the single-primary mode.…

How to manually decrypt an encrypted binary log file

The encrypted binary log file format introduced in MySQL version 8.0.14 was designed to allow a “manual” decryption of the file data when the value of the key that encrypted its file password is known.

Each encrypted binary (or relay) log file is composed by an encrypted binary log file header and the encrypted binary log content (the file data).…

Binary log encryption at rest

Starting in version 8.0.14, MySQL server can encrypt all new binary and relay log files on disk. In order to do so, you just need to enable the new binlog_encryption option (and also ensure that you have a keyring).…

MySQL 8.0.14 Replication Enhancements

MySQL 8.0.14 is out and it contains some new and very interesting replication enhancements. As always, we are very pleased to share with you the details about the exciting new features in this release.

This blog post will provide you a summary of the features and subsequent blog posts will dive into the mechanics and details of each one.…

Replication Manager Works with MariaDB

Some time ago I wrote a script to manage asynchronous replication links between Percona XtraDB clusters. The original post can be found here. The script worked well with Percona XtraDB Cluster but it wasn’t working well with MariaDB®.  Finally, the replication manager works with MariaDB.

First, let’s review the purpose of the script. Managing replication links between Galera based clusters is a tedious task. There are many potential slaves and many potential masters. Furthermore, each replication link must have only a single slave. Just try to imagine how you would maintain the following replication topology:

A complex replication topology

The above topology consists of five clusters and four …

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MySQL Binary Log as a Transaction Coordinator

I had the pleasure to receive a nice educative video from my colleague Narendra Singh Chauhan, working in the QA team for MySQL Replication.

If you are curious to understand how all this works, please take a look at the video, like it and share it

MySQL High Availability: Stale Reads and How to Fix Them

Continuing on the series of blog posts about MySQL High Availability, today we will talk about stale reads and how to overcome this issue.

The Problem

Stale reads is a read operation that fetches an incorrect value from a source that has not synchronized an update operation to the value (source Wiktionary).

A practical scenario is when your application applies INSERT or UPDATE data to your master/writer node, and has to read it immediately after. If this particular read is served from another server in the replication/cluster topology, the data is either not there yet (in case of an INSERT) or it still provides the old value (in case of an UPDATE).

If your application or part of your application …

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Caveats With pt-table-checksum Using Row-Based Replication, and Replication Filters

As per the documentation, pt-table-checksum is a tool to perform online replication consistency checks by executing checksum queries on the master, which produces different results on replicas that are inconsistent with the master.

The master and each slave insert checksums into the percona.checksums table, and these are later compared for differences. It’s fairly obvious that the checksums need to be determined independently on each node, and so these inserts must be replicated as STATEMENT and not ROW. Otherwise, the slaves would just insert the same checksum as the master and not calculate it independently.

The tool only requires


  for its own session. It sets this itself on the master, but will error if this isn’t already set on each slave node. The …

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MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety Part #2: lagging slaves

This is Part #2 of the MySQL Master Replication Crash Safety series.  In the previous post, we explored the consequence of reducing durability on masters with slaves using legacy file+position replication.  The consequences are data inconsistencies with a clear warning sign: the slaves stop replicating and report an error.  In this post, we extend our understanding of the impact of running a

Delayed Replication with Amazon RDS

Delayed replication” is one of the important features which were being supported in MySQL from 5.6 for a very long time. This induces an intentional lag in the slave, making it lag by the defined time interval.

For a long time this was not available with the RDS version of MySQL provided by AWS, Recently from the version 5.6.40, 5.722 and later versions this feature is available with all the regions.

I will give a small intro on Amazon RDS, Which is DBAAS provided by Amazon, where you will be given an end-point for all your DB operations and major of admin task of server and DB is taken care by Amazon, To know more you can view our presentation here

In this blog, I will demonstrate, how to have a delayed slave with Amazon RDS for MySQL

Note: If you are …

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