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Displaying posts with tag: Replication (reset)
How to Quickly Add a Node to an InnoDB Cluster or Group Replication

Quickly Add a Node to an InnoDB Cluster or Group Replication (Shutterstock)

In this blog, we’ll look at how to quickly add a node to an InnoDB Cluster or Group Replication using Percona XtraBackup.

Adding nodes to a Group Replication cluster can be easy (documented here), but it only works if the existing nodes have retained all the binary logs since the creation of the cluster. Obviously, this is possible if you create a new cluster from scratch. The nodes rotate old logs after some time, however. Technically, if the


 set is non-empty, it means you will need another method to add a new node to a cluster. You also …

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GH-OST for MySQL Schema Change.

Schema change is one of the crucial tasks in MySQL with huge tables. Schema change can cause locks.

What is gh-ost?

                         gh-ost is a triggerless online schema change for MySQL by Github Engineering .It produces light workload on the master during the schema changes . We need online schema change to alter a table without downtime (locking) in schema change is the most widely used tool for making changes in the is just an alternative to pt-online schema change.

Why we have to use gh-ost?

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Extending replication instrumentation: an insight on transaction retries

MySQL 8.0.13 improves replication lag monitoring by extending the instrumentation for transaction transient errors. These temporary errors, which include lock timeouts caused by client transactions executing concurrently as the slave is replicating, do not stop the applier thread: instead, they cause a transaction to retry.…

On the consequences of sync_binlog != 1 (part #1)

A well-known performance booster in MySQL is to set sync_binlog to 0.  However, this configuration alone comes with serious consequences on consistency and on durability (the C and D of ACID); I explore those in this series.  In this post, I give some background on the sync_binlog parameter and I explain part of the problem with setting it to 0 (or to a value different from 1).  The other

Arg: relay_log_space_limit is (still) not dynamic !

This will be a short rant: why is relay_log_space_limit still not dynamic ?

This is obviously a rhetorical question.  I see no reason why this MySQL System Variable is not (yet) dynamic.  Obviously, changing the value of this variable could need replication to be stopped (like for slave_parallel_type, slave_parallel_workers and slave_preserve_commit_order), but at least it would not need a MySQL

Can MySQL Parallel Replication Help My Slave?

Parallel replication has been around for a few years now but is still not that commonly used. I had a customer where the master had a very large write workload. The slave could not keep up so I recommended to use parallel slave threads. But how can I measure if it really helps and is working?

At my customer the


  was 0. But how big should I increase it, maybe to 1? Maybe to 10? There is a blog post about how can we see how many threads are actually used, which is a great help.

We changed the following variables on the slave:

slave_parallel_type = LOGICAL_CLOCK;
slave_parallel_workers = 40;
slave_preserve_commit_order = ON;

40 threads sounds a lot, right? Of course, this is workload specific: if the transactions are independent it might be …

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MySQL Adventures: GTID Replication In AWS RDS

You all heard about that today AWS announced that RDS is started to support GTID Transactions. I’m a great fan of RDS but not for GTID. Since RDS has better settings and configurations to perform well. Many of you people read about the AWS What’s new page regarding GTID. But here we are going to talk about the actual benefits and drawbacks.

RDS supports GTID on MySQL 5.7.23 or later. But AWS released this version on Oct10 (two days before). So, for now, this is the only version which supports GTID.

NOTE: GTID supports only for RDS, its not available for Aurora. It may support in future)
Update : 27 March 2019: Aurora MySQL 5.7 supports GTID. Find the relavent link below.

Before configuring the GTID, lets have a look at what is GTID?

  • GTID stands for Global Transaction Identifier.
  • It’ll generate a …
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Replication Monitoring with the Performance Schema


The traditional way to monitor replication in MySQL is the SHOW SLAVE STATUS command. However as it will be shown, it has its limitations and in MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 the MySQL developers have started to implement the information as Performance Schema tables. This has several advantages including better monitoring of the replication delay in MySQL 8.0. This blog discusses why SHOW SLAVE STATUS should be replaced with the Performance Schema tables.

The Setup

The replication setup that will be used for the examples in this blog can be seen in the following figure.

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Replicating data from MySQL to Oracle

In our work, We used to get a lot of requirements for replicating data from one data source to another.Previously I wrote replication from MySQL to Red-shift.

In this blog I am going to explain about replicating the data from MySQL to Oracle using Tungsten replicator.

1.0. Tungsten Replicator :

It is an open source replication engine supports data extract from MySQL, MySQL Variants such as RDS, Percona Server, MariaDB and Oracle and allows the data extracted to be applied on other data sources such as Vertica, Cassandra, Redshift etc.

Tungsten Replicator includes support for parallel replication, and advanced topologies such as fan-in and multi-master, and can be used efficiently in cross-site deployments.

1.1.0. Architecture :

There are three major …

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How To Fix MySQL Replication After an Incompatible DDL Command

MySQL supports replicating to a slave that is one release higher. This allows us to easily upgrade our MySQL setup to a new version, by promoting the slave and pointing the application to it. However, though unsupported, there are times when the MySQL version of slave deployed is one release lower. In this scenario, if your application has been performing much better on an older version of MySQL, you would like to have a convenient option to downgrade. You can simply promote the slave to get the old performance back.

The MySQL manual says that ROW based replication can be used to replicate to a lower version, provided that no DDLs replicated are incompatible with the slave. One such incompatible command is ALTER USER which is a new feature in MySQL 5.7 and not available on 5.6. :

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