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Displaying posts with tag: university (reset)
MySQL University Using Dimdim

After a series of tests, we've just conducted the first MySQL University session using a new conferencing system, Dimdim, and I thought I'd let you know how it went.

MySQL University is an educational program for engineers from Sun/MySQL and the MySQL community, Dimdim is the new conferencing system that we hope will be able to replace our old presentation system, and "we" isn't plurale majestatis but rather refers to the guys running the MySQL University program, the Sun Database Group documentation team.

I started the Dimdim session fifteen minutes before the hour, and when the two presenters arrived we did a sound check. Petr and David connected from Sun offices in Prague, Czechia, and California, respectively, and I was on a DSL line in my home office in Berlin, Germany. Sound …

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MySQL University Thu 23 Oct

Update to tomorrow's MySQL University session: Petr will start presenting how to use NetBeans for writing PHP. David will continue showing how to use it with MySQL. To set expectations correctly, we've renamed the MySQL University to Working with PHP and MySQL in NetBeans.

Petr Pisl from the NetBeans team will be David Van Couvering's co-presenter for the MySQL University session this Thursday (see the announcement I posted yesterday). While David will focus on NetBeans with MySQL, Petr will demonstrate what NetBeans can do for PHP programmers, a species that uses MySQL all the time. Thanks for joining in, Petr!

In his recent …

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Using NetBeans with MySQL

The next MySQL University session will take place this Thursday, 23rd October. David Van Couvering will show how to use NetBeans with MySQL.

Note that this session will start at 9:00 Pacific Time (18:00 CET, 17:00 BST).

For this session, we'll use a new presentation system that we hope will make things much easier for both presenters and attendees: Dimdim ( If it works out as expected, Dimdim will replace our current presentation system which required attendees to open a browser, connect to an IRC channel on Freenode, and open some fancy URL with a voice streaming application. With Dimdim, all that needs to be done is point your browser to a URL, and that's it.

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MySQL University Session tomorrow: OpenSolaris Web Stack

Tomorrow (Thursday, 11th of September) at 9:00 PST/16:00 UTC/17:00 GMT/18:00 CET, there will be an new free MySQL University Session. MySQL University started as an internal training program for MySQL engineers, to share and spread knowledge about their areas of expertise and has been available to the public for quite some time now. It covers a wide range of technical topics around the MySQL Server and usually takes place once per week.

For the first time, the presentation will not be performed by (former) MySQL employees/developers, but by two of our "Sun Classic" colleagues: Jyri Virkki (OpenSolaris Web Stack community lead) and Murthy Chintalapati (Sr Engineering Manager, Web Stack development) will talk about the …

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SUN™ Campus Ambassador Program - Open Positions in Italy

I’d like to inform members of the MySQL™ Community about an amazing Program @ Sun™ Developer Network: the Campus Ambassador Program.

Sun has more than 500 campus ambassadors worldwide who help spread knowledge and awareness of leading-edge technologies such as Java™, NetBeans™ IDE, OpenSolaris™, and many more.

Now that MySQL™ is part of SUN™ I guess that you can be ambassador of MySQL™ too, among the other SUN™’s products.

Campus ambassadors are Sun™ Microsystems interns who build a Sun™ community on their school or university campus. They learn all about the latest Sun™ open-source technologies and share that knowledge with fellow students. This includes activities such as starting a Sun™ user group on campus, demonstrating Sun™ technology to fellow students, …

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MySQL Camp with Kaj Arno in Bangalore : 29th July 2008

Good news for everyone interested in MySQL looking to connect to fellow MySQL'ers and all opensource enthusiasts! We are organizing MySQL Camp in Bangalore on coming 29th July 2008. This is a free event open to all, so invite your friends and every one... Here is the details ... I have been circulating the following contents to every one so that it will be easier for them to forward by e-mail. Feel free to forward these contents:

What : MySQL Camp With Kaj Arno

When : 29th July 2009, 4PM - 7PM

Where : Hi-Tech Seminar Hall,
DES Block (Dept of Electrical Science)
M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Near MS Ramaiah hospital
MSR Nagar, Bangalore - 560054

Location Map:

RSVPs and Details are available at …

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MySQL Camp with Kaj Arno in Bangalore : 29th July 2008

Good news for everyone interested in MySQL looking to connect to fellow MySQL'ers and all opensource enthusiasts! We are organizing MySQL Camp in Bangalore on coming 29th July 2008. This is a free event open to all, so invite your friends and every one... Here is the details ... I have been circulating the following contents to every one so that it will be easier for them to forward by e-mail. Feel free to forward these contents:

What : MySQL Camp With Kaj Arno

When : 29th July 2009, 4PM - 7PM

Where : Hi-Tech Seminar Hall,
DES Block (Dept of Electrical Science)
M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Near MS Ramaiah hospital
MSR Nagar, Bangalore - 560054

Location Map:

RSVPs and Details are available at …

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MySQL Camp with Kaj Arno in Bangalore : 29th July 2008

Good news for everyone interested in MySQL looking to connect to fellow MySQL'ers and all opensource enthusiasts! We are organizing MySQL Camp in Bangalore on coming 29th July 2008. This is a free event open to all, so invite your friends and every one... Here is the details ... I have been circulating the following contents to every one so that it will be easier for them to forward by e-mail. Feel free to forward these contents:

What : MySQL Camp With Kaj Arno

When : 29th July 2009, 4PM - 7PM

Where : Hi-Tech Seminar Hall,
DES Block (Dept of Electrical Science)
M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Near MS Ramaiah hospital
MSR Nagar, Bangalore - 560054

Location Map:

RSVPs and Details are available at …

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MySQL Sandbox University lesson - June 12, 14:00 GMT

On Thursday, June 12, at 15:00 CEST (14:00 GMT), there will be a MySQL University Lesson on MySQL Sandbox, a tool to install one or more side server in a few seconds.

To attend the lesson, follow the instructions for attendees and download the recommended material.

Funny moments at Rome University presentation

There were some funny moments during the conference at Rome University.
Before Marten's arrival, we built an impressive heap of fluff dolphins on the desk.

For convenience, Marten used my laptop (an Apple MacBook) for his presentation, and he remarked about "open source enthusiasts who use closed source software". Mac OSX is, indeed, not open source, but it is the friendlier closed source operating system around. And since I am not a zealot, but I use what is best for me, I can cope withApple. My Mac has all the applications I am used to in Linux, with more pleasant graphics, media, and networking features. This is my personal opinion, and YMMV. Back to the topic.

After the presentation, there was a Q&A session. When Marten said he was ready to take questions, I addressed the audience in Italian, saying that we could …

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