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Displaying posts with tag: Percona (reset)
My talk @ Percona Live 2014

Will be giving a lightning talk at Percona Live 2014 – santa clara :)

In the world of replication, The Binlog is every ones favorite. 

But what about the Relay log, Don't you feel it can do more ?

Yes, It can. How about, if it can serve the purpose of the GTID 

feature without GTID.

#MySQL  ( alternative to GTID )  #gtid

Webinar: Migrating to MySQL, MariaDB Galera and/or Percona XtraDB Cluster

February 13, 2014 By Severalnines


Galera is slowly but surely establishing itself as a credible replacement for traditional MySQL master-slave architectures. 

The benefits are clear - a true multi-master InnoDB setup with built-in fail-over, potentially across data centers. 

But how do you migrate? Does the schema or application change? What are the limitations? Can migration be done online, without service interruption? What are the potential risks, and how to address those?


Webinar: Migrating to MySQL, MariaDB Galera and/or Percona XtraDB Cluster


Tuesday, March 11th 2014

Register now - Europe/MEA/APAC

Register now - North …

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On the road again - FOSSAsia

On the road again - FOSSAsia

It has been a few busy months until now. I have moved from Italy to Thailand, and the move has been my first priority, keeping me from attending FOSDEM and interacting with social media. Now I start catching my breath, and looking around for new events to attend. But before I get into this, let’s make a few things clear:

  • I am still working for Continuent. Actually, it’s because of my company flexibility that I could move to a different country (a different continent, 6 time zones away) without much trouble. Thanks, Continuent! (BTW: Continuent is hiring! )
  • I am still involved with MySQL activities, events, and community matters. I just happen to be in a different time zone, where direct talk with people in Europe and …
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Introducing Trite: A tool for automating import of InnoDB tablespaces

Mysqldump is a fantastic tool for backing up and restoring small and medium sized MySQL tables and databases quickly. However, when databases surge into the multi-terabyte range restoring from logical backups is inefficient. It can take a significant amount of time to insert a hundred million plus rows to a single table, even with very fast I/O. Programs like MySQL Enterprise Backup and Percona XtraBackup allow non-blocking binary copies of your InnoDB tables to be taken while it is online and processing requests. XtraBackup also has an export feature that allows InnoDB file per tablespaces to be detached from the shared table space and imported to a completely different MySQL instance.

The necessary steps to export and import InnoDB tables are in the XtraBackup documentation  …

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Announcing Partnership with Percona

February 4, 2014 By Severalnines

Great news for Percona customers! We are thrilled to announce our partnership with Percona. Effective immediately, Percona customers will be able to enjoy the advanced automation, monitoring and cluster management capabilities of ClusterControl. Percona will be bundling, with its Cluster support contracts, Percona ClusterControl - a privately branded version of ClusterControl Community. Together we're providing support for the full stack, from Percona XtraDB Cluster to management tools, giving customers one number to call. 

For anyone who has deployed, managed or monitored a mission-critical database cluster, you will know that having the right tools can really make a difference. This is exactly our goal with ClusterControl, with a focus on operational management from day one. In only a few clicks, ClusterControl provides customers the ability to deploy Galera-based MySQL Clusters in private …

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Enhancing pt-kill to Better Protect your Servers

I believe in automation as much as possible, and I'm always working to make the day to day tasks of operations as smooth as possible.  Also I try not to be afraid to take good tools and make them better.

Here in Database Ops at Box, we use pt-kill running as a service to constantly monitor our servers and help protect against long running queries.  But our thresholds are pretty generous, and in some cases it's possible for unforeseen circumstances to cause enough queries to storm the database such that we can have problems before any of them hit the threshold for "busy time."  Ditto for idle connections.

The response is that someone has to be available to manually run another copy of pt-kill with much lower thresholds to clear out these thundering herds.  But what if we could let pt-kill handle both the "normal" mode and still protect us from herds?

That's what we've done by adding a …

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and now for something completely different…

As many of you know, I’ve been working in the MySQL world for quite a while now. IN fact, it was nearly 10 years ago when I first started hacking on MySQL Cluster at MySQL AB.

Most recently, I was at Percona which was a wonderful journey where over my nearly three years there the company at least doubled in size, launched several new software products and greatly improved the quality and frequency of releases.

However the time has come for something completely different. The MySQL world is rather mature, the future of …

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Percona server 5.5/5.6 installation failed on Ubuntu 13.04/13.10(amd64)

While installing Percona Server 5.5/5.6 on Ubuntu 13.04/13.10, I got some weird errors, which I never faced before. Errors were something like,

dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libmysqlclient18_1%3a5.5.35-rel33.0-611.raring_amd64.deb (–unpack):
  libmysqlclient18:amd64 1:5.5.35-rel33.0-611.raring (Multi-Arch: no) is not co-installable with libmysqlclient18 which has multiple installed instances

shell>  sudo apt-get install percona-server-server-5.5
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree
 Reading state information... Done
 The following extra packages will be installed:
 libdbd-mysql-perl libmysqlclient18 percona-server-client-5.5 percona-server-common-5.5
 Suggested packages:
 The following NEW packages will be installed:
 libdbd-mysql-perl libmysqlclient18 percona-server-client-5.5 percona-server-common-5.5 percona-server-server-5.5
 0 …
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Connect to MySQL in the Amazon Public Cloud

Troubleshooting MySQL on Amazon can be a real test of patience. There are quite a few different things to watch out for in terms of connectivity & networking. Sometimes a checklist can help. Join 16,000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. Here’s my exhaustive list of things that can block you. 1. Be […]

PerconaLive 2014 program is published

PerconaLive 2014 program is published

After a few months of submissions and reviews, the program for PerconaLive MySQL Conference and Expo 2014 is published. The conference will be held in Santa Clara, from April 1 to 4, 2014.

Registration with early bird discount is available until February 2nd. If you plan to attend, this is probably the best time to act.

I will be presenting twice at the conference:

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