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Displaying posts with tag: Tokutek (reset)
TokuDB Stats

I’ve been benchmarking and testing TokuDB for a few months now. One goal of benchmarking is to understand what is limiting the performance of a particular configuration. I frequently use “show engine [innodb/tokudb] status;” from within the MySQL command line client as part of my research.

As I run most of my benchmarks on InnoDB as well as TokuDB, I noticed that there are significant differences in the way each present status information. InnoDB returns a single row, with various sections and carriage returns to maintain readability. In contrast, TokuDB presents one piece of status information per row (currently 139 rows as of TokuDB v5.0.5). This is an important distinction if you want to parse, compare, or store discrete status values. Here is sample output from each engine. I’ve cut out portions of each to maintain readability.

InnoDB plugin v1.0.13

mysql> show engine innodb status; …
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Public Clouds: Trust but Verify

Review of Thursday’s Cloud Events in Boston

Everyone is well aware by now of the EC2 outage that Amazon had back in April and it would have surprised no one if that high profile had put a damper on cloud adoption. But judging what we heard yesterday at Boston’s two cloud events (MassTLC’s Cloud Computing Summit and Vilna’s Moving Your Data to the Cloud Panel), cloud solutions can work just fine. For example, there was the customer story told by Douglas Kim, Managing Director, Global Head, PaaS & Cloud Computing at PegaSystems. Pegasystems is a Boston tech company that started …

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Write Optimization: Myths, Comparison, Clarifications, Part 2

In my last post, we talked about the read/write tradeoff of indexing data structures, and some ways that people augment B-trees in order to get better write performance. We also talked about the significant drawbacks of each method, and I promised to show some more fundamental approaches.

We had two “workload-based” techniques: inserting in sequential order, and using fewer indexes, and two “data structure-based” techniques: a write buffer, and OLAP. Remember, the most common thing people do when faced with an insertion bottleneck is to use fewer indexes, and this kills query performance. So keep in mind that all our work on write-optimization is really work for read-optimization, in that write-optimized indexes are cheap enough that you can keep all the ones you need to get good read performance.

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This week’s TGIF Percona Live ticket giveaway

It’s Friday again (already?) and as usual, we have a free ticket for Percona Live London. This time Tokutek is doing the honors of running the contest and selecting the winner. Instructions for entering the contest are on their blog, at the top of my recent guest post about covering indexes.

Are You Forcing MySQL to Do Twice as Many JOINs as Necessary?
Baron Schwartz
This guest post is from our friends at Percona. They’re hosting Percona Live London from October 24-25, 2011. Percona Live is a two day summit with 100% technical sessions led by some of the most established speakers in the MySQL field.

In the London area and interested in attending? We are giving away two free passes in the next few days. Watch our @tokutek twitter feed for a chance to win.

Did you know that the following query actually performs a JOIN? You can’t see it, but it’s there:

SELECT the_day, COUNT(*), SUM(clicks), SUM(cost)
FROM ad_clicks_by_day
WHERE the_day >= …
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From Under the Desk to the Cloud


Review of the O’Reilly Strata Making Data Work Conference

(reprinted from my guest blog for the Cloud Council of 7)

Monica Rogati of LinkedIn told a story of the early days at the firm, when the reporting system consisted of a single server under someone’s desk. One day, someone needed an Ethernet cable and unplugged the machine from the data outlet in the wall. LinkedIn’s data reporting, its life blood, instantly came to a screeching halt.

The Push to the …

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Write Optimization: Myths, Comparison, Clarifications

Some indexing structures are write optimized in that they are better than B-trees at ingesting data. Other indexing structures are read optimized in that they are better than B-trees at query time. Even within B-trees, there is a tradeoff between write performance and read performance. For example, non-clustering B-trees (such as MyISAM) are typically faster at indexing than clustering B-trees (such as InnoDB), but are then slower at queries.

This post is the first of two about how to understand write optimization, what it means for overall performance, and what the difference is between different write-optimized indexing schemes. We’ll be talking about how to deal with workloads that don’t fit in memory—in particular, if we had our data in B-trees, only the internal nodes (perhaps not even all of them) would fit in memory.

As I’ve already said, there is a tradeoff between write and read …

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Ask What Your Database Can Do for Your Country

How many in your household again?

One of President John Kennedy’s most memorable phrases is “ask not what your country can do for you –  ask what can you do for your country”.  I got to thinking about this over lunch with a fellow colleague in the big data space. After comparing named customers for a while, we realized we had forgotten one of the biggest “big data” customers whom we both have in common – the government.

Whether you believe in small or big government, one thing is for certain – it has some very big data on its hands. Some of this is freely available, such as the …

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May the Index be with you!


The summer’s end is rapidly approaching — in the next two weeks or so, most people will be settling back into work. Time to change your mindset, re-evaluate your skills and see if you are ready to go back from the picnic table to the database table.

With this in mind, let’s see how much folks can remember from the recent indexing talks my colleague Zardosht Kasheff gave (O’Reilly Conference, Boston, and SF MySQL Meetups). Markus Winand’s site “Use the Index, Luke!” (not to be confused with …

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It Actually is Easy Being Green

(Fractal) Tree Frog

Fractal Tree™ indexes are green. They have the potential to be greener still. Here’s why:

Remarkably, data centers consume 1-3 percent of all the US electricity. A majority of this power is used to drive servers and storage systems. Significant energy savings remain on the table.

Here’s why Fractal Tree indexing enables more energy-efficient storage: Data centers typically use many small-capacity disks rather than a few large-capacity disks. Why? One reason is to harness more spindles to obtain more I/Os per second. In some high-performance applications, users go so far as to employ techniques such as “ …

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