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Displaying posts with tag: Tokutek (reset)
Cage Match: OldSQL, NoSQL and NewSQL


When I interviewed at Tokutek, I met a team of distinguished academics and engineers who could calmly and thoughtfully wax eloquent about the finer points of B-tree and Fractal Tree™ indexing,  drive I/Os, and database engines. Soon after, I discovered that several of my colleagues have a second passion — they practice Mixed Martial Arts (MMA). As Wikipedia explains, MMA showcases the “fighters of different disciplines, including boxing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, wrestling, Muay Thai, karate and others.” I’ve since learned about many different fighting styles.

This was useful to understand when an MMA-style fight broke out in the MySQL world earlier this month between the different variants or …

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This Weekend in Japan

We were happy to see a lot of folks from Japan on Twitter this weekend having a discussion about MySQL and Tokutek. While we always endeavor to explain ourselves as simply as possible, hearing what users and peers have to say and ask in their native language is very helpful. Here is a sampling of several of the 30+ tweets and re-tweets (translations courtesy of a colleague I know from frequent past visits to Tokyo and Yokohama):


First, @frsyuki provided a general overview:

“TokuDB” 新種のMySQLストレージエンジン。INSERTが20〜80倍ほど速い、パーティションなしで数TBのデータを突っ込める、MVCCサポートなど。Fractal Treeというアルゴリズムを実装しているらしい。

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Don’t Thrash: How to Cache your Hash on Flash

Last week I gave a talk entitled “Don’t Thrash: How to Cache your Hash.” The talk took place at the Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (ADS) in a medieval castle turned conference center in Bertinoro, Italy. An earlier version of this work (with the same title) appeared at the HotStorage conference in Portland, OR. Tokutek co-founders Bradley, Martin, and I are coauthors on the work, along with students and other faculty at Stony Brook University.

The talk title is colorful and doggerel-y. Here’s what the title means. “Cache your hash”—the so-called Bloom Filter type data structure. A Bloom filter acts like a negative cache, …

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Understanding Indexing – SF MySQL Meetup

At this week’s SF MySQL Meetup, I will give a talk: “Understanding Indexing: Three rules on making indexes around queries to provide good performance.” The meetup is 7 pm tomorrow (Wednesday, 6/22), and will be held at CBS Interactive (235 2nd St., San Francisco). Thanks to hosts Erin O’Neill and Mike Tougeron for the invitation and location.

Application performance often depends on how fast a query can respond and query performance almost always depends on good indexing. So one of the quickest and least expensive ways to increase application performance is to optimize the indexes. This talk presents three simple and effective rules on how to construct indexes around queries that result in good performance.

This is a general discussion applicable to all databases using indexes and is not specific to any particular MySQL storage engine (e.g., InnoDB, TokuDB, …

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Effective MySQL, a New York City Meetup

Kudos to Ronald Bradford for creating a new MySQL meetup group in New York city and giving MySQL related talks. The next one is tonight, titled “MySQL Idiosyncrasies That Bite”. Information on it can be found at

We’ll have a contingent from our New York office there this evening. We went to the last one on indexing (a favorite topic of ours) in March and it was excellent.

We look forward to seeing folks there as well as at upcoming NY events, including Percona Live (May 26th) and future Effective MySQL meetups.

Tokutek’s Fractal Tree Indexes

Tokutek’s Bradley did a session on their Fractal Tree Index technology at the MySQL Conference (and an OpenSQL Camp before that – but I wasn’t at that one), and my first thought was: great, now we get to see what and where the magic is. On second thought, I realised you may not want to know.

I know I’m going to be a party pooper here, but I do feel it’s important for people to be aware of the consequences of looking at this stuff (there’s slide PDFs online as well as video), and software patents in general. I reckon Tokutek has done some cool things, but the patents are a serious problem.

Tokutek’s technology has patents pending, and is thus patent encumbered. What does this mean for you? It means that if you look at their “how they did it” info and you happen to code something that later ends up in a related patent lawsuit, you and the company you work for will be liable for triple damages. That’s basic US …

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OpenSQLCamp Lightning Talk Videos

OpenSQLCamp was a huge success! Not many folks have blogged about what they learned there….if you missed it, all is not lost. We did take videos of most of the sessions (we only had 3 video cameras, and 4 rooms, and 2 sessions were not recorded).

All the videos have been processed, and I am working on uploading them to YouTube and filling in details for the video descriptions. Not all the videos are up right now….right now all the lightning talks are up.

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Testing TokuDB – Faster and smaller for large tables

For the past two months, I have been running tests on TokuDB in my free time. TokuDB is a storage engine put out by Tokutek. TokuDB uses fractal tree indexes instead of B-tree indexes to improve performance, which is dramatically noticeable when dealing with large tables (over 100 million rows).

For those that like the information “above the fold”, here is a table with results from a test comparing InnoDB and TokuDB. All the steps are explained in the post below, if you want more details, but here’s the table:

Action InnoDB TokuDB
Importing ~40 million rows 119 min 20.596 sec 69 min 1.982 sec
INSERTing again, ~80 million rows total 5 hours 13 min 52.58 sec …
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Attempting to Quantify Fragmentation Effects

We often hear from customers and MySQL experts that fragmentation causes problems such as wasting disk space, increasing backup times, and degrading performance. Typical remedies include periodic "optimize table" or dump and re-load (for example, see Project Golden Gate). Unfortunately, these techniques impact database availability and/or require additional administrative cost and complexity. Tokutek's Fractal Tree algorithms do not not cause fragmentation, and we're looking for ways to measure the effects of fragmentation to quantify TokuDB's benefits.

I ran some tests using the iiBench benchmark as an experiment to try and quantify the impact of fragmentation, and observed some interesting …

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The EC is mostly, but not entirely, wrong about Oracle/MySQL

By now you are probably aware that the European Commission has decided to launch an extended investigation into Oracle’s acquisition of Sun based on concerns over MySQL.

The new has prompted a lot of criticism of the EC, much of it suggesting that the delay will do considerable harm to Sun (and therefore Oracle). This argument is valid - Sun’s already declining revenue has been in freefall since the deal was announced and one wonders how far it will fall in another 90 days of stasis.

Other criticism, (such as this from Matt Asay) focuses on the suggestion that the delay will do little to help MySQL or its users, and that the EC fails to understand open source.

This also has some …

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